Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1995 Sun Dazhuang

The Chinese people are the most contented group. Although they are so close to Junken City and they envy the lives of the people there, most people still stick to their hearts and live their lives down to earth.

In fact, there are very few people in YM County, and among these few people, some are farmers in Chengguan.

They own land around the county and live in the city. They have been living a satisfactory life like this.

Compared with the Corps, their farming is not that easy. The land is not less than that of the Corps, but they do not have as many modern machines as the Corps, so they have to work harder than the Corps.

Of course, one thing they are better than the people in the Corps is that their land does not need to be transformed. When it is allocated to their hands, it is relatively fertile. At least there is no problem in growing food.

After all, the climate in northern Xinjiang is cold, and there is only one season a year. A year's work is completed in half a year, and the rest of the time is just like the people in the Northeast, cat winter.

Therefore, no one should begrudge their efforts during the farming season. No matter the elderly or children at home, they are always in the fields before dawn, and the moon is already in the sky when they return home.

Life may not be considered rich, but there is a lot of land. Over the course of a year, as long as there are no natural disasters, there is still no need to worry about food and drink.

In particular, due to the tilt of national policies, the purchase of their grain has been maintained at a certain amount, which can ensure their basic livelihood.

Just overnight, news came that they were going to merge with Junken City, and from now on they would become members of Junken City.

To be honest, this news did not excite everyone, and quite a few people became confused and then panicked.

Chinese farmers’ attachment to land has not changed since ancient times. Although the current land does not belong to them, they are just contractors.

But in the eyes of most people, this land belongs to their family, and the difference between them and the Bingtuan people is that they have land, while the Bingtuan people do not.

The current land in Junken City does not even have a contract system anymore. It is all farms, and most of it is not food. The weird Chinese medicines on the ground are said to be used by pharmaceutical factories.

There are also large tracts of sorghum, which are used to make wine. Anyway, the people of YM County have not seen that the land in Junken City is used to grow food. What if there is a famine?

Of course, most of the people who hold this view are older people. Young people are already excited.

Since the establishment of Junken City, young people in the county have begun to find various reasons not to farm.

They either do odd jobs in Junken City or run a small business. Those who are close to the water and the buildings are closer than those who come from other places.

Nowadays, some businesses are doing well and they have bought a house in Junken City. Some are doing very well in companies and have welfare housing in their workplaces, but their former homes that are just around the corner have been abandoned by them.

Of course, there are also some people who are neither high nor low. Their jobs are not good and they can't do business. They can only do odd jobs to make ends meet. Even so, they are unwilling to go home and farm because their efforts are not proportional to what they receive.

Sun Dazhuang is a typical figure in this circle. His family has one hundred acres of land in the county. There are three people in his family. His parents are very hard-working and the family conditions are pretty good.

At the very least, he has his own small tractor and various agricultural machinery. In a year, he can save 18,000 yuan. In Chengguan Village, he is considered a wealthy household.

Sun Dazhuang dropped out of junior high school before graduating. He followed his parents in the fields for two years and then quit.

His appearance matches his name. He is tall and powerful, and has endless strength. After he stopped going to the fields, he went to Junken City with his friends.

He worked in several factories, but he didn't like it very much. Finally, he went to the railway station freight yard and started working as a loader.

He worked this job for five years. Because he was honest and strong, everyone in the warehouse liked him very much.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Dazhuang was 22 years old, and he had reached the age when it was time to talk about marriage. Because the family conditions were good, there were many matchmakers, but Sun Dazhuang did not agree.

It's not that he has high conditions, but that he fell in love with a girl in the goods yard.

This girl's name is Niu Xiaoxiang, and her family is from the railway system. After graduating from high school, she was assigned to work in the goods yard. She worked as a scale clerk and looked at the floor scale.

The cargo throughput of Junken City's cargo yard is large, and their position requires three shifts. Sun Dazhuang is a very energetic person. In order to make more money, he often lives in the cargo yard, and the two have become familiar with each other.

Niu Xiaoxiang is not outstanding in appearance, she is just a very ordinary girl. Their family was originally in the provincial capital locomotive depot, but because of her brother's employment problem, they came to the military reclamation city locomotive depot.

People like to stay in big cities, after all, they are prosperous there, but big cities also face a problem, that is, there are too many people and fierce competition. If they had not come to Junken City, she and her brother would still be unemployed young people.

Now she has become a goods yard worker, her brother has become a train driver, the same profession as her father, and her mother works at the station and is about to retire. The family is very happy.

The reason why I noticed Sun Dazhuang was because of his slovenliness. Of course, stevedores do physical work. This guy is willing to do it, but he doesn't pay much attention to hygiene.

The original color of the work clothes I wear every day is not visible. When I eat, my hands and face are also dark. When I grab the steamed buns, there must be five fingerprints.

But this guy didn't care at all. He still ate delicious food and liked to eat meat. Although he was not particular about other things, he couldn't live without meat for a meal.

Several girls in the goods yard knew him, so they didn't throw away any fat they couldn't eat and gave it all to Sun Dazhuang.

Although Sun Dazhuang is stupid, he is hard-working. No matter who comes to him in the goods yard, he always responds to his request and never asks for any reward, so he is very popular.

The first time the two of them met was because the gas tank at Niu Xiaoxiang's house was out of gas. Her father and brother left the car, leaving her and her mother alone at home. Her family lived on the fifth floor, so it would be difficult for a girl to resist.

So Niu Xiaoxiang asked Sun Dazhuang for help and asked him to go home with her to change the gas tank.

Sun Dazhuang went without saying anything. He first went to his home to get the empty can, then went to the gas station to change it, then carried it upstairs again, and then ran away without even drinking any water. Niu Xiaoxiang didn't even shout to stop him.

From then on, Niu Xiaoxiang would help him wash his clothes when he had free time, and would bring him some delicious food.

In return, Sun Dazhuang naturally did all the physical work at Niu Xiaoxiang's house.

As time went by, Niu Xiaoxiang gradually fell in love with this honest young man, but when her family found out, they firmly stopped her. There was no other way, who made Sun Dazhuang just a coolie?

Brothers rush duck

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