Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1927 Looking for a Wife

When Yang Wei arrived at Junken City, the school had just finished its first class. He never went to college, and although he had seen this campus countless times outside, he had never entered it.

This is the mentality of a scumbag. He is full of disdain, but for such an institution, he is actually full of awe in his heart, but he just refuses to admit it.

Junken University is currently one of the most prestigious universities in China, with a very high admission score. If you get admitted here, it means that you will definitely have a comfortable and well-paid job.

The school is very well built, and the most indispensable thing here is land. So except for one teaching building, the others are all bungalows. The school has a huge playground and an artificial lake. Naturally, the water source can only be extracted from groundwater. After all, it is located on the top of a mountain, on the same level as Beishan Park.

The courses continue the style of the Military Reclamation Technical School, with many courses focusing on practice. Of course, the university is not a technical school after all, and it does not need to train so many workers. It is still focused on research and development.

Although the focus is on research and development, after all, you still need to get in touch with the products and understand the pros and cons, so that you can have specific research and development directions. In such an atmosphere, how could it be possible not to achieve results?

Therefore, among the teachers and students in the school, there are many rich people and young rich women, all of whom earned their income from research and development. This is really unmatched by other universities.

Comparatively speaking, Ye Qianqian's international trade drama is poor in this aspect, mainly because it cannot be developed. However, there are some outstanding ones, such as Yifei, who only attended school for one year and became a lecturer. However, after receiving her diploma, she resolutely resigned and went to run a military-reclamation fast food. She currently has no idea where she is. Anyway, she is Flying all over the place.

As soon as Yang Wei entered the campus, he met several young students. Although this school has a high admission score, it still takes good care of the children of Junken City. Otherwise, how would it be called Junken University?

Yang Wei asked them where Ye Qianqian was? Several people pointed it out to him, and Yang Wei went directly to the girls' dormitory without saying anything.

The dormitories of Junken University are like military camps, with green houses surrounded by a birch forest. There are two separate courtyards in the dormitory for boys and girls, which are separated.

The school's dormitory aunt will always treat boys who try to enter the girls' dormitory as hooligans, so when she knows that Yang Wei is not a student, she firmly prevents him from entering the dormitory.

Yang Wei was forced to have no choice but to beat up his aunt, right? In anger, she shouted at the door of the yard: "Ye Qianqian, come out here, my husband won't be allowed in!"

There were a lot of people coming and going at this time, and Ye Qianqian, as a junior school beauty, was naturally more famous. Yang Wei's shout immediately attracted countless people to stop.

The dormitory aunt was trembling with anger and scolded: "You are a hooligan, you actually came to the university, let's see how I deal with you!"

After saying that, the aunt started calling the police. There is a police station in the university, and there are always police on duty there, so Auntie is sure that Yang Wei will be arrested in ten minutes.

Yang Wei ignored her and continued shouting. Suddenly, more and more people gathered. At this time, a handsome boy came over with a few strong companions, and said to Yang Wei in an upright manner:

"This is the campus, not a place for you to mess around. Leave here immediately. I promise not to embarrass you!"

Yang Wei glanced at him sideways and asked angrily: "Who are you? It's your fault if I call you!"

"I am Wu Wo, the student union president in my third year, and Ye Qianqian is my subordinate. When she encounters trouble, I will naturally solve it for her." Wu Wo said righteously.

Seeing that although this guy was half a head shorter than himself, he was more handsome than him, Yang Wei was inexplicably jealous. She pushed him away and cursed: "Go away, it's your fault if I call my wife! Can the student union not allow people to fall in love?"

Yang Wei continued to shout: "Wife Ye Qianqian, if you don't come out, I'll have you beaten!"

At this time, Ye Qianqian hurriedly ran out from inside. She was angry and funny when she saw Yang Wei looking like a scoundrel. She had never seen him like this in so many years of knowing him?

Rolling her eyes, Ye Qianqian asked: "Who are you? Who is your wife? You are yelling at me to ask the police to arrest you!"

Yang Wei naturally knew that Ye Qianqian was angry with him again, but how could he be cowardly at this time? He reached out and touched Ye Qianqian's chin: "Even the police uncle can't stop my right to pursue love!"

A roar came: "Qianqian, don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

It turned out that Wu Wo who was standing on the side went crazy when he saw Yang Wei actually attacking Ye Qianqian. He has been pursuing Ye Qianqian for three years, but Ye Qianqian has always been dismissive of him. Now that he has a chance to show off, how can he let it go?

Junken University also has military training. Other schools only have one month for freshmen, but Junken University lasts for three years. The military training will only stop during the senior year of internship.

Therefore, the physical fitness of the students here is very good. Wu Ga grabbed Yang Wei's wrist with one grapple. The classmates behind him were watching eagerly, ready to swarm him if he was defeated.

Yang Wei was already very annoyed with this guy who kept croaking in his ears like a toad, and when he saw him actually taking action, he became angry in his heart. He grabbed his extended paw and asked coldly:

"What does this have to do with you?"

Wu Ga was stunned for a moment, then remembered that Yang Wei had just called himself Qianqian's husband, and Qianqian didn't have a strong reaction, so she bravely answered: "I am her boyfriend."

Yang Wei was stunned and looked at Ye Qianqian. Ye Qianqian's face suddenly turned red as if she was about to bleed. I rounded my palms and slapped Wu Wo in the face.

With a "snap" sound, a palm print was firmly branded on Wu Ga's fair face. The slap was so hard that even the fingerprints were almost clearly visible.

At this time, the police also arrived. A middle-aged man led a young man. The middle-aged man walked through the crowd and asked loudly: "Who came to the school to cause trouble?"

Wu Wo covered his face and was about to speak when Ye Qianqian stretched out her hand and pointed at Wu Wo: "He, he acted like a hooligan and said he was my boyfriend."

The dormitory aunt knew Ye Qianqian and knew that this girl had a good background and was the daughter of the principal. Naturally, he had to step forward to protect her. Just when she was about to testify against Yang Wei, she didn't expect that things would turn around so drastically. Ye Qianqian actually said it was Wu Wo, and she was suddenly confused.

Wu Ga was also stunned, pointed at Yang Wei and stammered: "He said he was your husband..."

Ye Qianqian rolled her eyes at him: "He is my husband, who do you think you are? He said he is my boyfriend. I hit you first to protect you. If you let him hit you, you will have to use a wheelchair during the internship!"

In fact, Ye Qianqian's words were not exaggerated. If Yang Wei's temper really got worse, the result would be unpredictable. It was like protecting him in disguise.

This year is about to come to an end again. Let’s all stick to the last days of this year. There are too many hardships in the dictionary of adults, but what can we do? We are a group of people who cannot complain about suffering or tiredness, because our families are behind us.

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