Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1792 European Air Show

In fact, currently Warrior Engine and some products from Warrior Steel Factory are trying to overturn the so-called standards they have set. However, this is difficult and will require a long process, but Ye Yuze believes it can be done.

Ye Yuping called him yesterday to tell him that Helena took the engine to Hamburg again to participate in the annual air show. Ye Yuze couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This Helena is stubborn. She loves her third child very much and has a child, but she doesn't want to get married. Her life is simply two points and one line. For example, when I return home, just because Meihua’s rice is delicious, I leave right after eating, but rarely take the initiative to do housework.

The reason why they don't get married is because they are afraid of the trouble of trivial family matters. Although she has children now, she doesn't need to take care of her daughter at all. Mei Hua'er is taking care of her. She just couldn't bear that family life took up so much of her time.

The research and development of aircraft is her only obsession in life. Originally, her passion was dedicated to Airbus, but that company made her heartbroken. Therefore, she now devotes all her energy to the research and development of fighter engines.

Sometimes I have to admire that when a person devotes herself wholeheartedly to something, the results she can achieve will be proportional to it.

Speaking of China’s aero engines, it’s all tears. Does China lack technology? To be honest, there is no shortage. Is it lacking good design? To be honest, there is no shortage, they are all on the drawings, each design is more exquisite than the last.

However, the performance of Chinese engines has always been a pain in the hearts of military fans across the country. And in a tone that hates iron but cannot be transformed into steel, he shouted: Why are the level of Chinese engines so bad!

Of course, it depends on who has a bad engine. As one of the top five aerospace companies in the world, China is much stronger than other countries. At least we have the ability to independently build engines. But there is a saying that goes well, when you play chess with a stinky chess piece, the more you play, the stinker becomes. If we want to compete, we have to compete with Americans.

The biggest reason why the Chinese are not as good as Americans in terms of materials is that our aviation materials are really poor.

In the 1940s, the principle of jet aircraft was first proposed, but the aviation materials at that time were really poor. In the high-temperature environment caused by jet engines, it would not take long for the engines to melt.

It was not until the British developed the world's first high-temperature alloy that jet engines were developed. Later, every technological leap forward in human fighter jets was accompanied by advances in aviation materials.

So far, both the United States and Russia have developed fourth-generation single crystal alloys. This alloy can withstand high temperatures of 1100°C and pressures of 180 to 190Mpa. This aviation material can be said to be mankind's hope for developing a new type of fighter jet.

In addition, Americans feel that the fourth generation single crystal alloy is not enough, and have developed an additional nickel-aluminum alloy for aeroengines. On the basis of high temperature and high pressure resistance, it also brings weight reduction, noise reduction, and economy to the aircraft. Oil and other properties.

To be honest, China really did not have suitable aviation materials back then.

The heart disease of Chinese aircraft is no longer one or two years ago. Many people say that the design of Chinese engines is not good, too crude, and the level even remains at the end of the last century to the beginning of this century.

But veterans, this is really not a design problem, but that our country does not have suitable high-temperature and high-pressure resistant aviation materials. As a result, many of our engineers understand and can design them. But China does not have the aviation materials that can afford those high-end designs. It is designed not to be used, and can only be viewed on the drawings.

But now it is completely different. The various alloy materials produced by the special steel workshop of Warrior Steel Factory can now be used to manufacture aircraft engines. It even completely surpassed them in some aspects of performance, which brought a leap forward in engine research and development.

This is not the first time Helena has participated in an air show. The engines she brought were imitated at first and then used for reference. Now, small and medium-sized aircraft engines are completely independently designed and developed.

In recent years, Helena has changed from an ordinary engineer to the deputy chief engineer of aircraft engines, and is fully responsible for the research and development of aircraft engines at the Warrior Engine Factory.

Of course, there is also a lot of hard work by experts from the former Soviet Union, but at this time they are too old and some have returned to China.

As for those who stayed, their professional knowledge was not as good as that of young people like Helena and Lao San. The technologies of this era were developing too fast, and their experience could no longer keep up with the development. There are many things that need to be constantly learned.

Helena and the third child, on the other hand, have been receiving the most advanced technology and knowledge since they went to school, and relatively speaking, they have not made any detours.

The so-called latecomers take the lead, but they must stand on the shoulders of those who came before.

The engine Helena brought to the war this time was the latest research and development result of the Warrior Engine Factory. It is a fifth-generation engine. This engine has far exceeded the performance of similar products in terms of performance and high temperature resistance. It has also been loaded on military reclamation aircraft and has obtained complete experimental data. It is a completely mature product.

Hamburg is an industrialized port city with a long history. It is also an arrogant city, and its arrogance is full of disdain for foreign technology.

In the hearts of the Germans, their products are the best, and their European allies are actually their younger brothers. As for the United States, it’s hard to describe in detail, so it’s okay not to mention it.

The exhibition hall left for the Warrior Engine Factory is very small, and it is in a corner. If you don't look for it deliberately, you can't see this corner.

This is also the reason why Helena has been holding her breath. When Helena saw this booth this time, she went directly to the organizer to protest. The person in charge shrugged to her regretfully:

"I'm sorry, madam, because there are too many customers and you applied late, so we reluctantly squeezed this corner for you. If you are not satisfied, we can refund the money to you, just don't participate."

Helena bit her lip and looked at him for a long time, realizing that she was telling you with all her heart: "Don't think that because you are German, I will give you face. You represent a Chinese company, and the organizer does not want to pay for such a Chinese company." Waste of space.”

"Well, my engine needs to be tested. Find a place for me in the yard."

The person in charge looked at her for a while, with a look full of regret: "Madam, you have to know that the on-site test machine will not be cheap in terms of fuel or electricity, and you need to pay for these costs yourself. Are you sure this Chinese company can afford it?"

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