Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1825: Entrusted to an Inhumane Person

That night Wang Luodan came over in a daze, as if he had been giggling all night. My facial muscles are almost cramping. It was really not someone else who forced her to laugh, she was so happy!

Born in the capital, I am used to the kind of wariness and competition between people. When facing such a simple crowd, my heart was really moved.

In particular, the Kazakhs nearby knew each other very well, but the true feelings they showed really shocked Wang Ludan.

"It's so nice here!" This was the only emotion in her heart. She has a mother, so she is also from here, right?

Jinhua looked at Wang Luodan, whose face was shining brightly, and said to Ulan with a smile: "You just have no time to accept your daughter as your goddaughter, wouldn't it be over if you just marry her home and become your daughter-in-law?"

Wang Luodan, who was not far away, blushed when he heard these words, lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ulan. Wulan was shocked by these words and whispered: "My son has brought his girlfriend back?"

Jin Hua scolded angrily: "You are just a stupid girl. That girl doesn't agree with Batu to return to the mainland for development. How can you expect her to marry in the mainland?"

"When you get married and have a baby on Hong Kong Island, do you have to take care of it? They speak like birds, do you understand? You can't even buy groceries."

Ulan also fell silent now. She had been so excited to visit these days. She didn't think so much at all. Jinhua's words undoubtedly woke her up at this time, and that was really what happened.

Especially the sentence about marrying someone home as a daughter-in-law is like a small flame burning in my heart, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at Ulan in a daze, Wang Luodan felt uneasy in his heart. She hoped that Ulan would agree, but she was also afraid that she would agree.

The main reason is that she and Yang Wei had a dispute before, and Yang Wei and Batu were young, so this relationship was the most difficult to deal with.

Yang Wei obviously didn't like her, and the reason why she was emotional was because of Yang Wei's domineering attitude that day.

This is how a woman is, no matter how strong she is, she also likes a man who is fearless. In fact, she liked Batu from the moment they met, but Yang Wei completely blocked Batu's light that day. He also covered her eyes by the way.

Through these days of getting along, she has been deeply fascinated by this big boy. Otherwise, how could she abandon her bar and run around for him for more than a month?

She could tell that Batu also liked her. Although she was a few years older, young people nowadays don't care much about this anymore.

Just because he had Ye Peiwen, and Wang Luodan had such an unclear relationship with Yang Wei, so neither of them thought about it.

Look at Batu, he is drinking happily with a group of boys. Ye Qianwen's little eyes kept looking at her, full of vigilance.

Wang Luodan felt bitter in his heart, tried his best to calm down, and walked over.

Batu's current achievements naturally make the other kids jealous. Everyone was trying hard to get him drunk.

But Batu's drinking capacity is as good as Yang Wei's, so it's not easy to win over him. The only person in the group who didn't drink was Yifei.

Although the little girl is much more cheerful now, her personality has not changed. She is always quiet and quiet everywhere.

Originally, she did not have a strong sense of presence in this circle, but because of her relationship with Ye Feng, she became the focus. Everyone thought that if Yuanfang and her met, there would be a dispute between the two. Like sisters. A group of people couldn't help but admire: "Brother Feng is so powerful!"

Seeing Wang Luodan approaching, Ye Qianqian came up to him with a smile and asked, "Thank you for your hard work, sister. I should have a few drinks with Batu."

Wang Luodan also smiled and nodded: "I just saw that he drank too much, so I came to drink a few drinks for him."

Batu saw her coming and quickly stopped her: "Sister, I can defeat a group of them by myself without you!"

Naturally, the boys were not happy. They raised their glasses and vowed to let him go out sideways today.

Wang Luodan ignored Batu and got himself a glass of sorghum alcohol. This wine is a must-have for Junken people. It is a special supply and can only be bought in Junken City. The ones you buy outside are different from this one.

"Hello, brothers and sisters, today's meal was prepared for me by Wulan's mother. Since I am Batu's sister, I am naturally your sister. Is there anything wrong with me toasting you all?"

"No, no, you must drink this cup!" Everyone must give this face. They all raised their glasses and drank it all. Only Ye Qianqian just took a sip and put down the glass.

Everyone knows that Yifei doesn't drink, so no one advises her. This is due to physical reasons.

But Ye Qianqian's behavior made everyone a little strange. This girl has a considerable drinking capacity. Why didn't she drink this drink?

Seeing Ye Qianqian sitting down, Wang Luodan didn't take it seriously and poured a second cup. He raised it up again: "I am so happy to be your sister today. This glass of wine is not disrespectful to you. I drank it myself just to be happy."

After saying this, Wang Luodan drank it all in one gulp.

How can we let her drink it by herself? They all had another drink.

As a result, Wang Luodan poured himself another glass after drinking. Batu quickly stopped her: "Sister, although this wine has no stamina, it is still 53 degrees. You can't drink like this."

Wang Luodan smiled: "I am your sister, that is, I am from Junken City. There is a table full of people, but there is not a woman who can drink. How can that be done? Today I am not only your sister, but also a girl from Junken City. I want to represent Girls drink like a charm!"

Ye Qianqian's face turned red. She could drink and dared to drink, but she simply didn't want to give Wang Luodan face. After all, no woman wants to live in harmony with her love rival.

"I don't need you to represent me. I'll drink my own wine!" After saying that, Ye Qianqian drank two glasses of wine in a row, and then looked at Wang Luodan provocatively.

Without saying a word, Wang Luodan drank another gulp of the wine in the glass.

Others don't understand what's going on with these two girls? It seems like you are competing?

But Batu understood and knew that they were doing it because of Yang Wei, so he grabbed Wang Luodan's hand and shouted: "Mom, come here quickly, my sister is drinking the wine as water!"

When Wu Lan heard her son's words, she ran over quickly, picked her up and left: "You can't drink like this. You are recovering from your illness. Don't drink too much."

Wang Luodan followed Ulan obediently. She had no intention of resisting this mother at all, and she didn't want to make her anxious or angry.

Ye Qianqian snorted and stared at Batu dissatisfied.

Batu smiled: "For more than a month, my sister has been following me all over the country. Don't you want to cause trouble?"

"Batu, don't turn your elbows outward!" Ye Qianqian said disdainfully.

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