Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2022 The rich man’s wedding

Perhaps the speed of China has stimulated these people who are used to being unorganized. Even the women who are cooking delicious food are much faster.

It’s actually easy to hold a wedding banquet here, just big bastards, mutton and chicken. Generally there is no beef because there are many Hindus and this is a taboo.

A big pot of mutton stew, a big pot of chicken stew, some rice and wine, the food and wine are finished. As for wine, the wine here in Nepal is very cheap, but the reading is low.

Yang Geyong called and asked Yang Geyong to send some sorghum alcohol. He really couldn't get used to the wine here. It was boring and had a taste that he didn't like.

When Wei Yuxiang received the call, he naturally didn't dare to delay for a moment, and drove over in person in a pickup truck and drank wine. Just kidding, if a brother is a groom, he must support this matter.

The main reason is that he and Yang Geyong now have information in each other's hands, so they don't have to worry about anyone leaking the secret. As for Ye Yuze, Wei Yuxiang has never been worried. He would not tell anyone about this kind of thing even if he was beaten to death.

Most Nepalis are good at singing and dancing. When the banquet started, men and women started dancing in the venue.

They also have a habit that no matter what festival it is, their elders will put tikkas on their foreheads. Just use some unknown red powder and apply it on the center of your eyebrows.

Isn't it that Yang Geyong was staring at the fallen Tika being dragged into the venue to dance.

Even though Yang Geyong is not good at singing, he is definitely good at dancing. From the Kazakh whirling dance to the African hula, they are all quite amazing.

So at the end of the dance, the dance floor basically became his solo performance, and the original dance partners could only stand outside and applaud.

The little flower's eyes were shining like a proud little fox. She was deeply proud of her IQ, so she abducted an outstanding man and brought him home.

But looking at the wolf-like looks of the girls around him, Xiao Huaer gritted his teeth and rushed forward. Although he couldn't do any tricks, he was his man, and he must let those women see that he was my husband.

The men were all drunk very quickly. They had no choice but to drink such strong wine. It was so exciting.

Ye Yuze was also pulled up to sing a few songs, and there was another round of applause. After a while, the women were also drunk.

Grandpa Xiao Hua'er hugged her fat grandma and said proudly: "I'm just saying that this granddaughter will definitely be more promising than the two sons in the future, right?"

Grandma was a little disapproving: "I don't believe that such a person can have no wife?"

Grandpa smacked his lips: "So what? They are all in China. He won't be able to take away the child born by Xiao Hua'er. I don't believe that he will ignore the child in the future and leave the mountain to him. Let's retire!"

The bonfire danced happily under the moonlight, and the aroma of chicken and mutton lingered in the night sky. The strongest smell is the alcohol of sorghum, which intoxicates the wind that blows.

The cheerful crowd just now fell asleep one by one. Holding each other’s arms around people you may not have known just a moment ago.

For example, Wei Yuxiang had a dirty old man in his 60s lying in his arms.

The happiest person was Ye Yuze. There were several girls lying around him. Originally, the most dazzling one today was Yang Geyong. But Xiao Hua'er's grip was too tight, and no one dared to get close.

On the contrary, Chen Tianjiao was holding a fat aunt in his arms, and Zhuoma was hugging his waist tightly from behind, and they both slept so soundly.

The chickens in Nepal seem to be lazier than those in China. When they crow, the sun comes out. A group of people got up and were about to say goodbye. Grandpa was unwilling to let go and told everyone that after three days of carnival, there was enough meat and enough wine. After a burst of cheers, everyone entered the state of yesterday again.

After Xiao Hua'er woke up, she took Yang Geyong to inspect the territory. Ye Yuze and Chen Tianjiao followed behind. Xiao Hua'er's expression was proud, as if telling Yang Geyong:

"This is the country I have laid for you, you must protect it."

Ye Yuze and Chen Tianjiao have been discussing in a low voice that the four seasons are not obvious in this place. Anyway, things can grow all year round. Such a large area would be wasted if allowed to grow wildly.

Ye Yuze picked an orange from the tree and tasted it. Although it was not big, it was very sweet, so he called Yang Geyong:

"Brother, why don't you plant trees and some fruits? Basically anything can grow in the climate here."

Before Ye Yuze finished speaking, Chen Tianjiao pointed to the river below: "Build a reservoir below to raise aquatic products. I will invest in it."

