Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2020 Stealing dog food

That day he finished a pot of steamed buns by himself. When he opened the lid and saw the big chubby white steamed buns, he picked up Misha and kissed her fiercely for a long time. He felt so accomplished.

It happened that Tang Jun called. Tang Jun had been uneasy recently because his boss was so abnormal. Although he trusted him very much in the past, everything had to be discussed in detail with Tang Jun. As a result, now I say you decide for yourself, and you don’t care about anything.

As soon as the call was connected, Tang Jun asked: "Brother Chen, what are you doing?"

"I'm steaming steamed buns. I'll take pictures for you. Look how good my steamed buns are. They're just as good as those made by Yang Geyong, haha!" Chen Tianjiao smiled extremely proudly.

Tang Jun was confused: "Brother Chen, what do you think you are doing?"

"Steamed buns, hot big buns stuffed with beef and radish. The smell makes you appetizing. I won't go into details. I'll try one first." Chen Tianjiao hung up the phone.

Tang Jun looked at the phone that had been hung up, with a confused look on his face. Are you going to steam buns instead of ignoring the hundreds of thousands of dollars in business every minute? Should I open a bun chain store in Nepal? The key is such a small place, how much money can you make if you open the streets and alleys? Even if you plan to change your career, the span shouldn’t be so big, right?

Chen Tianjiao broke open a bun and gave one to each of Zha Zhahui and Misha. Then he broke another one and handed half of it to Anu. Then he took a big bite and said proudly:

"If we southerners don't do it, we won't do it. Once we do it, we'll do it better than you northerners do. Lao Yang, are you convinced?"

Yang Geyong picked up one and opened it. After just one glance, he lost interest. However, he obviously didn't want to miss this opportunity to attack Chen Tianjiao. He raised the opened bun and asked:

"Old Chen, do you know what the essence of steamed buns is?"

"The dough is good and the fillings are delicious. Just looking at it makes you want to eat it!" Chen Tianjiao answered without hesitation.

Yang Geyong shook his head and pointed at the stuffing of the buns with disdain: "The most basic thing about buns is that they have thin skin and big fillings. You can't even see the fillings when you take a bite. Do you want me to eat them as steamed buns?"

"My dad's cooking is the most delicious, even better than yours!" Xiao Misha saw Yang Geyong attacking Chen Tianjiao and stood up to defend him without hesitation.

Yang Geyong glanced at Misha suspiciously, then looked at Chen Tianjiao: "When did you become her father? Why didn't I know?"

Chen Tianjiao's old face turned red, and the extremely arrogant arrogance just now disappeared. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"He has always been our father, but he has been busy these years and has not come to see us." Zha Zhahui saw that his father was being suppressed by others, and he quickly cheered him up.

Ye Yuze nodded: "Not bad, not bad. The father and son soldiers are stronger than us. I have a wife and children after coming here for a few days."

Chen Tianjiao's old face turned red, but his momentum was not weak. He looked directly at Yang Geyong: "What we call love is better than having two of you in your arms every night, right?"

Ye Yuze shouted angrily: "Hurry up and wash the vegetables, Mei Ting and the others are about to get off work!"

Ye Yuze was afraid that if the argument continued, Chen Tianjiao would be beaten and poked at his sore spots. You must know that Yang Geyong is working hard to correct his evil ways these days.

Men, no matter how much money you have or how high your status is, the competitiveness in your heart has always existed. It will not change from the age of eighteen to fifty-eight. As for whether it will be better after fifty-eight? Ye Yuze said he didn't know, he could only understand it if he lived to that age.

Just like Yang Geyong and Chen Tianjiao at this time, according to their worth, it would not be a big problem to hire someone to steam buns for people in Nepal to eat, but there would definitely be a fight over who steamed the buns the best.

At this time, Anu lay in Ye Yuze's ear and whispered: "Brother, the food you cook is the most delicious."

Ye Yuze kissed her and said that her evaluation was the most objective. He didn't bother to compete with those two pieces of material. They were not on the same level.

Mei Ting and the others came back soon, and they had to take a rest after eating as usual. When Ye Yuze saw Mei Ting walking towards his house again, he simply turned around and ran to Roast Chicken Na's duty room.

After half a day, he was tired and sleepy. He didn't want to work as a masseur for others.

This sister has been a little irritating to him recently. He had promised well when he returned to China that he would marry Kevin. As a result, after more than a year, let alone getting married, the relationship became more and more distant.

