Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2016 Chaste Man

Ye Yuze could tell that among Mi Gena's classmates, Amy was the most vain girl, and she dared to attack when she saw it right. Ye Yuze wondered, how did she keep her first time?

Wei Yuxiang didn't come, obviously he didn't like this Amy very much. Relatively speaking, Xiao Hua'er was much quieter. This girl was thin and small, and looked malnourished. She was very shy and didn't dare to look at people. Ye Yuze couldn't understand why such a person was in Yang Geyong's house last night. Their room?

Roast Chicken Na was also very happy to know that her sister had played with Ye Yuze for a day. It was obvious that she loved her sister very much. Ye Yuze asked where their father was.

Rojina looked sad. It turned out that her father disappeared when her mother was still pregnant with Anu.

Ye Yuze also looked helpless. I wonder what happened to the men here? Does polygamy mean that one can abandon one's wife and children at will?

Their mother had been doing odd jobs to raise the two sisters. At any rate, Nepal’s compulsory education is very good. Public schools not only waive tuition fees, but the government also provides subsidies to needy families like Rojina.

Otherwise, it would be nice to be able to eat well with my mother’s little income, but how could I have the money to go to school?

Yang Geyong didn't know much about Amy and Xiao Hua'er's family situation, and he didn't understand the language. Roast Chicken Na happened to be around, so he asked her to help translate.

Amy's family situation is not bad. Her father works in the government department and has a stable income. She has more children, five brothers and sisters, and she is the third.

The family is somewhat patriarchal, so she has a dispensable role in the family, and her mother doesn't care much about her. All my thoughts are spent on boys.

The two sisters above are both married, and they are well married. At least they don't have to worry about life. Both brothers attend private middle schools. The quality of education in private schools is good, but the tuition fees are also high.

The education system in Nepal is different from that in China. Children enter basic education when they are about six years old. Basic education is divided into three stages: five years of primary education (grades 1-5); three years of junior secondary education (grades 6-8). , two years of intermediate secondary education (grades 9-10), and two years of upper secondary education (grades 11-12).

After basic education, students have to take a national unified examination, and only after passing the examination can they get a diploma.

Ye Yuze didn't understand what level this senior secondary education belonged to? It should not belong to the university, mainly because the time is too short. And these girls couldn't explain clearly.

As for Xiao Hua'er, her life experience is even more pitiful than that of Roast Chicken Na. Her father died when she was very young, and her mother remarried and went to India.

Xiao Hua'er has lived with her grandparents in a remote mountain since she was a child. Although she has never been hungry, she has to do a lot of work every day.

Ye Yuze estimated that Xiao Hua'er's dark and thin body was caused by too much work and malnutrition.

Because girls here develop early, half of them are married under the age of seventeen. And this girl is still as young as fourteen or fifteen years old.

The reason why she came to Pokhara was to attend senior high school. She usually lived on campus. Now that it was summer vacation, she was too lazy to go back to the mountains, so she stayed with Amy and the others.

Ye Yuze glared at Yang Geyong and cursed: "Beast!"

Yang Geyong spread his hands helplessly and told him that he had done nothing and that Xiao Hua'er was in their room because he couldn't sleep. He was really not that beastly.

After dinner, Amy wanted to go to the bar. Yang Geyong didn't agree to her. Maybe it was because the experience of Roast Chicken Na and Xiao Hua'er stimulated him. He was also a little silent, so he simply went back to the hotel to rest.

Not long after arriving at the hotel, Amy's mother called her to go home. She thought that Xiao Hua'er would follow him, but Xiao Hua'er stayed.

Wei Yuxiang also rushed over and invited them to visit the factory tomorrow, but neither Ye Yuze nor Yang Geyong were interested. They had seen too many factories. What was there to see about the factory here?

However, the matter of the automobile factory needs to be discussed, because the automobile industry is an industry with relatively complex processes, so it is obviously impossible to process all the parts here.

In the end, it was simply decided to set up an assembly plant to mainly produce four-wheel drive off-road vehicles and pickup trucks. Plus some diesel cars.

The assembly plant is nothing more than a few assembly lines, and the parts are shipped from China. It is necessary to recruit a group of workers for domestic training.

