Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1855 The Fall of Marseille City

South Africa, Whitewater Company's African headquarters, general manager Darry cut off the head of a Havana cigar with scissors, then lit it and took a deep breath, then slowly spit out the smoke in his mouth and ordered to his subordinates: "Order the people in the Tanzania branch to immediately start to act."

In the Presidential Palace of Tanzania, a think tank said earnestly: "Your Excellency, Marseille is not that easy to capture. You must think twice before you act."

The president showed disdain: "What's so scary about a lighter? All we're afraid of is his Katyushas! I was a good country, but now he has ruined it. Now someone has helped us destroy their weapons." , If we don’t send troops at this time, how can we meet our allies?”

The military god of Tanzania, Elephant, was stunned the moment he received the battle order. What is wrong with this country? Did you know that Lighter was once the Minister of Defense of Tanzania?

Although the Marseille District is not part of the territory of Tanzania, it is still a friendly neighbor, right? Why do you want to hit someone?

The elephant fed back his doubts and those of the soldiers, but the answer he received was to attack immediately. Otherwise you will be severely punished by law.

The elephant was helpless, but soldiers had a bounden duty to obey orders, so they could only lead the troops to start the war to conquer Marseille.

The Maasai Volunteer Army does not station troops on the border with Tanzania. It is a country to begin with. Although it is independent, the Lighter government has no hostility towards Tanzania and is just a friendly neighbor. Who would have expected that the Tanzanian army would march straight in, overwhelming the enemy?

Because of the rapid economic development of Marseille, it has also brought the Tanzanian economy to a higher level. Therefore, for this attack, the Tanzanian government has purchased sufficient American equipment to completely defeat the Masai armed forces.

Their slogan is to restore territorial integrity and regain the territory occupied by lighters.

Most soldiers have doubts about this dispatch. Although they have new tanks and various weapons and equipment, they are not confident in defeating the Marseille Volunteer Army.

What's more, many soldiers still remember that it was the Maasai people who rescued them on the battlefield where Mozambique invaded a few years ago and defeated Mozambique on their own.

It’s only been a few years? Why is the family divided? Obviously there are no defenses at the border, so Tanzanian people can freely enter and leave Marseille?

However, military orders are military orders, and you can only obey them on the battlefield, otherwise you will face severe punishment!

Nowadays, the capital of Marseille has been moved to Putuo due to its merger with Mozambique. It is close to the port and is very suitable for the development of maritime trade.

The original city of Marseille was an industrial base and there were not many troops left. So when the Tanzanian army came to the city, the volunteers who were guarding it thought they were here for training and wanted to entertain them. As a result, he instantly became a prisoner.

The members of a regiment were all disarmed without firing a single shot. It was not until the moment they were tied up that they realized what a serious mistake they had made.

At any rate, Elephant was grateful for the help Marseille had given him. If it hadn't been for him, he would have died by Gary's gun.

Although Xiang Xiang and some mid-level officers are friendly to the people of Marseille District, some recruits and junior officers do not have a good impression of Marseille District.

Because the education they received after joining the army was how the Maasai Volunteer Army divided the country and divided the land that originally belonged to Tanzania.

Therefore, some unpleasant events occurred after the occupation of Marseille. In particular, some factories, which were originally funded and established by old comrades, and some of which still had shares, were severely damaged.

Xiang Xiang tried his best to stop these things, but there was always a time when he couldn't see it, and probably dozens of people were massacred.

Although in the end the elephant caught these people and prepared to report them to the military court. But he wanted to avenge the country of Tanzania, so he was released soon after reporting the matter.

When the news reached Putuo, Lighter was filled with righteous indignation. Although those companies were not too important to Marseille now, they occupied a very important position in Lighter's heart. He immediately assembled the volunteer army around Marseille to prepare for a battle of annihilation.

To be honest, the Marseille District has not expanded its military strength in recent years, mainly because Katyusha has been emboldened, and neighboring countries have not provoked their strength. And the economy is the last word. With money, everything is no longer a problem.

Ye Feng and the others contacted the arms dealer on the first day they arrived. Although the long-range missiles were powerful, in a head-on confrontation, Lighter still felt that Katyusha was reliable.

After contacting the arms dealer, another hundred Katyushas arrived in one day. In fact, I didn’t spend much money this time, because I only bought the launcher, which is not valuable, and there are many cars. In addition, because the launcher and the ballistics are placed separately, all the ammunition used by Katyusha is placed in the underground arsenal, and Not blown up.

So after the elephant led the army to occupy the city of Marseille, the Cachusha missile brigade set off.

After occupying the city of Marseille, Elephant did not advance rashly, but allowed the troops to rest and recuperate, mainly to improve military discipline and prevent the indiscriminate killing of innocent people from happening again.

But this is obviously a bit difficult. The president uses him because he is highly respected in the military and is also an idol in the hearts of the people.

But now the young men in the army don't buy his account. Those people are loyal to the president and hate the Maasai people. After fighting here, they want to kill all the local officials and take all the businesses as their own.

The Maasai Garment Factory was established with the help of Meihua. Now it is somewhat famous throughout Africa. The zebra clothing they produce has been exported to surrounding countries.

Originally, the factory was managed by one of Lighter's wives, but after the capital was moved, Lighter's wife naturally had to leave with her husband, and his successor was a woman in her thirties, Koala.

Kaola is a very capable woman. She has risen from an ordinary sewing worker to the position of factory director step by step.

When Meihua left, she had given all the equity to the female workers who had started her business with her first, and the remaining half was owned by the Marseille City Government.

Kaola was one of the dozen or so people who started the business. I have made it to this day because of my hard work.

On the day Marseille fell, the female workers didn't understand what was going on at all? A group of soldiers rushed in.

There is no need to describe what these demons wanted to do when they saw so many female workers. Curses, cries, and screams were heard all of a sudden, turning the factory, which was originally full of joy and laughter, into a hell on earth in an instant.

Kaola was picked up from the office by a company commander, who asked her to hand over the money. How could Koala agree to him?

So after being ravaged, the company commander actually asked the soldiers to come one after another. Koala gritted his teeth like a dead man and didn't say a word. No matter how much they torture you.

In the end, the koala was tied naked to a pillar and exposed to the sun without a sip of water. The African sun can really kill a person.

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