He couldn't force this kind of thing, he could only let it happen naturally, but that guy Kevin didn't seem to care too much. Unlike when Mei Ting was in the United States, she called him all day long to help persuade her.

Seeing him coming, Roast Chicken Na was very happy. If at the beginning, she agreed to marry him with the attitude of repaying her debt, then now, she really fell in love with this old man.

But the woman from China made her a little uneasy. She had to stay in Ye Yuze's house for a long time every day, and Ye Yuze had to give her a massage.

For this reason, the little flower Tsomu all had the same hatred and hatred. Tsomu was older than them and had more life experience, so he captured Chen Tianjiao with a few tricks.

Of course, this does not mean getting married. Although the women here have no status, they are not conservative. Being with the person they like feels like a natural thing for them.

Facts have proved that Chen Tianjiao and Ye Yuze are both good men. Although that Yang Geyong liked to do random things, he turned out to be quite good, and finally we were very good to Xiao Hua'er.

He was originally a pervert, but he turned out to be gentle and caring towards Xiao Hua'er, sleeping together every day and never doing anything.

Of course, some instinctive movements after falling asleep do not count, I understand that.

There is no air conditioning in the duty room, only a small electric fan. Although hydroelectric power generation is used here, the electricity bill is not cheap. In addition, air conditioning is relatively expensive, so not to mention the duty room, there is no air conditioning in the house of Tsomu and her son.

According to locals: "Air conditioners are only for foreigners, and Pokhara people are not afraid of heat."

In fact, this is not unreasonable. Yang Geyong and others have stayed in Africa. That place is close to the equator. How many locals use air conditioners?

When Yang Geyong and others went to bed at night, their naked buttocks were covered in sweat, and the locals even covered themselves with blankets. This is what kind of environment people adapt to and what temperature they adapt to.

In fact, the hotel is now full and the front desk is useless. But since it is a hotel, it is natural that this position must be available. Therefore, Roast Chicken Na is always at the bar when she is on duty.

There is a small room inside the bar, and Roast Chicken Na sleeps on the small bed inside when she is on duty at night.

Ye Yuze was so tired that he fell asleep soon after lying down. This small room had no windows, and it was stuffy and hot. Even if the fan was on, it was as if it was off. I was sweating all over after a while.

Roast Chicken Na took pity on him and picked up a fan to fan him gently. Maybe she felt cool. Ye Yuze lay down flat in his sleep and smacked his lips comfortably.

Seeing Ye Yuze's childlike movements, Roast Chicken Na smiled and gently wiped the sweat off Ye Yuze's body with her own towel.

The gentle movement made Ye Yuze feel it in his dream. He didn't know what he was dreaming about at this moment, so he reached out and hugged Rojina's neck.

The unsuspecting Rojina immediately lay on the bed, and then Ye Yuze's other hand reached into something.

This was the first time for Roast Chicken Na to have such an experience in her whole life, and she was dumbfounded for a moment. Subconsciously, he wanted to push Ye Yuze away, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he stopped again.

This man was obviously in his sleep. Roast Chicken Na actually wanted to do this kind of thing, but Ye Yuze had been unwilling to do it. Since Ye Yuze took the initiative today, Roast Chicken Na decided to let him go.

Ye Yuze's hands were not honest and kept moving regularly, which made Roast Chicken Na's body begin to soften, and a small fire began to burn in her heart.

"Sister, where is my brother?" A voice suddenly sounded at the door. Anu poked his head in and saw this scene, his little eyes widened.

Shameless and annoyed, Roast Chicken Na scolded in a low voice and struggled to sit up. Ye Yuze also woke up this time, and then realized that his posture was wrong. He pulled out his hand in embarrassment and didn't know what to say.

Roast Chicken Na stood up and ran away. Anu came closer and asked Ye Yuze in a low voice: "Brother, what did you do to my sister?"

Ye Yuze looked at his hands with an aggrieved look, wondering how to explain? He took out a handful of change and said, "If you're not sleepy, go buy ice cream. I still have to sleep."

Anu took the money and happily called Zha Zhahui and Misha to leave. Children don't need to take a nap.

He couldn't sleep and was too embarrassed to go to Roast Chicken Na. Ye Yuze had no choice but to get up and go back to his room.

I saw Mei Ting lying on her bed, sleeping soundly. Ye Yuze really wanted to go up and slap her, but seeing how tired the girl was, he decided not to do it.

