Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1776 Magnificent Days

"Oh my God, Alice, why are you with them again?" The hostess shouted excitedly and rushed out.

Ye Feng and Yuan Fang didn't know what was happening, so they could only follow him out to take a look. After all, they were entertained, and the host had something to do, so he was too embarrassed to just sit back and watch.

After leaving the door, Ye Feng quickly figured out the whole story. It turned out that Sam's daughter Alice was playing with these guys, and they had agreed to go to the motel together, but Alice regretted it halfway and drove back home.

Originally, this kind of thing would be over if the girl ran away. But these guys were obviously drunk and refused to let go. They even chased them all the way home.

Thinking about the intentions of these people, do you all know what they want to do? Ye Feng didn't care about this. Young people in the United States were open-minded, and he wouldn't be surprised if they did anything. But chasing someone to their home and threatening them is definitely going too far.

Although Sam drank too much, he would definitely not do it if someone bullied his daughter. He directly picked up the gun, pulled the safety, pointed it at the group of people and shouted: "Get out, if you don't get out, I will shoot!"

If this were said to ordinary people, Sam would definitely be scared away as soon as he raised the gun. After all, it is illegal in the United States to go to someone's house and make such a fuss, and Sam could just shoot him.

However, those young men drank more than he did, and they simply used his shotgun as a fire stick, not paying attention at all. Two of them rushed forward to grab the gun.

Ye Feng was startled. If Sam really fired, things would be serious. After all, there were five or six people, and he couldn't kill them all. Because he was holding a double-barreled shotgun with only two rounds of ammunition. Kill at most two. But if someone rushed up to him, he would definitely not survive.

Ye Feng naturally didn't want to see such a thing happen, not to mention what Sam did, right? Even these young people are not worthy of death. After they sober up, they will definitely regret their behavior at this moment, but the key is that they are really not sober at the moment. Therefore, it must be taken care of.

Ye Feng looked at the six of them. Although there were two guys who were relatively strong, Ye Feng estimated that he could beat them.

But before he could move, a black man with dreadlocks on his head straightened his eyes when he saw Yuanfang. He shouted "Beauty" and rushed towards her.

Yuanfang screamed in fright and hid behind Ye Feng. Ye Feng took a step forward and kicked the guy in the chest.

The black man groaned and fell to the ground. Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all, and ran into the crowd in a few steps, punching and kicking him. He quickly beat three of the remaining five people to the ground.

However, he also received a stick from one of the remaining two guys who was obviously more powerful in combat.

The two guys were very calm. One of them saw that Ye Feng was so good at hitting, so he went directly to the car and took out a baseball bat. While Ye Feng was beating the three people, he gave Ye Feng a stick from behind.

Fortunately, Ye Feng reacted quickly and dodged his head, otherwise he wouldn't be able to knock him out this time and would be temporarily incapacitated.

Ye Feng hated him for his dirty tricks. After turning around and being short, he used his father's unique skill, the Half-step Collapse Fist. This punch hit the guy's lower abdomen firmly, and the guy rolled his eyes in pain. When I arched my body, I started to twitch in pain, and my body became like a shrimp.

The other guy took advantage of Ye Feng before he got up, picked up a stone and was about to hit Ye Feng on the head.

"Ah!" screamed. Yuanfang didn't know where the courage came from. She shouted loudly and ran over, bumping into the guy's back. Ye Feng in front happened to use this trick too. The top of his head was on the guy's belly.

The guy screamed, and the stone in his hand fell down, falling onto Ye Feng's back. However, he had lost his strength and the stone was not big, so it rolled down Ye Feng's back and fell to the ground.

At this time, Alice had already picked up the baseball bat on the ground and beat the guys headlessly one by one.

"Damn, Chinese Kung Fu! You're so good!" Sam, who hadn't fired yet, ran over to give Ye Feng another bear hug, but how could Ye Feng have time to care about him at this time?

Instead, he ran to Yuanfang to see if there was anything wrong with her? This girl was standing there like a fool. I wonder if she was hurt?

It wasn't until his hand touched Yuanfang's face that Yuanfang shivered, her whole body went limp, and she collapsed in his arms.

Where has this girl ever been in a fight when she was so old? When Batu and the others fought for her, she was so frightened that she could only stand there and cry.

But when she saw Ye Feng was in danger today, her brain was like a short-circuit and she rushed forward desperately. After hitting him, Yuanfang was dumbfounded. Because she is really unfamiliar with this fact and doesn't know what to do next?

Ye Feng hugged her and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay."

At this time, Sam's wife also ran over after calling the police, and sat down on a young man who was about to get up. She weighed 180 kilograms, which made the guy almost roll his eyes.

The police car arrived soon. The police asked about the situation, checked the camera outside Sam's house, and left with the gang.

Before returning to the house, Alice hugged Ye Feng and kissed him several times: "My hero, you are so amazing."

Thinking that this girl actually wanted to rent a room with a group of men, Ye Feng shuddered a little and quickly pushed her away and held Yuan Fang in his arms. It was so scary.

When things are over, Ye Feng is about to say goodbye and leave. How can Sam be willing to let him go? He said that he wanted to learn Chinese Kung Fu from him. Ye Feng explained for a long time, saying that this thing must be practiced since childhood to be effective, but it was of no use at all. Sam insisted that he was a genius.

Helpless, Ye Feng had no choice but to find a wooden stake and bury it in the ground, wrap some cloth around it, and then teach him how to squat on a horse, but he couldn't squat at all.

Ye Feng has never understood one thing: why can't Americans squat? Before there were toilets, did they go to the toilet and sit on a stool?

Alice also practiced with her father for a while, but she had the same problem, unable to squat. I gave up after a while.

After all this fuss, it was time for dinner again. Unable to resist the enthusiasm of Sam's family, Ye Feng and the others had no choice but to stay for dinner again.

Yuanfang is picky about food. After all, she has been living in China. She really couldn't get used to foreigners' food, so she took the initiative to cook two dishes.

Her favorites are scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sweet and sour pork, which she actually makes for herself. When it was served, the last thing she ate was steak. There is no way, I can't win over that worthless family of three.

After this magnificent half-day, Sam had already regarded Ye Feng as a good friend. He patted his chest and asked Ye Feng if there was anything he needed help with?

Ye Feng thought for a moment and nodded: "I really need your help with something, why don't you go and collect the debt?"

Sam looked at him unclearly.

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