Like all mothers, Yu'e doted on her children, which resulted in Ye Mao's character of being unable to endure hardships. According to Blacksmith Lin's wishes, he was put in a martial arts gym. If he couldn't practice for two months, he would lose!

However, if his mother was not happy, there was nothing he could do, and Yu'e seemed to have always stayed away from wielding swords and guns, mainly because she was scared by Ye Yuze.

According to her logic, if Ye Yuze hadn't practiced martial arts since childhood, he wouldn't be so courageous and would often put himself in danger. She didn't want her son to be like his father.

Ye Yuze has no ability to change his wife's view. Except for the occasional interest in training his son, the rest was left to its own devices.

Which family doesn't have one or two children who are out of place? Just be cowardly, it's better than being domineering and domineering, at least you won't cause trouble?

The three siblings went to aristocratic schools, and Yu'e did things this way, fairly. It will not be cultivated in a targeted manner like plum blossoms.

The main reason is that the family does not lack these two funds, so they can give everything they can to the children. As for what will happen in the future? That will happen later.

Ye Mao was definitely the most inconspicuous person in school, even though he was very handsome. But this is in the United States, where Asian looks are not well recognized.

When Ye Mei and Ye Rou were extremely conspicuous, Ye Rou would not say anything. Her mother was German and she inherited all the advantages of her parents.

Not to mention Ye Mei, after she went to junior high school and her figure grew, she was definitely a presence that swept the world.

If it weren't for these two sisters, Ye Mao would be so angry! Lin Dachui is also in this school, but he is in a class higher than them. Although they usually don't interact with each other, if Ye Mao is bullied, Lin Dachui will come faster than anyone else!

Ye Mao and his sister are not in the same class. He is in Class 2. His academic performance has always been very good, but he doesn't interact much with his classmates, so he has almost no friends.

His deskmate is a girl named Jennifer. She has developed earlier and her figure has begun to bulge forward and backward. The reason why the two of them were assigned to sit together was because Ye Mao was more honest and didn't like to talk, so he was fine studying.

But this Jennifer is different. She is absolutely at the level of a little girl. Not only does she dress in a different way, she also doesn’t study at all. No one can learn from her, mainly because she talks too much.

After changing several deskmates, the teacher found that it was a great idea to put the two of them together.

The main thing is that Ye Mao is a boring gourd. No matter what others say to him, he usually just says "hmm". He seems to be very bad at communicating with others.

Therefore, no matter how much Jennifer talked, Ye Mao just sat there quietly, and no one knew whether he listened or not.

Jennifer was very angry about this and even scolded Ye Mao. But Ye Mao didn't seem to hear her and ignored her at all.

Encountering such a person, Jennifer had no choice but to ask the teacher to change her seat. But how could the teacher agree to her request? It dragged on helplessly for half a year, until Jennifer got used to it.

Ye Mao doesn't like to move. Except for going to the toilet at school, he basically stays in the classroom and reads. What I read was not a textbook, but a novel.

Classroom management in the United States is not strict. The teacher just explains the knowledge points to you clearly. Whether you listen or not is your own business.

Ye Mao reads a lot of miscellaneous books, including novels of all types, and also likes to read professional books.

He almost read through Wang Laosan's book on hair-related matters at home. Ye Mao is definitely the quietest person during class. It’s just not necessarily whether he is listening to the lecture, because if he listens to the knowledge points, he may be reading novels.

Sports are required in American schools, and participation is a must, because sports scores are also very important during college exams.

So Ye Mao chose the javelin and shot put, because they didn't require much exercise. He had been practicing this since elementary school, but his results were not very outstanding, but he didn't care, just to deal with errands. No results were planned.

He has no friends because he loves reading and has no time to socialize with others. The sports he chooses are solitary sports and he doesn't interact with others.

In fact, it's the same when I go home. I don't like to do housework. I won't dig wooden stakes unless my dad forces me to do it. He thinks that's something only a mentally ill person can do. Wouldn't it be nice to read a book if you have the time? There is everything in the book.

After school that day, Jennifer suddenly asked him: "Wolf King, would you like to buy me a beer?"

Ye Mao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head firmly, stood up and walked out without saying anything. He was going to practice throwing for a while, and then he would go home with his sisters. Besides, drinking is illegal, and they are not adults yet.

"Wolf King, can we just drink coffee?" Jennifer shouted from behind. It seemed that she really wanted to go on a date with Ye Mao today.

The boys in the class all looked at Ye Mao, some were envious and some were jealous. Jennifer is a beauty and open-minded. Several boys in the class have dated her.

Ye Mao shook his head firmly: "I'm going to exercise and then go home with my sister."

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the beauty who could not be rejected by anyone would be rejected by Wolf King.

After Ye Mao finished speaking, he walked out of the classroom without looking back. Jennifer shook her lips and chased after him without hesitation.

Ye Mao rarely does things that are in vain. He will definitely do whatever he says he will do? I first went to the equipment room to get the javelin and shot put, and then went straight to the training ground.

The field is very wide and almost empty, because in American schools, few children choose this sport, well, if it can be called a sport.

The fourth child originally chose this one, which shows that the uncle and nephew still have some things in common.

Just as they started to warm up, Jennifer had already ran over and looked at Ye Mao angrily: "Wolf King, why didn't you agree to the girl's date? This makes me lose face, you know?"

Ye Maoyou looked at her inexplicably: "Why should I agree? I really don't have time. Didn't you see that I am very busy?"

"What you call busy is holding a basic book and reading it all day long. Is that called busy?" Jennifer was naturally not happy.

"But don't you think reading is more interesting than chatting like you do?" Ye Mao looked at Jennifer in disbelief. He was shocked by the girl's words.

Having been at the same table for so long, Jennifer also had a certain understanding of Ye Mao. Knowing that his nature is like this, he is not pretending to be cool with me, so I feel the need to explain something to him.

"Wolf King, there are many more interesting things in this world than reading, such as dating."

Ye Mao shook his head: "Isn't a date just for a drink? We have everything at home, so why spend that money? It's better to go home and drink."

The third update will be delivered, so what, just give me what you have.

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