Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1666 Where is Han Xiaojing?

It's not too far from Junken City. The driver sent Ye Yuji directly back to Junken City. After all, he followed Wang Shuqin around all the time. His luggage was always with him and he didn't have to go to the headquarters to pack it.

Back home, Ye Yuze and his family have not returned to Boston yet. With the rapid development of Junken City, more and more talents are coming here. Ye Yuze no longer has to worry about business matters. Well, actually, he didn't even worry about it.

Not to mention Yang Geyong, he kept none of the company shares and gave them all to Ye Yuze. All that is left is a trading company that only needs to count money.

Originally, the two of them decided to go to Moscow to stay for a while, but they haven't been there for a while because they missed their children.

In fact, Yang Geyong didn't want to. He had a lot of people at home. Yang Xue only stayed with him for a short time and had no feelings for him. But Dasha had to go see it.

That stupid woman followed him for so many years without any regrets, but in the end she didn't even have a status. In fact, in terms of feelings, Yang Geyong was more affectionate towards her than Zhao Ling'er.

Although she and Zhao Ling'er had known each other since they were young, they couldn't stand each other's fights and ended up breaking up and getting divorced. It is impossible not to have a grudge in my heart.

When it came to Dasha, neither of them even blushed once, and they were always so obedient to him. What man can let go of such a woman?

However, the arrival of Ye Yuji disrupted their schedule. Moreover, Ayi Jiang also received the transfer order, so Ye Yuze could only send the two girls to the capital together with Yang Geyong.

In fact, Ye Yuze had another purpose in going to the capital, and that was to find Han Xiaojing. This girl hadn't contacted him for several months. Is this abnormal?

But if she didn't contact him, Ye Yuze wouldn't be able to find her at all, because she was from the military, but he really didn't know which unit. There was no one to ask. She was even not sure whether the name Han Xiaojing was true or false.

The direct flight was relatively fast, and it took four hours to arrive in the capital. Ye Yuze did not let them report directly. Instead, he took them around his courtyard, asked them which one they liked, and gave them one as a gift.

As a result, both of them fell in love with the small courtyard in Beihai, which made Ye Yuze helpless. This is also his favorite place, and he really doesn't want to give it away. Aren't those big houses better than here? Are these two girls stupid?

Seeing the reluctance in his heart, the two girls laughed together. Ayi Jiang teased: "Uncle Ye is so stingy. You won't even give me the youngest one, so why do you have the nerve to pick whatever you want?"

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines: "It's not that I don't want to give it to the yard, but I don't want to give it to my feelings, right? I bought this with my own money when I was a child. It's full of memories!"

Ye Yuji was not happy when he heard this: "Then we will do this. It is so close to the park, so it is convenient for shopping."

Well, this reason was so strong that Ye Yuze couldn't refute it, so he had to hand over the key obediently. The two girls laughed proudly, making Ye Yuze helpless.

After eating something simple at noon, Wang Honghua came over. Because she had too much work, she didn't have time to stay. She just had a few bites and left with the two girls.

Ye Yuze left Yang Geyong to the fifth master and went to Junken International City. He missed Lili a little. I wonder how that girl is doing lately? He didn't have time to ask.

As a result, after arriving at International City, I found out that Lili had flown to Shenzhen City. Several high-end residential areas in Shenzhen and Guangzhou also have their own properties. Naturally, they are all managed by Lili, she is the boss of Brothers Property Company.

When I returned home disappointed, I wanted to go find Yang Geyong, but suddenly I thought of Han Xiaojing. I just thought about it and didn't know who to ask? In the end, I could only call Sun Lanyu.

Sun Lanyu's mobile phone number had been changed a long time ago. At least Ye Yuze still remembered her home phone number, otherwise he would really have been unable to contact her.

Nowadays, Sun Lanyu is the mother of two children, the eldest daughter-in-law of the richest man, and the mother of the eldest grandson. Naturally, her status in the Li family is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Mother is more valuable than her son. This is a very common imagination in Chinese circles. Who can help me marry?

In the past, Sun Lanyu would still think of Ye Yuze from time to time, and the days when the two started a business together. But now the luxurious life gradually makes her forget about the past.

Rich people in Hong Kong basically continue the European style in educating their children. Just don't spoil me. I can provide you with the best conditions, but you must repay me with excellent results.

Excellence here does not simply refer to learning, but to all aspects, including social interaction, business skills, and sports. They cultivate children's abilities rather than academic excellence.

So many years of experience have proved that most top students are working part-time, but there is nothing outstanding about learning to be a boss.

Now Sun Lanyu's two children are also studying in Canada. She also wanted her children to go to a prestigious American school, but they failed.

She was a little surprised when she received Ye Yuze's call, but she soon became happy. Although we haven’t contacted each other for many years, we are still friends after all.

After a few words of greeting, Ye Yuze asked his question, and Sun Lanyu immediately became wary: "Yuze, why are you asking her? What's the relationship between you two?"

Hearing that Sun Lanyu's tone was wrong, Ye Yuze became nervous: "Sister Lan, what's wrong with you? Did something happen to Xiaojing?"

"Yuze, if you still regard me as a friend, don't go looking for her again, because it's not good for you or her. Don't ask me who she is? I won't tell you!"

Sun Lanyu seemed a little nervous and hung up the phone without saying a few words. Ye Yuze's heart also felt inexplicably heavy.

He knew that Sun Lanyu's family background, coupled with her current status, could make her so taboo, it was definitely not someone he could mess with!

But he was a little unwilling to do so, thinking about the whole process of that girl's relationship with him. She was naughty but not willful, and sometimes very considerate. The most touching thing is that when I have trouble, others really come to my aid!

If something happens to such a friend, would you leave him alone? No matter what Ye Yuze thought, this was something he couldn't do.

He made up his mind to figure things out, so he picked up the phone and called Xiao Wang, who was responsible for contacting him after Han Xiaojing.

Speaking of Xiao Wang, Ye Yuze's voice was probably no louder than his own. The two people didn't have much contact, and this Xiao Wang's tone was always a bit formulaic, which Ye Yuze didn't like.

In the past, Lao Liu was so awesome and he was polite to himself, after all, he had done so many things. I don’t know why but I changed myself into a robot out of nowhere.

"Where is Han Xiaojing?" Ye Yuze didn't talk nonsense, mainly because he had nothing to say to this little king!

"I'm sorry, this is not my responsibility. I don't have the right to answer you."

There is always that emotionless voice on the other side.

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