Yang Geyong nodded: "Two beloved ladies, I've got your predictions right. Please kneel down and pay your respects!" A few people instantly fell into a quarrel.

Yang Geyong picked up Xiao Hua'er and put it directly on his shoulders. He slapped her butt twice hard: "Why did you lie to me?"

Xiao Hua'er looked innocent: "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Yang Geyong pointed to this large piece of land: "You said life is very hard. You have to do a lot of work every day and you can't eat anything. What can this place lack?"

The corners of Xiao Hua'er's mouth raised: "Lack of mobile phones, lack of instant noodles, lack of bread, lack of Coke."

A few people were stunned for a moment. Well, what a powerful reason. It really doesn't exist in these mountains that people say.

It is definitely impossible to walk through the entire territory. It is estimated that it will take two days. After looking at the entire territory from a high place, the three people decided to make the first investment after the establishment of the company.

The coffee in Nepal is good. We can transport hundreds of thousands of saplings to the mountains, build a reservoir in the valley, raise fish, and build a few villas. At least it can be used as a vacation place in the future.

In a few years, this area will be developed into a coffee garden, aquatic product base, and tourism can also be launched. Of course, you have to talk to grandpa about these things, he is the real landlord.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I spoke to the old man, he waved his hand and said, "You guys talk to Xiao Hua'er. I will transfer the land deed to her name in the next few days, and she will be responsible for raising our family from now on."

Ye Yuze sighed, no wonder Xiao Hua'er has such a high IQ. Does he have such a grandfather? It seems that from now on, my brother will be the ox that pulls the cart.

The negotiation went very smoothly, mainly because Lachman was very capable and sincerely cooperated with Mei Ting to finalize the matter.

However, construction requires people from China, and the technology here is not up to par. At present, highway and railway projects here are basically outsourced, and the winning bidders are almost all Chinese companies.

Many construction materials have to be imported from China. The only thing that is not allowed to be imported is sand and gravel, which Nepal is rich in.

Chen Tianjiao insisted on using Brother Company as their company name. This guy swore that he would follow Ye Yuze's lead in the future.

Ye Yuze didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, this company had nothing to do with brother companies elsewhere.

In addition to investing in Xiaohuaer's mountain, the brother company also decided to build a cement plant. There have been more and more infrastructure construction projects in Nepal in recent years, and there is a huge gap in building materials. Warrior Steel Plant can be said to be like a duck in water.

But cement still needs to be imported in large quantities. The technical content of cement is not very high. The raw materials are everywhere in Nepal. It is just a matter of importing a set of equipment and Junken City can make it.

Lachman did not expect that people would buy one and get one free, so he approved the place with a stroke of his pen. Several factories are not located together. The automobile factory is located in the urban area, so there is basically no pollution.

The cement factory has to be placed in the mountains, firstly because of pollution problems, and secondly to facilitate the collection of raw materials. With this excuse, at least Chen Tianjiao has an excuse to stay here for a long time.

Tang Jun called several times to come over, but Chen Tianjiao resolutely refused, and sarcastically said: "What do you, an IT man, know about burning cement and planting trees? Just be honest and look after the house."

As for my wife, I exaggerated the harsh environment here and paired it with some photos. She was so moved that she choked with sobs and told him to take care of himself and spend enough money.

Compared with the increasing number of infertility patients in the country, Xiaohuaer and Cuomu became pregnant very quickly. Seeing that these two people would definitely not be able to leave for the time being, Ye Yuze left Pokhara decisively.

The main reason is that the children's school start date has arrived, and he has to go back to take care of the children, otherwise no one will take care of him.

Thinking that such a dignified boss has been reduced to a professional nanny, it makes my heart feel sweet. I have no choice but to buy happiness with money.

I don’t know why Kesselin suddenly figured it out, suddenly gave up fighting with Erhong and the others, and came to Boston with Ye Hong and Ye Bai. This made Ye Yuze very happy.

He doesn't know what's going on with his women. They are all obsessed with money. Can he lack what they spend? At least there must be a woman by his side?

Well, actually there always have been. Carey would fly over to go on a date with him whenever he had a little time.

But Carey is too busy. The Wharton family is like a huge machine. The energy and time required to control it are unimaginable. Those who don't answer the boss's calls during non-working hours are wage earners. As a boss, I absolutely do not have that qualification.

