Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1891 Acting Alone

Although Berg is extremely capable, he is somewhat weak in character and very kind.

Ye Feng's scolding not only did not make him angry, but instead scratched his head and laughed "hehe". He is not stupid, the boss feels sorry for him.

"Boss, we have 200 million US dollars in our account. Are you sure you want to spend it all?"

"I will give you another 300 million, and you must spend it all within a month. If there is still money in the account at the end of the month, see if I don't kick your ass!" Ye Feng continued to scold you angrily.

Berg was obviously reluctant to let go, but he didn't dare not listen to Ye Feng's words. I had no choice but to reluctantly agree, but those two big eyes were darting around, wondering what else to plan?

Ye Feng walked out of the company. It was already past one o'clock in the morning. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Susie. No one answered for a long time, so he didn't call again. The girl must have fallen asleep.

He drove back to his dormitory, but it was too late. His home was a bit far away, and he really didn't have the energy to go back.

Sister Kelly was blindfolded and taken to a villa in the suburbs. In fact, they didn't need to be blindfolded to see. They all drank too much. Kelly vomited all over the car. The five people in the car, except the driver, were all covered in filth.

The four of them were not angry, but looked satisfied. One of the bald heads had a lewd smile on his face. He touched Kelly's plumpness and smacked his lips: "It's so fucking exciting!"

Another strong man with a gloomy face scolded: "Put away your dog's paws, be careful I'll chop them up for you. We are asking for money. If you want to hurt them, the Wharton family will crush us to ashes!"

The bald man was unconvinced and said: "How do you call this hurt? I just want to give her happiness, okay? John, you are good at everything, but you are so stupid that you don't know how to use some words?"

John took out his cell phone: "Do you believe I'm going to call Nick right now and tell him what you want to do?"

The bald man immediately retracted his hand and said, "I'm just joking, are you kidding me?"

The two women were sleeping soundly at this time, completely unaware of their situation. Even Susie, who was still a little awake when she was first arrested, was sleeping like a dead pig at this moment.

The bald man rubbed his hands and laughed dryly: "John, how much do you think the boss will ask for?"

John also showed a smile at this time: "A person with this kind of wealth is embarrassed to speak even if he is short of 100 million nickels?"

Several people laughed together. If this job was successful, it would be enough for them to live happily for ten or eight years.

When Helen received the call, it was already past ten o'clock the next morning. Because Kelly does not live at home, she has never been clear about her granddaughter's whereabouts. After receiving the call, Helen quickly sent people to search for Kelly's residence. When she couldn't find anyone anywhere, Helen's heart sank.

The phone call was very brief: "Helen, right? I have your two granddaughters in my hands. Please confirm first and then wait for my call. You can decide whether to call the police or not, but I believe you still want them to live."

Helen did not choose to call the police because her identity was too sensitive. As soon as he calls the police, there will probably be a big fuss at the police station. It is tantamount to alerting the snake, and the lives of the two granddaughters will definitely be threatened.

Helen called Ye Feng. She wanted to find out why Susie was taken away together. Because she usually stays with Ye Feng at night.

Ye Feng was surprised when he received Helen's call because the old lady just asked what he was doing last night and hung up the phone.

You must know that Helen had never called him, and she must have even asked for the number from someone else. Ye Feng's first reaction was that something had happened to Susie.

Ye Feng naturally knew where Susie went last night. He originally made an appointment to pick her up at the bar after he finished his work, but he didn't expect that he was busy until midnight and the call didn't get through. Ye Feng thought that Susie must have gone home to sleep.

Looking at his mobile phone again, there was no missed call from Susie, and Ye Feng couldn't sit still anymore. When this girl wakes up every day, as long as the two of her are not together, the first thing she does is call herself under the covers.

Ye Feng called his father and then his uncle. Ye Yuze rushed over after receiving the call. Wang Jianying had returned from Helen's house, and Helen was very generous. After staying at her house for half a month, she gave Wang Jianying 20,000 US dollars.

Kevin flew back to Junken City as soon as his vacation was over. He was busier than anyone else at work and couldn't give up work just because he was in love. Although he wanted to, he didn't dare. All his property was taken away by Yuan Gungun, and he only had the house left. He wanted to make money quickly to give Mei Ting a good living environment.

Ye Yuze rushed to school, and Ye Feng had already been waiting for him on the roadside, listening to his son tell what happened. Ye Yuze's expression also became solemn. It was probably that both sisters had been kidnapped, but Helen didn't tell them, so they had no way to ask.

At this time, Lao Si also called, saying that someone would be coming soon to cooperate with their investigation. This is the fourth child using his privilege.

The visitor was a smart and capable middle-aged man. When he saw Ye Feng, he nodded and said, "If you need anything, just tell me."

Ye Feng was not polite. He told the name of the bar and said he wanted to retrieve the nearby surveillance video. The person immediately led them to the police station, quickly retrieved the surveillance video, found the location and started searching.

Because the time period was probably between ten o'clock and one o'clock, soon, the image of Suzy and the others being caught in the car appeared on the screen. I followed the car and found that it disappeared from the west side of the city. When we reached the suburbs, there were no cameras. There was no way to determine where the person was caught.

This direction happened to be the direction of Ye Yuze's home. The two of them studied the nearby buildings together, and then thought of a place at the same time. Then they asked the man not to tell anyone at the police station, and then left.

Since Helen didn't call the police, she must have been threatened. If the two of them were leaked to others, and Kelly and the others were completely threatened, the sin would be huge.

The two people drove out of the city because the place they wanted to visit was a villa about five kilometers away from their home.

Everyone in that generation was basically familiar with the neighbors. There was only one family but no one had ever seen it, and the lawn was as messy as the weeds on the mountains.

For this reason, the Environmental Protection Agency also posted a sticker on them. In the United States, if you don't mow the lawn, you will be slapped with a sticker and fined just like leaving a motor vehicle in the country.

When the car drove near the villa, Ye Yuze chose to park the car in the woods. This place cannot be seen by others, otherwise it would be too conspicuous on the roadside.

The two quietly came to the door of the villa from the woods and found that it was quiet inside and there seemed to be no one.

That's awesome, come on, brothers!

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