Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1916 Ye Feng’s trick

In the past two years, the world's economy has been sluggish, and the consequences of inflation have been high unemployment and soaring prices. Although the United States is a hegemonic country, it cannot prevent this kind of thing.

And it’s the same all over the world. In any turmoil, the people at the bottom will always feel it the most. Because they are the ones least able to withstand the impact.

At times like this, the immigration issue will become more of a focus. Because immigrants will naturally have employment conflicts with native people.

Generally speaking, in order to survive, immigrants can accept a salary lower than the average salary of native people. This is because they are new here and are not familiar with the language. Finding a job is a very lucky thing for them. After all, they have to live.

In addition, there are many illegal immigrants in the United States and groups who still refuse to leave after their residency rights have expired. The Immigration Bureau does not strictly manage these people so that they can have the opportunity to stay and live here.

And this group of people have lower salary requirements. After all, their status is illegal, so they would be grateful if someone can give them a job.

Employers like to hire people who are obedient and diligent. They usually won't resist even if they are scolded or beaten twice.

The most important thing is that the salary is low! Hiring them only requires half of the wages of local workers. Capital pursues profits, so it will definitely be willing to hire such people!

The consequence of this is that when the economy gets worse, there will be more such workers. At this time, various industries will also lay off employees significantly, thus severely squeezing employment opportunities for local people and making social conflicts more prominent.

Ye Feng decided to start from this aspect, not targeting legal immigrants, but those illegal immigrants. Because many of these people cannot find jobs, in order to survive, many of them have become criminals. After all, no one wants to starve to death, right?

In fact, the U.S. government will deal with the issue of illegal immigration every once in a while. But most of the time it was just a formality, and not many people could be cleared.

The police mostly chose to turn a blind eye to these things for various reasons, mainly because it was a thankless effort, and some employment companies would also give gifts from time to time. So they don't care if they can.

In fact, if you really want to take care of this kind of thing, as long as you communicate well with the police station, it can be handled in minutes.

After all, the grassroots police are very familiar with the area under their jurisdiction. They don't need to investigate wherever there is a gangster, they just keep it in mind.

What needs to be considered now is how to get the police to really take action. Should they use high-pressure methods or reward methods?

After just a slight hesitation, Ye Feng had already decided that this could not be done through administrative orders, but incentives must be used. In other words, if you catch an illegal immigrant, how much will be rewarded, and the cost will be borne by Ye Feng.

In this way, the enthusiasm of the police was mobilized, and the resentment of the local people was reduced. And Susie's reputation suddenly increased.

As for spending some money, it's just a drizzle. How many illegal immigrants can there be in the entire Massachusetts? Two to three hundred thousand dollars is a lot, and one hundred dollars is only two to three million dollars. This Ye Feng really doesn't care.

After the matter was settled, Ye Feng called Su Xi. He told her his thoughts. Susie jumped out of bed with a "ouch" and drove to Ye Feng's house. This man is so great!

Ye Yuze looked at Susie who was running back from outside, sighed and shook his head: "Why are young people so ignorant of moderation? Can't you just take a night's rest?"

Susie didn't even see Ye Yuze sitting in the living room. She ran upstairs, jumped up and threw herself on Ye Feng who was lying on the bed, suppressing him so much that he almost shouted for help.

"Oh, my dear, you are great! There is no problem that you can't solve. I've been a woman to you all my life, so why don't you get me now? Eat me till I'm boneless!"

Facing the obsessed Susie, Ye Feng quickly fell. Mainly because men are so strong! How could you give up? Let the storm come more violently!

Early the next morning, Ye Feng and Su Xi went to her election team and explained their plan. The group of people shocked Ye Feng and praised her greatly.

In fact, this idea is not necessarily very clever, it is not difficult to implement, and the amount of funds is not large. It’s just that no one thought of it.

A group of people began to discuss the details again, striving to make things perfect. Do not let unnecessary oversights affect the implementation of the entire plan.

There were still a few months until Election Day, enough time for Suzy to run everything to perfection. When the election day begins, I believe this plan will be like a bomb, causing the other two electors to panic.

Yang Geyong has always had little sense of presence in Boston, mainly because he rarely comes and is unfamiliar with him. In addition, it turns out that Yu'e has always been here, restrained. This time he and Ye Yuze were here, and he decided to explore life in the United States.

The underground boxing gym is naturally the first place he goes to. He didn't enjoy fighting the last time he came here. How could he let it go this time?

Speaking of which, Yang Geyong is also 44 years old this year. He is at the peak of physical fitness as a man practicing martial arts. However, from now on, his physical condition has begun to decline. After all, age is not forgiving.

According to the classification of Chinese martial arts schools, the kung fu he practices is pure external kung fu, relying entirely on the explosive power of the body itself.

Ye Yuze's eighth level belongs to the internal boxing category, which is in the same category as Tai Chi and Baguazhang. The main difference between internal boxing and external boxing is that each move of one requires coordination with internal breath, while the other only relies on the body itself.

The so-called Tai Chi ten years without going out means that it is very difficult to practice internal martial arts. This is not difficult to learn. How can it be difficult to learn something that can be done by old men and women in the park? It is rare to practice inner breath, which is both hard and soft.

In fact, traditional Chen-style Tai Chi can also be used vigorously. But it’s limited to some actions that require force.

The same is true for Bajiquan. When practicing, sometimes it looks like they are gesticulating like a joke, but when the inside and outside are truly integrated, every movement can still be extremely powerful.

Lin's martial arts gym is equipped with all kinds of equipment, not only the modern equipment, but also the traditional Chinese things.

Especially those with swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes and axes. The foreigners were stunned as they danced one by one.

Since the martial arts gym has been established for so long, Zhou Guihua has hired coaches from China. Naturally, they are all those who focus on actual combat and have real skills. Those who are just playing tricks, don’t want any of them.

There's nothing I can do about it, no matter how good-looking you are, you can't eat it here. All the students in the martial arts school are militants. If you make a gesture, someone will come to you to spar. If someone knocks him out with one punch, Zhou Guihua cannot afford to lose this person. It’s all about practicality.

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