Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1929 Old men on patrol

Ye Qianqian had eaten this food when she was a child. Over the years, no one dug it out and ate it even though it was all over the mountain.

She took one and put it in her mouth. The garlic-like fruit was full of juice and had only a faint sweetness. Children nowadays have long lost interest in such fruits, and there are very few wild cherries that are starting to turn red. Someone picked it. Because they are so small, although they taste good, there is nothing left to eat except the skin and core.

The development of the times has made people richer and richer in material resources, but they have also lost a lot. For example, with the improvement of seeds, even the cantaloupe and watermelon here no longer have the same taste as when they were young...

Several old men were riding on the horse. Liu Xiangdong's riding skills improved more and more, and he could even make the horse run.

Among the three, Old John is the oldest, over seventy years old, while Liu Xiangdong has just turned seventy, and Ye Wancheng is the youngest, but he is also sixty-seven years old.

There were two leather medicine boxes hung on their horses, which were what Ye Wancheng carried all day long when he was a hygienist.

Now the three of them are doing rounds every day, going wherever there are people. Of course, most of the places they go to are herdsmen's yurts.

After all, the people in the corps are gathered in companies. Although the ethnic people also have units such as animal husbandry teams and villages, most of them still drive their flocks of sheep and live in a family-based lifestyle.

Even if the mountains are closed by heavy snow in winter, herdsmen still drive their sheep into their winter dens, and people are still with the sheep. Most of the people who can live in the village are the elderly and children.

As they get older, they don’t dare to run too far, so the old men travel 20 to 30 kilometers every day. Basically, they eat and live at the house they go to.

I am used to living in the city, but I am not used to living like this for a while. First of all, there is no place to take a shower.

It's not summer yet, and the sheep are in a hurry. They don't dare to graze too hard in one place, lest they damage the roots and prevent the grass from growing well next year.

Therefore, the yurts have to be relocated every once in a while, and their transportation is an ox cart. Even though they have many horses, for the ethnic people, horses are for riding, no one uses them to pull carts.

Each family consists of a flock of sheep, a few horses, and a few cows. Not only do cows pull carts, they also have to be milked. Herdsmen can live without water, but they cannot live without milk.

Milking cows every morning is something every housewife must do. After squeezing a bucket of milk, one day's daily water supply will be solved. Make milk tea first, put the rest into a leather bag, beat ghee, and make yogurt.

After all, herdsmen use dried cow dung for cooking. When there is no dried cow dung on rainy and cloudy days, they eat naan and yogurt to satisfy their hunger. Therefore, yogurt is one of the essential drinks in every household.

They can live without water, but they cannot live without milk, because they have no habit of drinking water at all.

Ye Wancheng can still adapt to such a life. John is also a milk drinker. Americans only drink milk and rarely drink water. It was Liu Xiangdong who suffered a little. He liked drinking tea, but he gradually got used to it. Anyway, he didn't.

All three of them live in yurts when they encounter them. If there are no yurts, they go to villages or companies. Anyway, they just treat people they meet. Everywhere I go, I am welcomed and respected.

On this day, they walked to the Yili area, which was far away from Junken City. It had been more than half a month since they came out this time.

In the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Region, there are more ethnic minorities than Han people, so naturally there are more herdsmen. They were walking along the border, carrying only a few boxes of medicine and a few pieces of clothing.

Wolves are rarely seen in the grasslands today, but for safety, Ye Wancheng still brought a gun.

Along the way, you can still meet the border guards from time to time and say hello to each other, which makes you feel less lonely along the way.

They have already gone through supplies three times, mainly medicines. The medicines they brought with them would usually be out of stock after passing two villages.

Naturally, they had to call for supplies. The person who specially delivered medicine to them was a newly assigned doctor from the Military Reclamation Hospital, named Panda. Actually, his name was Xiong Hongwei. Because of his chubby shape, he had been called Panda since he was a child.

Speaking of which, he was also a child of the Infrastructure Company, but he was considered the nephew of the Infrastructure Company. His mother married in the provincial capital and later divorced, so the mother and son returned to Junken City.

His grandfather's name is Xiong Dashan. He is a veteran soldier in the platoon. He is older than Ye Wancheng and is close to 80 this year.

After graduating from Junken Technical School, the little guy failed to get admitted to Junken University, and he didn't like working in a factory, so he got admitted to Shihezi University Medical School. My internship ended last year and I was hired by the Military Reclamation Hospital this year.

Pandas are optimistic by nature. They are chubby and have a smile on their faces at all times. They are very lovable. Currently, it belongs to three old men as dedicated liaison officers and logistics supply personnel.

After the three old men entered Ili, the first village they entered was called Qiongkushtai. This village was located halfway up a mountain surrounded by mountains. The three old men were stunned as soon as they entered the village.

Most of the villages in northern Xinjiang are made of mud houses, or the kind of mud houses used for making bases. But here is a wooden house, and the architectural style is very rough.

Generally, a piece of wood is cut in the middle and connected together with sharpened steel bars. In some cases, the whole piece of wood is simply connected together.

This is also related to the fact that there is no shortage of trees here. Unlike most mountains in northern Xinjiang, the slopes here are inevitably covered with poplar trees. The leaves at this time still have the bright yellow color of early spring, which is really beautiful.

Even though Ye Wancheng had lived in Northern Xinjiang for so many years, he had never seen this kind of wooden house, so he stepped forward to observe curiously.

In the center of the village is a dirt road with some stones thrown on it. There used to be many such roads in Northern Xinjiang, but they can no longer be seen in Junken City.

Most of the houses are built on both sides of the road, and some are high up on the hillside. The paths leading to each house are dirt roads. They look full of potholes and must be more difficult to walk than when it rains.

There were several old Kazakh men sitting in front of a canteen. I wonder what they were talking about? Ye Wancheng had been dealing with them for a long time and started communicating with them in Kazakh.

As soon as they heard that the three of them were doctors and at the same age, several old Kazakhs rushed to take them to their homes.

Ye Wancheng waved his hand: "Don't go home yet, I just want to check you out here. Anyway, I can't bring any instruments. The examination only involves a stethoscope, a sphygmomanometer, and a pulse sensor."

After a lot of work, it was time to get injections and take medicine, and then it was time to go to various hospitals for diagnosis and treatment.

There is a barefoot doctor in the village. She is said to be a doctor, but in fact she has studied as a nurse for a few days. She is the village chief's daughter, her name is Saya, she is eighteen years old, and she has a very beautiful round apple face.

Bookworms, Nth Man, Meng Zhi and Brother Antetokounmpo, thank you for your monthly votes. Until now, many old book friends have disappeared. Internet literature is like this, just like the waves washing away the sand. Stay with me until the end. The results of this book are getting better and better. Come on!

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