Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1829 Junken Garment Factory

Although Ye Mao is now the chief of the three evils, he behaves like a baby in front of Ye Ling. The main thing is that this grandma has never said a harsh word since she was a child, which even my mother can't do.

I was late playing computer games last night. I teamed up with the Jin sisters and Wei Jiang to play Legend on Malu until two o'clock.

Fortunately, my mother and grandma went to bed early, otherwise I would have been scolded if I caught him.

The summer vacation will be in half a month. Several people have already agreed to go to the capital to open a store during the summer vacation. The house has been contacted, and brother Yang Wei is now leading people to decorate it for them.

This store is relatively large and was originally planned to be located on the first floor of the Junken Building. However, there was really no room there, so we had to do the next best thing and rent half of the ground floor of a new shopping mall.

Originally, Ye Mao wanted to rent the whole place, but Yang Wei was afraid that these children would be unreliable, so in order to pay less, he only wanted half of the place, and KFC rented the other half.

But this is something only a second-rate guy like Yang Wei can do. Anyone else would not let Ye Mao compete with KFC. After all, they are a chain of restaurants all over the world, and Ye Mao’s Junken fast food does not have more than 20 stores so far. .

The reason why she wanted to open a business in the capital was actually Yifei's idea. Her original intention was to open up sales in influential places first, and then map out the surrounding areas.

In a daze, Ye Mao waited for Grandma Ye Ling to help him put on his clothes. At this time, Ye Rou pushed the door open, took a look, and muttered unsatisfied: "Ye Mao, how old are you, and you still ask grandma to help you get dressed?"

Ye Mao made a face at her. He was not afraid of these two sisters. He was the youngest at home, and those younger than him were all abroad, so he was currently the most beloved grandson of the two grandmothers.

However, after a quarrel with his sister, he finally came to his senses. As soon as he finished putting on his clothes, he jumped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to hold in his urine.

Ye Ling looked at Ye Mao's back and shouted: "Slow down, don't fall."

Then he quickly started to clean up the house for Ye Mao. To be honest, after spending time with her daughter in the capital, she was most worried about Ye Mao. Especially when Ye Yuze was at home, he would hit him at every turn.

With her around, Ye Yuze would usually not take action as long as she stopped him. No matter what he said, among the children of the Ye family, it was his daughter who had the least relationship with her.

The other children respect her very much and rarely talk back to him. But there was nothing she could do about it, Ye Yuji was her biological child, so she had to recognize him no matter what.

After cleaning up several rooms and cooking the food, after serving the whole family, everyone left as well. After the three women finished cleaning up the housework, Yu'e went to the clothing factory. She is also a restless person. Now that the children are no longer taken care of, she will naturally find something to do.

Her company in Hong Kong Island is currently running well. Although she rarely goes there, because she often participates in design and has various personal connections, the business has become bigger and bigger. Several factories in Guangzhou are doing her work. processing.

Anyone who doesn't know the inside story would think that Yu'e is just a pure housewife. But everyone in Junken City knows that the current housewives of the Ye family are among the top housewives in the world, and their personal assets are calculated in eight figures. And the money really wasn't given by men from the Ye family.

Today's Junken Garment Factory has already changed from a shotgun to a cannon. After the first wave of aunts all left, the garment factory built a new factory building, moved away from the original site, and expanded a lot.

Most of the female workers come from the mainland or surrounding ethnic areas. Because the factory has been contracted and run by Nina, although the factory has shares in the city, it does not participate in the operation, which is equivalent to a private enterprise.

The biggest characteristic of private enterprises is that they work more and get more, and the garment industry is the industry with the most overtime work among intensive industries. Therefore, even if it is just a garment factory, regardless of other benefits, the income of workers here is higher than that of ordinary enterprises.

Later, Nina applied to the city government for those who had worked in the garment factory for five years and performed well. The factory helped them apply for household registration, and the city quickly approved it, which immediately mobilized the enthusiasm of the workers. The product output is no worse than that of those foundries in the south, and the quality is even better.

The products of Junken Garment Factory are mainly supplied to the Moscow market. It has its own complete sales channels there, and its products have always been in short supply. Snow Lotus brand women's clothing is now considered an international brand in the Russian market.

Yu'e didn't come here just to help Nina? But the equipment here is well-equipped, and she designs clothes for her company and the Warrior Clothing Factory, so she is taking advantage of it.

However, through frequent communication with the designers in the factory, both parties will naturally receive the goods. What's more, Nina is still Yu'e's master.

Seeing Yu'e come in, Nina opened her hands and gave her a big hug and kiss. No way, after decades of living in Junken City, Nina still can't change the Russian habits, and it's not that she hasn't changed them at all. She will definitely stop hugging men.

The little boy smiled at Yu'e and went to the workshop. Nowadays, Nina has the final say in the clothing factory, and the kid is only in charge of logistics and maintenance.

"Yu'e, the sample you designed last month was sold well in Moscow. I will transfer the design fee to you." Nina shouted to Yu'e excitedly.

"What can I give you? Do you teach me so many things before that I have to pay you tuition?" Yu'e declined with a smile.

Nina sighed: "You are more talented than me. Once you learn it, you will always be better than me. I can hardly keep up with the times. If you don't want this money, I will never ask you for help again!"

Seeing Nina's firm tone, Yu'e didn't refuse and let her go. Neither of them actually cared about the two or three hundred thousand.

This is the case in the clothing industry. Whether it sells well or not depends on the designer. If a brand of clothing does not have one or two decent designers, the only consequence will be bankruptcy, no matter how strong you are!

Therefore, major companies regard the introduction of designers as a top priority. Nowadays, if a designer like Yu'e is willing to apply for any company, he will definitely start in the seven figures.

Of course, at present, most domestic clothing companies are engaged in OEM processing, so such companies will naturally not hire designers.

However, some domestic brands have begun to rise, such as Li Ning, Hongdou, and a series of products, including sportswear, casual wear, suits, etc. Began to quickly seize the domestic market.

It's just that the price cannot be compared with other international big brands. In fact, most of those international big brands are now processed in Guangdong, and then shipped back and labeled with trademarks before selling.

And the processing fees these contract processing companies earn are pitiful.

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