Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1902 The man who gave his ex-wife a dowry

Ye Yuze cursed: "Like a dog, he has a strong sense of territory. If you have such energy, you might as well take him home as soon as possible!"

Huang Yongsheng walked up to the two men aggressively. Ye Yuze was about to rush over because he was afraid that this guy would really beat up Kevin.

As a result, this guy walked up to her, hugged Yuanyuan and said, "Don't hug my woman casually in the future! I want to marry her!"

Yuan Gungun's face was filled with excitement, and he kissed her immediately. Where did Huang Yongsheng pass through this formation? He said "Ah", took a few steps back, and sat down on the ground.

Yuan Gungun was hugging him and gnawing on him at this time. As soon as he lay down, the whole round body of Yuan Gungun was pressed against him. Huang Yongsheng groaned under the pressure.

He was tall and strong, weighing about two hundred pounds. Even if Huang Yongsheng was relatively strong, this blow was enough for him.

When Yuan Gungun got up from him after eating enough, Huang Yongsheng was like a tortoise who had turned over the lid, shaking his limbs and unable to get up.

It was time for breakfast. Everyone was in a hurry at first, but as a result, the farce between the two of them attracted no one to worry anymore, and they all just stayed there to eat.

What's going on? First, the two foreigners hugged and gnawed, and then the female foreigner pressed Lao Huang to the ground and gnawed. When did Junken City become so open? How old can you perform this on the street?

Yuan Gungun pulled Lao Huang up: "Let's go get the certificate!"

Lao Huang was pulled by her for a few steps in a daze before he realized what he was doing and asked confusedly: "What certificate do you need?"

"Marriage certificate? Don't you say I'm your woman? If you don't get the certificate from me, how can I be your woman?"

Looking at it, Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly admire it. Isn't this round shape simple? After living in Junken City for so many years, I even learned how to buy a ticket first and then get on the bus.

Huang Yongsheng was a little frightened at this time. The pressure just now was enough to choke him. If he was pressed every day in the future, would he be able to bear it?

Seeing his hesitation, Yuan Gungun got a little anxious and shouted loudly: "You won't regret marrying me. I have millions in my hands. You won't need to set up a stall in the future, I will support you!"

Old Huang was stunned when he heard this. He didn't know whether it was true or not?

Kevin quickly proved: "I earned more than five million, and I gave it to her when we divorced."

Ye Yuze felt that his balls hurt so much. No wonder these two could become a couple. They were so worthless!

At this time, the people watching the excitement began to cheer: "Old Huang, agree to it, and you will have both wealth and wealth!"

Lao Huang said with a grimace on his face: "She is too fat. I'm afraid she will be crushed to death if I am not careful at night!"

"I'll lose weight, and I'll make sure I'm as thin as you in the future!" Yuan Gungun saw that Lao Huang was going to regret it, so he quickly promised.

Ye Yuze couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Huang Yongsheng: "Old Huang, those deposits are real, they are all employees of my company."

Only then did Lao Huang turn around and greet everyone: "Well, we won't sell it today. Whoever eats it can cut it himself! Just wash the bowl after eating."

Hearing this, Ye Yuze was the first to rush to the stall. He wanted to eat only sheep tripe today, and that stuff was more expensive than it was small. I brought a bowl for Kevin as well.

After breakfast, Ye Yuze and Kevin strolled to work. Looking at the proud Kevin, Ye Yuze couldn't help but admire this man's open-mindedness.

After earning half his life's money, he gave it to his ex-wife without hesitation and told her to use the money to find a man. It is estimated that few Chinese men can achieve this kind of magnanimity. It is so selfless.

As time goes by, Junken Electromechanical has gradually become a world-wide chip center. Every tiny breakthrough in the chip here will bring a historic impact to the semiconductor industry.

The PC market has gradually formed a three-legged situation. Crabapple, Microsoft, and Warrior Computer all have their own independent operating systems, and they have begun fierce competition in the global market.

According to the current market share, Microsoft still wins because they started early, are large, and have strong compatibility with various software, so they are more popular in the market.

Begonia fruit also has its unique advantages because of its independence and uniqueness. That is, the operation is simple and fast, which is slightly inferior to Microsoft.

Although Microsoft has also increased its efforts in the development of various software, it has lost its advantage in speed because the compatibility is too strong.

As for the Warrior Computer, it actually had the advantages of the first two and had a very good reputation.

However, disputes have begun to emerge at this time. Europe and the United States have increased various restrictions on electronic products in accordance with market rules, and Warrior Computers have naturally been affected.

International trade naturally has its own rules. Although there are things like international trade law that you can refer to, in actual operation, various contradictions will still arise due to different national conditions.

Generally speaking, to resolve such conflicts, you have to resort to law, but many times, courts also have a headache with similar cases.

Crabapple companies are also involved in the dispute. How could someone like Steve Jobs fail to see his true competitors?

The key thing that poses a threat to Begonia Fruit is not just the PC side, as smartphones develop more and more rapidly. The arrogant Jobs has become increasingly fearful of Huawei.

If one day he really starts fighting in the market, he is afraid that he will die in an ugly way. The main reason is the cost. The cost of production in the United States is almost two-thirds higher than that of production overseas. How can we compete with others?

Currently, Jobs is discussing with Ye Feng to learn from the clothing industry and take products overseas for processing. Although this increases transportation costs, the manufacturing costs are much lower. Calculating both inside and outside, the total cost is still much lower.

Ye Feng agreed in principle, but this matter still needed to be discussed with his father and Mr. Ren. In fact, it sounds like we are all members of the same family who fight over and over again, but that’s how business is. No matter who it is, you have to fight when it’s time to fight. Otherwise, how can the company develop?

At present, the electronics industry in Shenzhen City is at its peak, with various assembly machines flooding from Huaqiangbei to every corner of the country.

However, with the rapid development of 4G networks, various patented technologies are increasingly protected. The impact is that there are fewer and fewer pirated products available for counterfeit products. It is destined that the mobile phone market will usher in a major innovation in the near future. Mobile phones will transform from communication tools into smart terminals, and may even replace PCs as the dominant one.

Therefore, Junken Mechanical and Electrical is destined to stand at the forefront of this change and become a trend-setter of the times.

The proud Mr. Ni seemed to be ten years younger. Although he was as thin as a bamboo pole, his face was rosy. As a scientific researcher, what could excite him more than this?

But Mr. Ni is currently doing one thing, which is to start a counterattack. This fight back is not just legal...

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