In fact, if Ye Yuze had to choose for her, he would not want Kelly to take over the helm of the family.

It's not that I'm afraid that I won't have time to date him, but that I'm too tired. When you have rights, it also means you have to make sacrifices that are difficult for ordinary people to do. The gains and losses of anything are directly proportional.

Ye Yuze's definition of a woman is that youth only lasts for a few years, isn't it good to enjoy life?

It's just that his theory seems to be of no use. Even his wife, who has been with him for half his life, has returned to his old career.

At least Kesselin was obedient. After she came, Ye Yuze didn't have to worry about anything. In fact, he didn't worry about it at all. Wang Jianying was there.

Nowadays, Ye Fei and Yang Xue, the youngest in the family, no one comes to him when something happens. They all go to Aunt Jianying, because Ye Yuze doesn't know anything.

If I go out on business, there are Gabon and Peter. These two big guys drive and make a scene wherever they go. At least no one dares to bully you.

Speaking of which, these two guys were originally apprenticed to learn martial arts, and then planned to go out to fight in black boxing to make money. I don't know why they settled down at Ye's house, driving and hoeing all day long, and living a very comfortable life.

In fact, people like them, although they have a bad temper, have a simple personality and can be described as stupid towards their own people. So Ye Yuze was naturally very satisfied with them.

Not to mention Wang Jianying, he is purely a member of the family. It is estimated that except for the Queen Mother and Yu'e, basically no one can take her place, not Kesselin anyway.

For such a person, Ye Yuze naturally had to make good arrangements, but Wang Jianying resolutely rejected several attempts to let her choose a company to work in.

In desperation, Ye Yuze started to find a partner for her, but Wang Jianying immediately turned against her: "Boss, if you think I'm not doing a good job, just fire me directly. There's no need to beat around the bush to drive me away."

From then on, Ye Yuze shut up completely. It’s hard to be a good person!

After Kesselring came, Wang Jianying had twice as many things to do. She was older than the other children, so what did she not have to worry about?

But Ye Bai and Ye Hong are still two little ones, and they need help with dressing and eating. How can that child Kesselin control his temper so carefully?

Originally, the two children took the nannies hired by Lev with them wherever they went. But this time, for some unknown reason, the nanny visa was rejected. Kesselin could only come here with his children, while Lev was still thinking of a solution in Moscow.

After Wang Jianying found out about this, she directly told Lev to stop being busy and just have her.

Facts have proved that when it comes to simply taking care of children, Wang Jianying does a better job than both the Queen Mother and Yu'e.

The main thing is that those two people take care of the children. They have many traditional Chinese habits, which are actually very bad for the children. Wang Jianying definitely does not have these problems.

She received an education here, she is young, and her methods are relatively Westernized. Ye Yuze appreciated this very much.

Ye Bai and Ye Hong are now five years old and can go to kindergarten in the United States. After discussing it with Kesselin, he sent it over.

Although the education system in the United States is said to be free, it actually depends on the strength of the family. There is a kind of education called elite education, and most wealthy people in the United States follow this education method.

They go to aristocratic schools and various cram schools. It’s even thicker than in China, but it’s actually the same all over the world.

After all, there are only so many prestigious schools, and people all over the world are taking the exams. The competition for places naturally starts from basic education.

Many people say that rich people’s children go to prestigious schools with money and donations. There are definitely cases like this, but most of them still pass the exam. If you can get into a prestigious school by donating money, then a prestigious school cannot be called a prestigious school.

Ye Yuze is not short of money, but he doesn't value the education of his children that much, especially girls. Life is so short, and he wants his children to live happily. Besides, is there anything he can't give?

Boys are more demanding because they have to inherit the family business, and the sisters will have to rely on them to take care of them in the future. If a prodigal is born, what will he do in a hundred years?

Ye Yuze pays most attention to the cultivation of family ties, because he wants his children to be there no matter where they are? As long as one person is in trouble, others will help.

Isn’t this why so many famous families in Chinese history prospered?

It's just that this tradition has been gradually abandoned in China, and everyone only cares about their own small families. What are the disadvantages of this? That goes without saying.

Why are there so few subscriptions in the past two days? Commander Zhang, for the sake of the party and the country, give me a hand!

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