Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1663 Wang Shuqin’s plan

Ye Yuji stopped talking at this time and rushed directly towards the person in the middle. This person was obviously the leader between them, so he had to win first.

Seeing that Ye Yuji was moving, the two men on both sides also started to speed up, trying to control Ye Yuji first. At this time, Wang Shuqin and her master had also run over, ready to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, the moment those two people approached Ye Yuji. Ye Yuji actually pulled himself up out of thin air, kicked his legs left and right at the same time, and kicked the two people in the face. The force of the kick was a bit strong, and they both screamed almost at the same time, covering their faces and lying on the ground.

At this time, the person in the middle had already arrived in front of Ye Yuji, and Ye Yuji had just landed. It was impossible for her to stand up when she landed with such a kick, so she sat down on the ground.

Originally, the guy rushed straight forward and wanted to hug Ye Yuji's neck. As a result, he was a little shorter, so his hug was empty. His legs hit Ye Yuji's body, and he threw himself towards the ground.

How could Ye Yuji let this guy jump over him so cheaply? Although he still fell, he had to let him fall more artistically.

So Ye Yuji jerked up and hit his head hard on his stomach. The guy screamed in agony. His body originally jumped forward, but as a result, he rolled forward and fell on his back. on the road.

Ye Yuji hated him for being frivolous and stomped on his stomach again. The guy's screams suddenly stopped and he passed out.

Ye Yuji had no intention of letting go of the two guys who got kicked in the face. It happened that the two of them had just gotten up staggeringly, with one hand covering their face.

Ye Yuji went up and punched each of them, and then hit them on the face. The two guys were like wooden stakes, lying straight on the ground, no longer moving.

Wang Shuqin looked at Ye Yuji helplessly: "Why are you so cruel? Did you learn from your brother?"

"If this happened to my brother, he would be more cruel than me. This is what happened to us today. If it had been someone else, what might have happened? He is a scumbag!"

After waiting for a while, people from the Division Headquarters Public Security Bureau arrived. Wang Shuqin briefly introduced the situation, got in the car and left.

Ye Yuji drove the car like it was flying along the way. The master looked at Ye Yuji with admiration: "You look like a member of the Corps with your style, but why is your accent wrong?"

Ye Yuji puffed up his chest proudly: "My father was the first secretary of Junken City. Of course I am from the Corps!"

The driver suddenly realized: "No wonder, the tiger father has no dog daughter!"

Wang Shuqin looked at her in confusion, and the shadow of Ye Yuze when he was young appeared in his mind. It really looked like him.

When we arrived at the regiment headquarters, because Ye Yuji drove fast, there was no time wasted. So the meeting was held on time.

This meeting is mainly to arrange the planting of jujube trees in each company. Si Tuan is also a place with serious land desertification and is not suitable for the cultivation of crops. However, jujube trees are more suitable for such soil, which can be regarded as adapting to local conditions.

The original corps mainly focused on growing food, because at that time the whole country was short of food. Not only the Northern Xinjiang Ai, but also the corps in the Great Northern Wilderness also opened up wasteland to grow food.

During that historical period, it greatly alleviated the serious problem of food shortage in our country and allowed New China, which was full of waste and waiting to be revitalized after liberation, to have a fairly stable period of development.

However, with the increase in grain production, the country is no longer short of food. Although in order to take care of these grain-producing areas, the country has tilted its policies towards them and harvested more grain here.

But it’s still a drop in the bucket. And the price is relatively low. Growing food is no longer economically beneficial.

The Corps is the place most affected by this change. First, there is too much land, and the yield of many lands is extremely low. This has caused problems such as life difficulties for the soldiers of the Corps.

What Wang Shuqin is currently doing is to make overall plans for the entire Corps' land. Carry out reasonable planting according to the actual local conditions.

Of course, this job cannot be accomplished overnight. Wang Shuqin may not be able to finish the whole thing until she retires, but she doesn't care.

Wang Shuqin has an indifferent nature. She doesn't care too much about fame and fortune, she just wants to do something down-to-earth.

Because the Corps News often reported on Wang Shuqin, especially the eight national-level poverty-stricken regiment's efforts to get rid of poverty and become rich, the soldiers of the entire Corps had expectations for Wang Shuqin.

The first generation of soldiers who entered Xinjiang relied on their sentiments and tightened their belts to farm and herd sheep to support national construction. The second generation has basically inherited the spirit of their parents, working hard without complaining, and facing the impact of the country's economic transformation without any regrets.

But the third generation of children lacks the sentiments of the first two generations. I'll leave if I'm miserable, why do I suffer here? It’s not that I don’t work, it’s that if I work I can’t sell it, and even if I sell it, it won’t be enough to make a living. Why do I have to suffer here?

At this time, pure political and ideological work is obviously not suitable anymore. The superior leaders must come up with practical methods to solve the practical difficulties of the soldiers, because it is useless to just shout slogans.

Wang Shuqin undoubtedly came up with the plan that was most suitable for the corps. Not only did the soldiers support it, but the leaders also appreciated it very much. Even the top brass began to pay attention to her.

After the meeting, Wang Shuqin and the others did not leave. They also had to supervise the digging of pits in each unit. There are two stages of planting jujube trees, that is, spring or autumn.

It is now the end of July, which is the time to dig the hole. Once the hole is dug, the saplings can be transplanted in before the frost. Only when the saplings grow roots can they survive the winter and thrive in the spring.

Now the saplings have been prepared and are waiting to be transplanted here.

In fact, the fourth regiment had already started digging holes at this time, but each company implemented it with different intensity, so the progress was also different.

Wang Shuqin came here this time to supervise that they must complete all tree pits before mid-August.

In fact, not everyone supports Wang Shuqin's actions. There are different voices from above, as well as from below.

For example, the leader of the group, Wang Tiechui, is relatively old and has a stubborn temper. In his mind, land is used to grow food. What if there is a famine? No matter how delicious the jujubes are, can you be full?

However, he has to carry out the orders of his superiors, but once a person has emotions, his execution will naturally be compromised.

This time, there were several other groups who were planting jujube trees together. Wang Shuqin inspected them all and was very satisfied. Only these four groups worried her.

The name of the political commissar is also interesting. He is Zheng Wei. He is in his early forties and is a standard second-generation soldier. He has a straightforward personality and a hot temper.

But such a person was suppressed by the old group leader. There is no way, they are highly respected!

After all, company-level cadres are relatively young and more receptive to new things, otherwise this work would really not be possible.

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