Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1693 Go Home

With the gradual increase in output, the Hongbai brand soon entered thousands of households in Russia, and soon gained the trust of most people with its affordable prices and excellent quality.

The investment in these factories is not large, and they mainly assemble imported parts. The TV factory is more troublesome. Many parts are processed locally in Russia, so the quality problems are not serious. However, delivery times are often delayed, resulting in unstable output.

For this reason, Lev wanted to replace them several times, and simply went to a Chinese company to customize it, but Ye Yuze stopped him. Don't go too far in anything, leave some room for it.

The Hongbai brand soon attracted the attention of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. After understanding it, they learned that although this brand is a joint venture brand, it is dominated by Russia.

In other words, Lev accounted for 51% of the shares, while Ye Yuze only accounted for 49% of the shares. It was quickly designated as a key product to be promoted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. There is no way, they are very backward in these aspects. Need to launch its own flagship product.

Official promotion naturally means procurement. Now the production tasks of several factories have been scheduled for a year, which is quite stressful.

The only option is to build new factories and increase assembly lines to capture as many customers as possible. This is the case with electronic products, they are updated too quickly. If you sleep on your laurels, you will be photographed dead on the beach within two years at most.

Ye Yuze didn't expect that things would develop like this. Lev was relatively new to business operations. That guy only knew how to sell energy. That kind of business was basically a no-brainer.

Ye Yuze didn't want several companies to be destroyed in the hands of this guy, so he could only stay here for a while. The main thing is to train a few leaders.

I He did it deliberately and made it for people to see. Anyway, these things will belong to children sooner or later. Besides, the core components are all in your own hands, are you scared? If you really dare to rebel, ask him to stop production.

After spending a year in Moscow, he dared to leave only after a few graduates became familiar with leadership work. If he didn't go to his wife's side, he would rebel.

Ye Yuze is also a little dissatisfied with this family situation. The family is divided into two places. To put it bluntly, it is for the education of the children. The key is that the parents are old and need someone to take care of them.

Although Cuicui was guarding, she was busier than herself and was not home at all. The younger brother has been in the provincial capital, and his son Ye Shan has been in the provincial capital since he started working. He is also married and has children. It's like an old mother taking care of my father.

Ye Ling also went to the capital, mainly because her daughter was there. She, a retired old lady, had no fun staying at home by herself. We couldn't let her live in the Ye family, right? The Queen Mother will definitely not be able to accept it.

Back in Boston, Ye Yuze had a deep talk with his wife about this matter. Then ask the children for their opinions. Unexpectedly, the children agreed to return to Junken City without hesitation because it was lively there.

However, Ye Yuze vaccinated them. The domestic education system is different from that of foreign countries, and the children are tired. But the little guys didn't care, so Ye Yuze had nothing to hesitate.

After a simple tidying up, the house will definitely not be sold because it will come back often. Mainly Ye Feng and the third and fourth children are here and need a place to live.

Of course, the third and fourth children all have their own houses. He basically won't come back. With such a big villa, Ye Feng can only rely on Ye Feng to come back from time to time to clean it.

But Ye Feng is not short of money. Should he do it himself or hire someone to do it? Ye Yuze doesn't have to worry.

Jingjing also gave birth to a son named Ye Fan, who has been living with her parents' family and rarely comes back. Her parents are getting older and need to be taken care of.

Jingjing is not very ambitious, but now she has become a deputy manager, in charge of logistics. However, the higher-ups still pay more attention to her and prepare to train her as a key target.

The happiest thing about the return of Ye Yuze's family is naturally Meihua. The old man is afraid of being alone. If there are many people, she will feel happy no matter how tired she is.

However, she was already in her seventies, and her energy and physical strength were much reduced. Worried that she would be tired, Yu'e found two nannies after she came back. Help with some housework.

Now that he is back, Ye Yuze wants to rearrange many things. First, he communicated with Angela and Ivana that he would take the children over to live with them for a few years, and then go back when the children go to college.

Now that these two women are too busy to even take care of their own food, how can they take care of their children? He simply agreed to Ye Yuze's request. Just raise him as long as you want, since his son can't run away anyway.

When it came to the twins, Ye Yuze lost some words. It's not that Kesselin didn't let her go. She was already young and wasn't that concerned about her children. Now things in the supermarket have left her with almost no time at home, and she can't take care of her children at all.

The trouble lies with Lev. This guy has never left the child since he was born. He couldn't bear to leave it at all. In the end, Ye Yuze was annoyed and wanted to cut off his supply chain. The guy finally gave in, but he had to make Ye Yuze promise that he would come to see him every week. child.

An angry Ye Yuze scolded him: "How dare you stay in my house and see if you can support me through labor and management?"

This time, six more children were given to the old queen, and she couldn't even close her mouth. The steps that had been staggering once again exuded vitality, like fully oiled shock absorbers.

Even Ye Wancheng, who doesn't love his family, is running home every day these days. That's what people are like when they get old, they like children and lively.

There were some jokes in later generations about uncles looking for girls on the Internet with subsistence allowances, but in fact it was not entirely a legend. But the reason is not just lust, but loneliness.

Having more children naturally brings excitement. After all, the children have to go to school during the day, and there are only two babies left at home. This time, Ye Yuze watched in person and resolutely put an end to the old queen's Mei's feeding method. The Russian nanny came with her.

The three boys quickly adapted to the living habits here, mainly because of the excitement. How many people are there in one class abroad?

Now there are dozens of students in a class, more than in the whole grade, so there is no need to worry about no one to play with.

He often forgot to eat the food he often played with, so it was necessary for Ye Yuze to go find him before he could drag him back by his ears. Then Ye Yuze had to be scolded by the Queen Mother.

It is absolutely true to say that they should be kissed every other generation. Mei Hua is such a powerful person, and her sons have been beaten since childhood. But for the grandchildren, let alone beatings and scoldings, they are really willing to give them whatever they want.

As a result, Yu'e sometimes had nothing to do and came to complain to Ye Yuze, but what could Ye Yuze do? All I can do is comfort my wife: "Go on, if you can't get used to it anymore, it will be your turn to exercise your power."

Yu'e was so angry that she complained: "Isn't it my turn to get used to it and am I still willing to beat him?"

On the penultimate day, the brothers rushed forward. The soldiers of the corps were not afraid of anything and threw their tickets at them.

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