I looked at Roast Chicken Na and saw that she was about to graduate. She was fluent in both Chinese and English, so I asked her if she wanted to study in China. Come back and work in a car factory?

Roast Chicken Na was naturally eager to do so and agreed immediately. The three of them chatted all night, and it was already midnight when Wei Yuxiang left.

Ye Yuze returned to his house and found little Anu curled up on his bed and asleep. He lovingly covered her with a blanket and lay beside her and fell asleep.

The next morning, Roast Chicken Na got off work and wanted to take Anu home, but the little girl refused to leave, so Ye Yuze had to send the sisters home. The little girl didn't go back for two days, and Ye Yuze was afraid that her mother would miss her.

On the way there, Ye Yuze bought some vegetables. Ye Yuze liked the big lobster made by Roast Chicken Na's mother, but the quantity was too small, so Ye Yuze simply bought a chicken and a large piece of mutton, and decided to only eat it today. Meat is not eaten with rice.

After thinking that her pots were a bit small, Ye Yuze simply bought a large pressure cooker and a wok, as well as a gas stove and a steel cylinder, so that he didn't have to use the smoky fire pit for cooking.

Back home, Rojina's mother was washing clothes for others again. Ye Yuze asked Roast Chicken Na to help cook, then turned around and drove away.

When I arrived at the mall, I went straight to the home appliance counter, picked out a large-capacity washing machine and had it delivered to Roast Chicken Na's house. Naturally, I bought the double-tub type. I guess if he dared to buy a front-loading fully automatic washing machine, no one would be able to use it.

Knowing that the people here were inefficient, he specially gave the delivery master some money. When Ye Yuze drove back, he found that the master riding a tricycle had already walked in front of him.

Since there is only one room, it took some time to put this washing machine, mainly to make room. Of course, the TV also needs a place to put it. How could Ye Yuze not buy a TV?

Roast Chicken Na’s mother was so frightened that she couldn’t even refuse. And Rojina seemed to be numb to Ye Yuze's money-burning behavior and said nothing.

Only Anu was busy running around, asking Ye Yuze some questions from time to time, as if Ye Yuze was his father. The little girl was naturally excited when something was added to the house.

Ye Yuze enjoyed this atmosphere very much. How long had it been since he had felt like this? It seems that the first time I felt this way was when I was a few years old and I first earned money and gave it to my mother.

Sometimes having money is really not a good thing. At least I lose the sense of satisfaction when every small goal is achieved, just like today. A TV and a washing machine make the family happy for a long time.

Because of the gas stove, cooking is much faster. As soon as the family put the meat on the table, Yang Geyong and Xiao Huaer arrived.

In fact, Ye Yuze did not call, but when Yang Geyong woke up and saw that Ye Yuze was gone again, he came directly to find him.

The local chicken and mutton in Nepal are very delicious, and they are mainly free-range. Yang Geyong did most of it by himself. After eating, he smacked his lips and discussed with Roast Chicken Na:

"How about we change houses? From now on, I will eat together here. I will buy the things and let your mother make them."

Roast Chicken Na didn't refuse. She knew she couldn't refuse, so she just looked at Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze actually didn't want to change people's lives so quickly, he wanted to have a step-by-step process. But he knew that Yang Geyong's style of doing things was of no use to him, so he might as well let him take care of it.

After eating and playing around, they sent the Roast Chicken Na sisters home, and Ye Yuze and the others returned to the hotel.

Yang Geyong went to Tsomu to discuss renting a house, but was surprised when he asked. It turns out that even though the prices here are so low, the house prices are frighteningly high. Renting a house is better, mainly because the land is expensive and it is not sold to foreigners.

If a foreigner buys a house, it must be purchased in the name of a company, but houses with private ownership are not allowed. This time Yang Geyong had no choice but to give up.

Ye Yuze advised him to promote friendship and fight against hatred. Helping anyone should be done in moderation, as progressing too quickly can easily backfire.

Yang Geyong was not talking, but he was definitely unconvinced. The main thing is that you can't slap yourself in the face after you've said it, right?

Ye Yuze didn't bother to care about this guy's weird thinking. It was because he had been dating Roast Chicken Na. He went to have a meal to solve their housing problem. The meal was a bit expensive!

