Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1951 Only through suffering can one grow

Therefore, at this moment, he was extremely hungry, and his desire for food had reached an almost crazy level.

There were finally footsteps in the corridor, and the food delivery person finally arrived. Xima, vegetable soup, and two bananas were their meal.

Everyone was very conscious and lined up to receive food. Ye Yuhe was squatting on the ground, so he was the first in line.

This time he went all out and stuffed it into his mouth as soon as he got the food. He knew that as long as the person who brought the meal left the door, the food he received was no longer his. Now one bite is one bite.

The sima made from moldy cornmeal was so sweet in his mouth at the moment. It seemed that he had never tasted anything so sweet in his entire life.

Although there are still rat droppings and stones in this West Horse, the color is still suspiciously green, but so what? delicious!

Sure enough, as soon as the cook left, several people in the cell stared at him. Ye Yuhe could not care so much, but still stuffed food into his mouth desperately.

The leading man kicked him in the stomach. Ye Yuhe was kicked and rolled several times, but he still held on to the remaining banana in his hand.

Before they could rush up to him, Ye Yuhe Zhijie stuffed the banana into his mouth without even bothering to peel it. Anyway, the bananas here are picked when they are ripe, and the banana peels look rotten.

"Damn it, hit me. I'll make him take out his food!" The big man roared angrily.

Several people rushed up and punched and kicked Ye Yuhe. Ye Yuhe hugged his head tightly and begged them to hit him gently. But how can a few people show mercy? The beating made Ye Yuhe keep rolling on the ground.

In the end, Ye Yuhe was so anxious that he gave a person a hard bite on the foot. The guy screamed, hugged his feet and started jumping around.

Seeing that Ye Yuhe dared to resist, the remaining people began to increase their intensity. Ye Yuhe screamed, and the little courage they had just disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the door opened with a bang, and a guard led two people in. The people in the house were so serious about opening the door just now that they didn't notice them opening the door. Now they were all dumbfounded.

Ye Yuhe turned his head with difficulty to look at the person who came, and then tears flowed down. If this wasn't his cousin Ye Yuze, who could he be?

Ye Yuze's eyes were red at this time, and he glanced at the guard coldly: "Is this what you guys are condoning?"

After saying this, he rushed forward and punched the person who had just struck. Ye Yuze's fist was so heavy that he basically knocked them all down one by one.

He looked at Ye Yuhe and said, "Get up and beat them!" His tone was unquestionable.

Ye Yuhe hesitated for a moment, then got up with difficulty and started beating people. He didn't use much force at first, mainly because he was afraid of being beaten.

But as he continued to fight, the resentment in his heart began to rise, and he used all his strength unconsciously.

Listening to the screams resounding beneath him, Ye Yuhe felt a sense of pleasure in his heart, and all the humiliation of the past few days was released at this moment.

"Stop fighting, something will happen!" The guard began to stop him.

Yang Geyong kicked him to the ground and said, "Cao Ni Ma, why didn't you say this when our people were beaten? I think you have finished your job and are waiting to be fired!"

When Ye Yuhe couldn't fight anymore, Ye Yuze walked up to the leader, raised his leg and gave him a hard kick on the knee. He only heard a crisp sound and saw that the angle of his calf was obviously distorted.

Yang Geyong went up and kicked his other leg again. The guy didn't even scream, he just rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ye Yuze pulled Ye Yuhe out of the cell. The guard who kicked him a few times locked the door. Several people walked out of the corridor and came to the director's office.

Ye Yuze scolded the director: "It's a good idea to manage your subordinates. What's going on? If you can't do it, resign as soon as possible!"

The director nodded and bowed and sent them out of the detention center. The guard covered the place where he had been kicked and asked, "Boss, who are they? Why are they so arrogant?"

The director raised his foot and kicked hard at the area where he had put down his cover, and cursed: "Damn it, are you able to find out about this? Manage the house well, or we'll get out of here!"

Ye Yuze took his cousin to his residence and asked him to take a bath and change clothes. Then we took him to fresh seafood.

Returning to his store again, Ye Yuhe felt as if he was in another world and had mixed feelings. The lobby manager and waiters gathered around to greet me.

Ye Yuhe waved his hand: "Write a sign and write down the minimum consumption of each private room. Guests who come early will be given priority!" Everyone agreed and left.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were led into the largest private room by Ye Yuhe, and the most sumptuous meal of their lives was arranged.

Yang Geyong couldn't help but sigh, it seems that there are some things where just having money is useless?

After this difficulty, Ye Yuhe understood a lot of things in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Ye Yuze: "Brother, how will this matter be handled?"

Ye Yuze pondered for a moment: "You must bear the responsibilities that you should bear. Also, after making so much money, what do you do with it? It's time to give something back. After all, you earned it in this country."

Ye Yuhe nodded: "Okay, brother, you have the final say!"

Ye Yuze looked at his younger brother with satisfaction. It seemed that people would not grow up without going through some hardships!

After eating, Ye Yuze asked his cousin to call his parents and left. However, he has to arrange his brother's marriage. This boy seems to be really convinced this time, but he must choose a wife well, otherwise, who knows what will happen in the future?

After discussing with Yang Geyong for a while, they finally chose one person, Gu Li's daughter. Although that girl was a little restless due to her age, she was still very simple.

Ye Yuze was a person who would do whatever he thought of, so he called directly. Nuerjiang was very excited when he received the call:

"Brother Yuze, where are you? I haven't seen anyone for so long."

Ye Yuze didn't bother her, and said directly: "I found a partner for you, why don't you come and meet her?"

Nuerjiang naturally knew that Ye Yuze didn't like her at all, but she was still a little unwilling in her heart. But in her heart, she was still very close to Ye Yuze.

"Okay then, I'll go there tomorrow and you can send me the address."

Ye Yuze sent the address, and Nuerjiang quickly called back and protested loudly: "Brother Yuze, how much do you hate me? Are you sending me to Africa all of a sudden?"

"Stop talking nonsense, are you coming? If not, I'll replace him!" Ye Yuze didn't have time to talk to her.

"Okay then, I'll go there tomorrow, remember to pick me up then? I'll go up to the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire for you!"

It’s New Year’s Eve, the whole family is reunited and everything goes well!

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