Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2006 Honeymoon Trip

Everyone was drunk except Ye Yuji. It wasn't that Ye Yuji could drink, but Xiao Hanye was following her, so she didn't dare to drink too much.

After a good sleep, Han Ye saw his mother helping them to their respective rooms one by one. He couldn't help but laugh and shouted in a sweet voice: "Mom, do you want to change their diapers at night?"

Ye Yuji burst into laughter: "Silly son, they are adults and don't need diapers."

Han Ye blinked his big eyes and couldn't figure out why they wanted their mother to hold them when they slept, but they didn't wet the bed?

Seeing Han Ye stumbling and busy following him, Ye Yuji's heart was filled with happiness. It seemed that Sister Jing had thoughtfully thought about it. Not only did he have sustenance in his life, but Han Xiaofeng also cheered up completely.

There are also the two elderly people in the family who seem to have become dozens of years younger because of Han Ye's arrival, and they even walk with wind.

I just feel a little sorry for my brother. I have a son who I can’t recognize and who still has to be called uncle. But thinking about his bunch of children, Ye Yuji soon felt relieved. He could take better care of this one than him.

The off-road vehicle was speeding along National Highway 219. Ye Feng's driving skills were very good. Yifei and Yuanfang sat in the back, looking greedily at the scenery outside.

Along the way, we saw oases, Gobi Desert, deserts, and snow-capped mountains. It was really a wonderful feeling to experience four seasons in a few days.

At this moment, I was still sweating even though I was wearing short-sleeved shirts. As a result, after driving to the top of the mountain more than an hour later, I couldn’t bear to put on my down jacket.

They are young people, so naturally they cannot just hide in the car and watch the scenery. As long as you encounter a different environment, you will naturally get out of the car and take a look.

We have already reached the border between Northern Xinjiang and XZ. If we go further, we will reach hundreds of miles of no-man’s land, which is naturally a challenge for humans.

You must know that this section of 219 is not completely open to traffic, although it has been repaired for decades.

There is no way, the road conditions are too complicated and the climate is harsh, so the cost of building roads here is too high.

The three people stood on the big board, looking at the boundless wilderness, and they didn't know what they felt in their hearts.

"Brother Ye Feng, why don't we camp here tonight?" Yifei suddenly had a trace of sadness in her eyes. Although the road ahead was no different from the ones she had walked before, she still felt as if she was about to leave her hometown.

Ye Feng nodded: "Okay, then I'll set up a tent."

Although he left in a hurry, Ye Feng still bought all the camping stuff after coming out. The car is the most powerful four-wheel drive off-road vehicle in the Warrior series. It has strong power and a wide body, which is comparable to the military Hummer. But the fuel consumption is not high.

Warrior Motors has used these hard indicators to remain at the forefront of the world's car companies. It has low energy consumption, high horsepower and low failure rate. As long as people have driven it, they will basically not use other cars.

Yuanfang helps Ye Feng fix the tent. When setting up a tent here, it must be fixed with iron wedges, because you don’t know where your tent will blow like a parachute and fly up in the sky.

Yifei carried the cooking things from the car. Along the way, they just took it as they arrived, never calculating how far they had to drive. Things like where to rest.

They are all young people, so naturally they don’t have so many worries and can just do whatever they want. If Ye Yuze knew that his son and the others were camping in this place, he would be so worried that he would fly over and slap him loudly.

He and Yang Geyong had been to this place before, and it was marked as "Quanshuigou" on the map. But there has always been another name, "Dead Man's Gap."

As they walked along, because it was summer, the environment was harsh, and some sparse plants could be seen, but there was no grass growing in this place.

As for the origin of the name of Dead Man's Valley, locals say that in 1957, a company of advance troops entering Tibet from XJ once camped and slept here for the night, but the entire army was wiped out due to altitude sickness overnight!

At that time, people didn't know much about altitude sickness. They thought this place was mysterious and scary, and could kill people invisible, so they gave it such a creepy name.

So far, Dead Man's Valley has gained a reputation as the most dangerous place on the Xinjiang-Tibet line. When vehicles pass by here, the shrill wind sounds are like the howling of ghosts and wolves, making people afraid to stop.

Along the way, they passed the Akazda Ban, which is the first ice and snow mountain on the Xinjiang-Tibet line. It was named because of its dangerous terrain. In Uyghur, it means "a snow-capped mountain that even monkeys cannot climb."

Dabanpo is 27 kilometers long. The plateau reaction is not obvious when people come here, but the air pressure contrast is large. If you are not careful when going up the mountain for the first time, it can easily cause eardrum bulging, and in severe cases, it can cause eardrum rupture.

The second high mountain pass is Mazha Daban, also called Sailik Daban, which is the longest Daban on the Xinjiang-Tibet line. At an altitude of 5,100 meters, it is more dangerous than Kudidaban. The high mountains of Mazada Ban are steep and reach into the sky.

There is a sign at the Mazha intersection pointing in the direction ahead which is "Pulan". The scene on both sides is extremely desolate. There are endless rocky mountains with no grass growing on them, and the mountains are covered with brown gravel. It was an extremely lonely scene, with barren slopes, dust, and white mountain tops, without any sign of life. Only the occasional truck passing by could remind us that this is still the earth.

331 kilometers away from Yecheng, we begin to cross the Heikada Ban (elevation 4930). The soil structure of this section of the road is soft. When rain or ice and snow melt, it can easily cause landslides and mudslides, which is very dangerous. Constant turning is an absolute test for the driver.

Jieshan Daban, as the name suggests, is the boundary between XJ and XZ. It is also one of the most famous mountain passes on the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway. Its altitude was once considered to be 6,700 meters, but after actual measurement, it was confirmed to be 5,248 meters above sea level.

The climate in the mountain pass is unpredictable, sometimes it rains, snows, sometimes hails, the air is thin, and the oxygen content is less than 50% of that on the plains. Stopping at Jieshan Daban means you have reached the highest point of the highest highway on earth. In addition to being happy, more people will have headaches due to altitude sickness.

After passing Jieshan Daban, we arrived at the West Kunlun Mountain pass, Qitai Daban, which is 5,186 meters above sea level and is famous for its steep slope.

Many people think that Jieshan Daban is the highest point on the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway. In fact, the highest point of the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway is the laterite Daban 23 kilometers south from Jieshan Daban. The GPS measured an altitude of 5256.50 meters.

Therefore, the red soil Dabao, theoretically the highest road section in the world, is said to require 100 breaths to complete a high-quality kiss here. If you are interested, you can try it!

There is a long-standing saying on the Xinjiang-Tibet Autonomous Region: "I have peed in Daban, Tianshan, and slept in the Dead Man's ditch." This is used to describe a person who has rich experience and is bold and courageous, which shows the terrifying impression of the Dead Man's ditch in the hearts of people in both places.

However, Ye Feng and the others did not know that they were in such a place and were still busy happily.

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