Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 182 Happy Boarding Student

Aunt Gan pointed to Zhao Ling'er's book and asked:

"I know you have no problem with your knowledge. If there is an aunt who doesn't know how to do it, she can give you some guidance."

Ye Yuze quickly nodded and thanked: "Thank you, auntie, I won't bother you anymore. To express my gratitude, I will cook a meal for you."

Aunt Gan looked at him with disbelief. Zhao Linger cheered.

"Okay, okay! You can make sweet and sour pork! That's my favorite dish!"

Zhao Ling'er has eaten the food he cooked, so she will naturally not doubt it.

Seeing her daughter so happy, Aunt Gan was happy to be lazy. I sat on a stool and read a book.

Ye Yuze had no choice but to cut the meat, marinate it, batter it, fry it and then make the sauce.

I thought it couldn't be too vegetarian, so I made cold shredded potatoes. Paired with some shredded carrots, it looks pretty.

People in northern Xinjiang only have potatoes in winter, and they only insist on one or two methods. That’s stir-frying and stewing.

Where have you ever seen such elegant and refined potato shreds?

As soon as it was served on the table, Zhao Ling'er even forgot about the sweet and sour pork that she had been craving for.

Aunt Gan was also very impressed and had a great appetite. A meal is like a waste of money. Poor Ye Yuze only got a little sweet and sour pork to eat.

After eating, Zhao Ling'er patted Ye Yuze's shoulder carelessly.

From now on, the arduous task of lunch will fall on your shoulders.

Aunt Gan burst out laughing at the side. asked:

"Did you learn all this craft from your mother?"

Ye Yuze nodded.

Zhao Ling'er was not happy and corrected:

"No, although Auntie's cooking is not bad, it can never be done like this!"

Ye Yuze's old face turned red: "I grew up eating it, and I like to eat it. So I learned some dishes from it."

Aunt Gan nodded, indicating that she understood.

At this time, the junior high school in my mouth already had English as a course, but the Youth League Middle School did not. That's a high school course.

There is no shortage of teachers in the Youth League Middle School, so Aunt Gan does not have to teach. But after Ye Yuze arrived, she would often circle in front of the classroom window.

This meant that Ye Yuze was watching closely. With Zhao Ling'er beside him, Ye Yuze could only attend class honestly every day, and he was almost going to show his horniness.

Taking classes at the Infrastructure Company, you can still see Yinhua. This Zhao Ling'er can't be said to be beautiful, but in Ye Yuze's heart, she doesn't seem to be a woman.

The main reason is that her character is too strong and she likes everything that affects Ye Yuze.

Last night I made an appointment with Gachi and the others to go out for a roast lamb meal. There are several barbecue stalls near the building, and they are said to taste quite good. They all like to go there with steamed buns and spend 20 cents on a mutton skewer, which is enough.

When school was over in the afternoon, Ye Yuze said to Zhao Linger:

"I won't go to your house for dinner today. Tao Guo from the dormitory came to see me for something."

Although Zhao Ling'er looked unhappy, she did not force him to go back. This is already rare for her.

In the evening, Ye Yuze, Xiao Gageng, Tao Guolai and Hou Wangtian went to the cafeteria to make steamed buns and then went to the department store.

Ye Yuze had been there several times before, and he had also been there. But I didn't expect that the three people traveling with me walked cautiously and kept looking around, as if they were avoiding something.

Ye Yuze became curious and asked:

"Are you foxes? You have to step on the footprints in front of you when you raise your paw?"

Tao Guolai blushed for a while, but Xiao Gageng whispered:

"Don't make any noise. Look at those people from the county middle school. They are looking for fights with people from our regiment middle school. They are not easy to mess with."

Ye Yuze was stunned and then understood. It turns out that the world of children is never that simple!

There are always some self-righteous people who create so many imaginary enemies out of thin air and enjoy bullying others.

"Then there's no one in our school to deal with them?"

Ye Yuze didn't understand. However, the children of the Corps have never been intimidated by anyone, and even the children of Infrastructure Construction have never been intimidated by the guys like Lao Yumin?

Hou Wangtian sighed. "The leader of our middle school is Brother Li Yuanchao, but he doesn't live on campus, but in the Youth League Headquarters Family Home. We can't call him every time we go out, right?"

Ye Yuze nodded and understood.

"Then do they bring knives to fights?"

He must figure this out, otherwise he will suffer a loss if he encounters it. Isn’t it said that no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives?

Tao Guolai shook his head. “They don’t carry knives, and the police station has strict control. If they are caught with knives, they will be detained.

But they wear rings that can be put on their hands and cannot be seen at all with gloves on. But when you clenched your fist, it revealed spikes. There were also several small holes in the face. "

Ye Yuze took a breath of cold air. It seems that if the Tao is higher than the devil is higher! This city is not easy to mess around with either.

It was just getting dark at this time and the moon had not yet come out. But the street lights on the road have begun to light up.

In a small county town, including the regiment headquarters, there is only one decent road. It's not an asphalt road, it's paved with concrete.

The county seat and the regiment headquarters were surrounding both sides of the road. The regiment headquarters is on the west side of the county seat, and the population is much smaller than that of the county seat.

Because the regiment headquarters itself does not have many people, and the only ones with the regiment headquarters are the guard company and the sideline company. Including family members, there are no more than a thousand people.

The population of various ethnic groups in the county is almost 20,000.

The regiment headquarters is relatively strict about firearms management. When there are no missions, all firearms are stored in the warehouse.

Like a company, there is no need to think about the fact that the children can take it out to shoot birds at any time.

Because they were cautious, the four of them walked slowly. By the time we arrived at the building, it was completely dark.

There is an open space in front of the building, which is also paved with concrete and becomes a small square in the county seat.

Most of the people who set up stalls are ethnic people, and there are generally no restrictions on their business. On the contrary, it was almost impossible for Han people to start a business in those days.

However, the products of ethnic people are relatively simple, just food and drink. If the Han people were allowed to do business, they would probably have nothing but aircraft and artillery. I can do anything for you.

The stall that Xiaoga Geng and the others often visit is a barbecue stall owned by a white-bearded grandfather.

One of his skewers was almost a foot long. The red wicker branches that were about to penetrate the meat were trembling.

No wonder they say that just this bunch of two big steamed buns, each 4 taels in size, can fill you up. It’s such a portion. Even if you have a small appetite, you can still be full without eating steamed buns.

Such a bunch actually cost only two cents. Ye Yuze was almost in tears when he saw it. What a conscientious businessman!

Seeing a few people coming, the old man greeted happily:

"Hey, Balang, come and eat some meat, the fragrant mutton meat!"

When several people saw the barbecue, they had already forgotten their fear, and quickly gathered up and paid.

The old man accepted the money with a smile and handed them four large grilled skewers that were dripping with oil.

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Nice subscription yesterday. I won’t say anything else, just add an update for the veterans who have been silently subscribing and voting.

Hey guys, where are the tickets? Smash me, smash me.

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