Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 176 Grandma’s Happy Life

Ye Yuze's grandma was sitting at the door of the yard with bags under her eyes. The foundation of this new house was higher than other people's houses. So sitting there felt quite condescending.

Winter is very cold, but she doesn't feel it. Unlike Tangcheng, there is no coal here. I heard that there is coal in the county, but it has to be supplied by ticket, and rural people are reluctant to spend that money.

After dinner was done, the kang was hot. The family is definitely still warm after eating and going to bed.

Several women gathered around. "Auntie, isn't your second son still looking for a wife?"

Grandma looked at them and then at her house.

"If any of you have a suitable one, let me know! My eldest son has sent me another two hundred yuan. I won't be able to lose to you!"

After speaking, grandma took out the remittance slip in her pocket and shook it. She still has no shortage of money, so she doesn’t plan to withdraw it before the end of the year.

At this time, the uncle came back on his bicycle. Ye Yuze bought this for him and asked him to ride it to carry his feet when he had nothing to do.

This is the method Ye Yuze learned from seeing people carrying passengers when he came back. It cost him fifty cents to get from Lugongbao to the village.

There is little work in the team in winter, and the uncle has to carry his feet every day. Almost everyone has an income of one or two yuan.

At that time, for a production team whose work points were worth less than five cents, that was a big figure.

The uncle's work points are eight cents, and each work point is five cents. He only earns 40 cents a day.

As for carrying passengers, even if it’s a reasonable price, it costs at least 50 cents per trip, right?

In this way, the situation at home will get better. In addition, the eldest son sends money home from time to time.

The Ye family is already recognized as a wealthy family in Mengzhuang.

A piece of meat and a bag of persimmons hung from his handlebars.

When grandma saw it, she cursed: "You have money to burn it! Isn't the New Year meat already beaten?"

The uncle smiled and said nothing. Entered the courtyard.

Several women saw this and became more motivated.

"Auntie, my niece from my mother's side is very pretty. Can I get it tomorrow?"

"Your niece is too fat. She is as strong as an ox. How does she look like a woman?"

Another woman quickly struck. "My sister is better, with big eyes and double eyelids! She looks like a lotus in the water!"

The woman who was struck was obviously unhappy.

"Is that sister of yours from the countryside? She's like a witch! My niece has a figure that can give birth to a child just by looking at her. It won't be a problem to give birth to a few fat boys!"

The women started quarreling all over the place.

Grandma smiled and waited until they finished arguing before speaking.

"Then quickly bring it over and have a look. Matchmaking is not allowed during the first month of the year, just for these few days."

Several women left in a hurry. Some are preparing to go home overnight to celebrate the New Year. It is also customary to give something to your mother's family.

Aunt and uncle are reading at home. My aunt now teaches in a primary school in a neighboring village. Although it is a private classroom, she still gets a subsidy of twelve yuan a month.

My uncle is the same age as my uncle, and he will graduate after the Chinese New Year.

At this time, high schools were open. Learn about farming and agricultural machinery. There are also cultural classes and foreign languages.

However, cultural courses do not account for a large proportion. In the two years of high school, my uncle didn’t recognize all the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet.

Grandma went back to the house and started cooking. Today she made sorghum flour pancakes.

The sorghum is red in color and turns black when ripe. But grandma is very content. It's been a long time since I've been hungry.

A basket of sorghum flour pancakes and a pot of corn grits porridge. The radishes harvested in autumn are cut into strips, marinated in sauce and dried in the sun.

Steam it in a pot in winter and add some sesame oil. Grandma’s toothless mouth couldn’t even close her mouth when she smiled.

With children around our knees, we have no worries about food and clothing. This is her greatest happiness. Later she goes underground to meet the old man. She might as well show off a bit.

The only regret is that the boss is too far away.

The names of the three sons are Zhang Shuan, Tie Shuan and Li Shuan. In the end, the boss was still not tied up.

He ran so far away and changed his name to Ye Wancheng.

But thanks to the boss, the situation of this family has completely improved.

The family is eating. The aunt said: "Mom, there is no room over there for eldest brother. Do you know if there is any place to go to middle school? Yuze should go to middle school soon."

The old lady pursed her lips. "Don't ask, even if my eldest grandson comes back, I won't be able to steal his grandma!"

Ye Yuze was curled up in bed reading a letter at this time, and his eyes got wider and wider as he read!

He already knew who wrote the letter. It was the female doctor from Jinling.

The font is very graceful, just like her character, curling and graceful.

Although the letters contained greetings and words of mutual learning and progress, Ye Yuze smelled something different.

Zhao Ling'er has been snatching away! Zhao Ling'er insisted on sleeping in the middle of a big bed, squeezing Ye Yuze into the very back.

As usual, Wang Honghua slept on the far side. This is the sleeping habit of Chinese people.

The older one sleeps outside and the younger one sleeps inside. The men sleep outside and the women sleep inside.

Ye Yuze had resisted many times, saying that he was a man. However, the eggs are of no use to any bird. Neither woman agrees that he is a man.

The letter was finally snatched away, but the little girl was so careless that she didn't notice anything.

When Wang Honghua took it over and read it, she stared at Ye Yuze thoughtfully.

Ye Yuze understood what she meant. This sign must be strangled! No matter what dad thinks about it or not. It's always good to nip problems before they happen.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yuze decided to write a letter and send it back. We are in a big city, so it is always right to ask for help on some study issues.

After all, he is Ye Wancheng's son! By the way, I would like to praise my mother for how virtuous she is. Ye Yuze can still do this well.

Just do it! Ye Yuze got out of bed and asked Wang Honghua for letter paper and started writing.

After finishing the letter, Wang Honghua read it again and then stared at Ye Yuze. Although the wording is childish and innocent, Wang Honghua can see a meaning throughout the article.

"I am Ye Wancheng's son, and my mother is beautiful and capable!"

Wang Honghua asked herself whether she was at this level.

If she were to write it, she would definitely get to the point. That would not only hurt face, but might not solve the problem, and might even intensify the conflict.

Zhao Ling'er and Ye Yuze fought and joked for a while and finally fell asleep.

Ye Yuze would have to send her back early tomorrow morning. There is no other way, Lao Zhao gave the order. If you don't go back, we'll have to send someone to arrest you.

Early the next morning, Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze went to collect the condoms.

Unexpectedly, the harvest was quite fruitful, and I actually trapped three snow chickens.

Ye Yuze took two. Keep one at home and take the other to Aunt Gan. They can't eat this easily.

Naturally, he drove there and tied the leader's horse behind the car.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the car drove to the regiment headquarters. Captain Zhao looked at Ye Yuze with wide eyes in shock.

"Where did you get this car?"

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