If he couldn't sleep, others might as well stop sleeping and go to Chen Tianjiao and Yang Geyong's room to torment them all.

Yang Geyong was pitiful. Amy and Xiao Hua'er slept on the bed, and he spread a blanket to sleep on the floor.

Chen Tianjiao, on the other hand, slept with Tsomu without any secret. It's not too hot, and the hug is quite tight. Ye Yuze despised this kind of behavior the most and woke the two of them up with just one voice.

The three of them walked outside in the bright sun. Ye Yuze said that he was going to the suburbs to buy meat. Although the beef here is cheap, the slaughtering place is cheaper.

There is a reason why beef here is cheap. There are several sects in Nepal, among which there are many Hindus. Hindus do not eat beef because cows are gods in the doctrine.

There are often cows strutting around on the street. When a car comes, you have to wait for the cow god to pull over before you can leave. If you are unhappy about catching up with the Bull God and lie down in the middle of the road to rest for a while, then you have to wait and you are not allowed to rush.

The place where the cattle are slaughtered is in a village in the mountainous area on the outskirts of the city. Many meat sellers come here to wholesale.

Ye Yuze also knew about this place accidentally, but he always wanted to come but never came. The main reason was that he wanted to eat some offal, but it was hard to buy it here. It was said that other people threw away the offal.

After searching for a long time, they finally found the right place. Once they entered the yard, the three of them were dumbfounded. It turned out that there was a pile of intestines, tripe, and blinds in a large basin. The key point is that several dogs are nibbling food, and they seem to look disgusted.

Chen Tianjiao exclaimed and ran over to chase away the dog. He took the big blind and looked at it carefully, looking distressed.

Ye Yuze walked over and grabbed it and threw it into the basin: "Are you still fighting for food with the dog? Can you be a little more promising?"

Chen Tianjiao looked angry: "These are all good things, how can they feed them to dogs?"

Yang Geyong, on the other hand, looked indifferent: "Herders in northern Xinjiang also did this in the past. Only after many Han people came there did they know that this food is edible."

I found the boss and told them my purpose. The boss was well-informed and could speak a few words of Chinese. Knowing that they wanted to buy meat, he pointed at a group of cows in the yard and asked, "Which one do you want? I'll kill it for you."

Ye Yuze thought about the refrigerator in the hotel, then gave up the idea of ​​a cow and only asked for a hundred pounds of meat.

But before leaving, he pointed to the things in the dog's food bowl and asked, "I want to buy some of that, is that okay?"

The boss was very generous: "They are all for feeding the dogs. What should I buy? There are a lot of them in the house. You can feed them to the dogs."

Then several people opened the door and were shocked to see a pile of sewer thrown into the room, which was indeed a lot.

Yang Geyong and Chen Tianjiao walked over unceremoniously and pulled them all together. The boss opened his mouth, probably wanting them to keep some, but in the end he didn't say anything. He had no choice but to treat customers generously and not be reluctant to give them even some dog food. Bar?

After getting in the car and leaving the yard, a few people laughed wildly. Damn it, I made a lot of money today. If this were done in China, it would cost a lot of money. It is more expensive than beef. It ended up being picked up for nothing.

On the way back, the three of them kept discussing how to eat these things? Ye Yuze didn't bother to listen to their ink marks, and directly made the final decision: "There are so many, how can it be made so fine? Stew it in one pot, just cut it and eat it."

However, when we arrived at the hotel, the blinds were taken away and cleaned by the two guys. This thing is best eaten when it is boiled, and it is not good if it is cooked too high.

However, the women were disgusted by the pile of things they brought back. The girls were originally obedient, but when they were asked to clean the water, one ran faster than the other, and the three old men had to do it themselves.

After working for two hours, they finally cleaned it up and started preparing dinner. The young people in Junken City shouted excitedly when they saw the pot of beef offal.

Roast Chicken Na and the others looked at this group of Chinese people who couldn't afford beef with pity on their faces.

Yang Geyong decided to educate these girls and forced them to come and have a bite one by one. Except for a Hindu girl who didn't eat, the rest of them took a bite of the tripe and their eyes lit up.

But Tsomu doesn't need to be asked, she just eats it all the time, but she just doesn't know how to make it and can't buy it.

Seeing the girls eating with gusto, Yang Geyong felt very accomplished. Finally, they accomplished something that changed their perception.

While drinking, Chen Tianjiao touched Ye Yuze with his wine glass, and then asked a little shyly: "Old Ye, can I buy a stake in your automobile factory?"

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