When it got dark, Ye Yuze didn't want to disturb Yang Geyong and Xiao Hua'er, so he went back to the house to read early. Wei Yuxiang wanted to come over, but Ye Yuze didn't let him go. He said that they could meet again when Lachman made an appointment. He didn't need to worry about them these days. Take a walk by yourself.

Wei Yuxiang naturally complained a little. It took a lot of effort to come here. You don't go to the factory and you are not allowed to entertain. What are you doing here? But he didn't dare to say it. He was a little afraid of Ye Yuze, and he couldn't make sense with Yang Geyong, a second-rate guy, so he might as well let them go.

He was lying on the bed reading a book when Roast Chicken Na suddenly walked in. Her face was red and she didn't dare to look at Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze was a little strange: "Aren't you off work today? Why are you here again?"

Roast Chicken Na bit her lip for a long time, and finally declared to Ye Yuze like she was going all out: "I'm going to stay here tonight."

Ye Yuze didn't care either. She had to sleep at night when she was on duty and had her own room.

Unexpectedly, Yaojina took off her clothes and crawled onto his bed. Ye Yuze was shocked and asked quickly: "What are you doing?"

Roast Chicken Na lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: "Aren't you spending so much money just to sleep with me? That Yang Geyong didn't spend as much as you did. He got two women. I'm not worth so much money."

Speaking of this, Roast Chicken Na's tone was a little sad, and Ye Yuze felt sad in his heart. They say that people in this country have a high sense of happiness, but is this true?

For young people, how many are willing to accept the status quo? In history, it is precisely because there are more young people like this that society will be changed.

It's just that some young people will fight and use their own hands to change their destiny, while others like to take shortcuts and exchange themselves as commodities, and they can often sell them at a good price.

Rojina is obviously not such a person. She has studied hard for so many years, just to use what she has learned to change the fate of herself and her family. However, she did not expect that it would end like this in the end, and she could only accept her fate.

Both her mother and sister were ecstatic about the changes in their family. She felt that she should not break their dreams because life was too hard.

Looking at Najiao's beautiful body, Ye Yuze felt that his throat began to feel dry. At this age, he had passed the stage of thinking in the lower body, but his heart became restless. The one who was dishonest was the little guy.

However, Ye Yuze finally suppressed his eager heart and helped Roast Chicken Na put on the clothes she had taken off.

Roast Chicken Na was stunned and murmured miserably: "But I can't afford to pay you back that much money."

Ye Yuze took her into his arms and patted her back: "Silly girl, a man helping you doesn't necessarily mean he wants your body. I may not be noble, but I'm not that nasty either. Go back to sleep." Bar."

Roast Chicken Na looked directly into Ye Yuze's eyes and found that his eyes were extremely clear and without the slightest desire. She softened and sat on the bed.

You know how much courage she mustered up when she came. Unexpectedly, it would end like this. She had no strength at all.

For a long time, Roast Chicken Na leaned on the bed, looked at Ye Yuze and asked, "Can I sleep here for one night? Do nothing."

Ye Yuze had a bitter look on his face and cursed in his heart, isn't this making me worse than a beast? But if a girl dares to do that, how could he be a coward?

So he nodded: "Okay, just sleep here and tell me about your family..."

In another room, a similar story happened. Xiao Hua'er had already peeled her own skin and shoved it into Yang Geyong's stall.

But Yang Geyong was lying there motionless, not knowing what to think about?

"It's my first time too. You are my first man. Xiaohua tried her best to express herself in stammering Chinese."

But Yang Geyong held her down and said, "Shut up and go to bed quickly. Labor and management don't want to be like beasts."

After learning about the living conditions of Rojina and Xiaohuaer today, Yang Geyong suddenly felt guilty.

He has never had any scruples in this regard, but today he suddenly began to reflect on the first half of his life.

He said that changing the house for the Roast Chicken Na family was not just a whim, but that he really wanted to do something for them. It looked so pitiful.

As a result, I didn't expect that the little girl next to me who had not grown up would be even more pitiful. Her parents were gone and she was still doing such heavy work in the mountains.

If it had been yesterday, he would have pounced on her without hesitation, not caring about her life experience at all, as long as she gave her more money.

But at this moment, he really couldn't do it. He was a human, not an animal. Having a rude personality does not mean that you are heartless. So, he was thinking about how to help this poor child change his situation. Of course, within our ability.

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