Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1931 Herdsmen’s Hospitality

Kazakhs do not reject acupuncture. Even Saya has learned acupuncture, but she still can't remember the acupuncture points and rarely gives them to others. Today, she has the opportunity to learn from the national players. How is it possible? Let it go?

So let Liu Xiangdong teach her how to pierce it? Then I just started practicing with the old lady.

After learning that Saya was a barefoot doctor, Ye Wancheng asked to take a look at her health clinic. Since the meat would take a while to cook, the three of them simply went there. After reading it, they couldn't help but feel sad. There were too few medicines, even for common colds. There are not enough medicines for fevers and the like, let alone those for chronic diseases.

Ye Wancheng took out his phone and called Panda at that time and told him to bring a cart of routine medicine and the money would be deducted from the wages of the three people.

Panda agreed and then hung up, Saya was moved for a while. There were a few doctors who visited the village, but most of them just told them what medicine to take, and others didn't care. As a result, these three people not only brought medicine, but also donated a batch of medicine with their own money. How could this not be possible? Impressive?

After the three people left, Saya explained the matter directly over the village loudspeaker. Kazakh people are all simple and kind-hearted, and strangers passing by will be treated as distinguished guests, let alone people like Ye Wancheng who sincerely help them.

As soon as the loudspeaker shouted, every household began to shake people. The old people called the children who were grazing outside to come back. One of them was to thank the benefactor and take a look at the doctor.

Herdsmen have been in the wild for a long time. Although they are very strong in physique, they are all a little high due to their diet structure. If they eat high-calorie and high-fat foods for many years, although their gastrointestinal absorption capacity is stronger than that of Han people, it may not have no impact on their bodies.

Fortunately, they drink milk tea as water, and the tea leaves in milk tea are the roughest brick tea. This thing not only helps digestion, but also removes oil. Otherwise, no one can stand the way they eat.

Kazakhs are filial and especially respect the elderly. The old man called, and if he couldn't go back, he had to let his wife go back. This is just a matter for the couple to discuss. Anyway, they are going to see a doctor along the way.

As expected by Ye Wancheng, Liu Xiangdong and John drank too much before finishing the meal, and they didn't even take a few bites of the meat.

Ye Wancheng's drinking capacity is not very good, but he can barely keep up. In the end, he explained again and again that he could not see a doctor if he drank too much, and there were so many people in the village, so he just sat and drank until the end under Alila's obstruction.

In the afternoon, Ye Wancheng finally did not sit for a consultation. Doctors are different from other professions. This thing is not suitable for drunken consultation. Once the wrong medicine is used, no one can afford the consequences.

The three of them all slept at Alila's house. I spent the night hanging out with the old couple. After all, I was getting older, so I slept from afternoon to morning. They couldn't even eat the welcome banquet prepared for them by the village.

After waking up, the three of them drank a bowl of milk tea and went to the health room. The place was already full of people, the room was not big, and there were many queues outside.

The three of them got busy without saying anything. Lao Liu was responsible for inserting acupuncture, John took the stethoscope, and Ye Wancheng took the pulse and took the sphygmomanometer.

Because the medicine hadn't arrived yet, apart from Liu Xiangdong's acupuncture treatment, John and Ye Wancheng made a diagnosis and wrote down the case, and waited for the medicine to arrive and asked them to come and get it.

After working until noon, the panda finally arrived. The little fat man actually drove a truck himself, mainly because Ye Wancheng wanted too much liquid this time and the truck couldn't hold it.

Although Saya's father is the village chief, he also goes to herd sheep. The main reason is that there are too many sheep in his family, and Saya's brother can't take care of them by himself.

When her father went to the pastoral area, Saya became the acting village chief, doing all the work of the village chief and the health center by herself.

After all, the village is easy to manage. If you need anything, just ask the senior person in the village. No one here dares to disobey the old man.

After Saya directed the villagers to fill up the clinic, she put the rest at home and took it as needed, which was convenient anyway.

When the medicine arrived, Ye Wancheng and the three of them showed it to the herders first, mainly because they had to return to the pasture area after seeing it, so the old people were not anxious.

After unloading the medicine, Saya let Panda into the room and said apologetically: "I don't have milk tea at home, because I have been busy in the clinic during the day, so you can just drink some yogurt."

The panda stared at Saya in a daze, and Saya asked a little embarrassedly: "Are I talking to you? What are you always looking at?"

The panda scratched his head: "You are so beautiful, I am stunned."

Saya's eyes widened: "Glib, did you just say that when you saw the girl?"

Mao Mao raised his hands and swore: "This is the second time in my life that I have said such words to a woman."

Saya glanced at him: "Who did you tell this to for the first time?"

"My sister, she would beat me if I didn't tell her anything. I was young at that time and couldn't beat her."

Saya covered her mouth and laughed. The round face glowed with two red clouds. The panda was once again stunned. He opened his mouth and some saliva came out.

Seeing his stupid look, Saya, who had just been holding back her laughter, covered her stomach and squatted on the ground laughing. She didn't know how to feel, but she felt beautiful in her heart. After all, no matter women or men, they all hope that they can attract others. .

The panda woke up with a start and realized that he was too rude, but he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He stretched out his hand to wipe the drool from his mouth and said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, you look like my half-sister."

Saya speaks Chinese very well. After all, she studied medicine in YL City Hospital, where most of the doctors and nurses are Han Chinese.

But the panda's words confused her. The little girl blinked her eyes for a long time, but she couldn't figure out how these half-fathers could become brothers and sisters?

We had lunch at another old family member's house. The villagers had already agreed that the family should take turns eating each other. Otherwise, no one would be happy. This is the best doctor in the world. Who dares to treat him so slowly?

They didn't understand what the Nobel Prize was, and coupled with Saya's misleading, they automatically understood that these three people were the most powerful doctors in the world. Aren't such people gods? Naturally, the highest etiquette should be used when dealing with gods.

The food on this lunch table is completely different from last night. Not to mention mutton, there is even camel meat. The most precious thing about camel meat is the hump, but to be honest, the Han people are not used to it. It is just like sheep tail oil, which is full of fat.

But these are the things that Kazakhs like to eat, and they are only available when the most distinguished guests come.

This time, the three of them, Ye Wancheng, adhered to the principle of seeking medical treatment and abstaining from alcohol. The villagers had no choice this time. After all, they were seeking medical treatment for them, but they also made a condition that they must drink at night!

The New Year is getting closer and closer. Brothers make money and go home to celebrate the New Year.

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