Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1680 Almost went to jail

The development of the matter really did not go as Ye Yuze imagined, because those guys were hiding in the house when the accident happened, so only Jennifer, Ye Mao and Orangutan Man were left outside.

Therefore, there are only three people's testimony on this matter. After the gorilla man woke up, he directly said that he and Jennifer were boyfriend and girlfriend, and while they were making out, Ye Mao went up and beat him. Otherwise, if he was on guard, how could Ye Mao be able to beat him?

Because Jennifer went to school late and was already over fourteen years old, if they were really boyfriend and girlfriend, Ye Mao's behavior really violated the law.

At this time, the orangutan man has provided a lot of evidence of his relationship with Jennifer, including both human and physical evidence. Although Ye Mao and Jennifer were his classmates, the classmates all knew that Ye Mao and Jennifer could not intersect, so the evidence was very unfavorable to Ye Mao.

Although Ye Mao was released on bail, it did not mean that he was fine. It is a normal legal procedure for the United States to pay for bail, so Ye Mao is always under surveillance and cannot leave the country, let alone leave the city.

After so many years of ups and downs, Ye Yuze is no longer the reckless young man he was before. Faced with such an unfavorable situation, he was not discouraged, but worked with his lawyer to search for evidence.

In fact, as long as they were still the few people who participated in the patient, they heard Jennifer's pleas for help and shouts even if they were not present. It's just that in some details, the police obviously ignored something, making the situation develop unfavorably for Ye Mao.

Ye Yuze understood that he was encountering racial discrimination. Although American laws are very strict on racial discrimination and have formulated many legal provisions. But in fact, this kind of discrimination is everywhere.

The lawyer talked to these witnesses over and over again, but because they had been induced and were friends with the orangutan man, they were still emotionally inclined to the orangutan man, which made things very difficult.

Moreover, the orangutan man's injuries were a bit serious, with seven or eight broken ribs, and there were wounds on his head with bruises inside. He needed a period of treatment to recover.

There is no saying in the United States that it is not illegal to hit someone under the age of fourteen. Those who have constituted criminal liability must be sentenced. Although there will be some considerations when sentencing, this does not mean that the guilt will be reduced.

Ye Yuze naturally would not let his son be sentenced, and he had to calm down more and more at times like this.

At present, it seems that it is difficult to open a gap in the witnesses in a short period of time, so we can only find another way.

Jennifer naturally stood unequivocally on Ye Mao's side. Although this girl had many faults, she still had a very upright sense of justice and three views on friendship.

Ye Yuze began to find someone to expose the matter on the Internet. The title was very eye-catching: "Is it bravery or violence?"

With the fermentation of the Internet, this matter was quickly discovered by the media. Because this kind of thing can affect people's nerves the most.

What followed were various interviews with the media. The media people did not give it for free. They would not make any conclusions based on just one person's words.

Smart media people use interviews about the entire event to guide the audience's public opinion to achieve their own goals.

So all of a sudden, Jennifer, Ye Mao, Orangutan Man, and those witnesses, as well as their classmates, neighbors, and friends, all began to be interviewed.

In this way, things developed in Ye Mao's favor. Because Ye Mao is just a mama's boy, timid, shy, and doesn't know how to deal with people. His circle is simple except for classmates and family members, and he doesn't even have any friends.

But the orangutan male is different. He takes drugs, drinks alcohol, and creates troubles. He was investigated by the police more than once and had a record of one year in jail. In this way, one can only imagine what will happen to the direction of public opinion?

At this time, Lao Si took the opportunity to take action. He was a member of the parliament and began to initiate the supervision process against the police.

In this way, the small operations inside the police station can be quickly seen at a glance. During this process, the police officer involved made a stupid move and actually tried to bribe and threaten Jennifer to change her confession.

How could Ye Yuze let Jennifer, a girl, face all this alone at this moment? I took the opportunity to secretly film the entire process of the policeman looking for Jennifer. Ran Laosi personally investigated and found out that the policeman and the orangutan man were childhood friends.

Under the pressure of this general situation, those few witnesses finally told the truth, which made the whole case a breakthrough. Faced with these powerful evidences, the orangutan man finally collapsed and honestly confessed his crimes.

So he was found guilty of raping a girl, and what awaited him would be severe punishment from the law. But Ye Mao, a young man, became a hero who acted bravely for righteousness, and received a certificate from the mayor himself.

There was also an episode, that is, Ye Mao accidentally said that his martial arts came from the Lin's Martial Arts School, and that he only practiced occasionally, and he beat a burly man like this, which made the Lin's Martial Arts School again. Hit the news.

After this incident, the person who changed the most was Ye Mao. He changed from that shy boy to cheerful and confident.

Americans worship heroes, especially personal heroes. Ye Mao soon had many friends, and they all clamored to learn kung fu from him.

Ye Mao didn't refuse. The martial arts school was opened by his master. He would definitely be happy to bring people to practice with his master!

As a result, Lin's Martial Arts School added a junior class, but they only come to practice on weekends, and they don't have time on normal days.

As Ye Mao's reputation in the school increased, he was quickly elected to the student union and became the Minister of Propaganda. This position allowed his social circle to expand, and he often needed to communicate with some external departments. He soon became Just like little adults.

Naturally, parents are the happiest when a child grows up. During this period of time, Yu'e's heart was going up and down like a roller coaster.

According to a mother's thinking, she would rather her child not grow up, but would rather he be safe. Otherwise, sooner or later, you'll have a heart attack.

However, Ye Mao's final change still made her extremely happy. Although I hope he is safe, he has become outstanding. Is there anyone happier than a mother to see these changes in her son?

When the dust settled, Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise there would be one more person in the family who would be the first to go to prison, although even that would not affect Ye Mao's quality of life in the future.

But it is undoubtedly a stain that cannot be erased in his son's life. This is something Ye Yuze cannot accept.

After hearing this incident, Ye Yuze also understood one thing, that is, no matter where you are in politics, you must have your own people. Although he will not commit crimes, someone who speaks out at critical moments will be more powerful than you fighting alone. Much bigger.

Li Bai and I are classmates

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