Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1658 Old Friend

What follows is a three-day carnival. So many Hong Kong and Taiwan superstars gathered in Junken City to perform, which is unimaginable in ordinary places. The key is that you don’t need a ticket, it’s just in the stadium.

However, Ye Yuze did not let the media broadcast it. At this age, he has learned to keep a low profile. A big tree attracts the wind, no matter how much money he has? No matter how much face you have, in fact, it is all given by others. What you have to do is to be grateful, not to show off.

After the wedding was over, the guests went their separate ways. This time, Ye Yuze did not notify some people related to Ye Yuze at all. After all, it was his younger brother's wedding, so there was no need to bother people.

"Brother, you should immigrate back and stop hanging out in Marseille." Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong rode horses and walked slowly on the grassland. Yang Geyong's face was full of contentment.

Yang Geyong was stunned for a while, then shook his head with a smile: "In the past, I just wanted to make more money to make my life better. Later, when I had enough money, I just wanted to make the infrastructure company better. When the infrastructure company turned into a military reclamation city, on the contrary Don’t know what to do? In fact, I still don’t understand, what do I want to do in Marseille?”

"Dream, every man has his own heroic dream, but what if he becomes a hero?" Ye Yuze also smiled and shook his head.

"Are you planning to settle in the United States in the future?" Yang Geyong looked at Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze shook his head: "The reason why I did not immigrate is because I understand that I belong to this land after all. The place where Yinhua sleeps now is our final destination."

Yang Geyong didn't speak. Now he was no longer the person who hit wherever Ye Yuze pointed. After so many years of experience, he has his own thoughts and ideas. In comparison, he feels that he still prefers life there in Marseille. Therefore, I don't want to listen to Ye Yuze and immigrate back.

The two people started to gallop, running for a long distance in one breath, then looked at each other and laughed, and even ran to the original station building of Chi Naer's house. This is really not intentional. I just let the horse run wild. Is this God's will?

A little girl was milking cows outside the yurt. Her hair was full of fine braids and she was dressed in long skirts. She looked very beautiful.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, the little girl raised her head, looked at the two people, and asked with a smile: "Two distinguished guests, are you thirsty? Then dismount and go inside to taste our most delicious milk tea."

The two of them looked at the little girl as if they were in another world. If it weren't for her different looks, they almost felt like they were back when they were children, when Chi Na'er entertained them for the first time.

The two of them dismounted without being polite and walked into the yurt. In the yurt, a young woman was making milk tea, and the aroma was overwhelming.

Compared with the previous yurt, there is no change on the outside, but the furnishings inside the room have changed a lot. There are also a series of home appliances such as sewing machines, televisions, and cassette players.

However, the sewing machine is not a foot-operated one. It has only one machine head, which is small and delicate and can be used for sewing by hand.

The woman is not beautiful, and has distinct features of a Kazakh woman. But he was very gentle. After saying welcome, he lowered his head and got busy, pouring milk tea for them and getting some buns and naan.

The two of them were not actually hungry, but they still ate some. Yang Geyong asked: "Who is your father?"

The woman glanced at him, then lowered her head and replied softly: "It's Dao Dehan, guest, do you know him?"

Both of them laughed: "Are you Dao Dehan's daughter?"

The woman shook her head: "If I were his daughter, I wouldn't be able to marry here. I am his daughter-in-law."

"He is our friend, how is he now? We haven't seen him for many years." Ye Yuze also sighed with emotion.

The woman's expression darkened: "He passed away. He drank too much and went house-hopping last winter and fell off the mountain."

"Ah!" The two people exclaimed, both of them were startled, and then fell silent.

At this time, the little girl suddenly interrupted: "Are you from Junken City? My grandfather used to be with me. He had two very powerful friends in Junken City, but we couldn't get in touch with him later. They never stayed in Junken City. .”

The two people didn't speak. They naturally understood who Dao Dehan was talking about. But how to say this? Did you say you had forgotten him long ago?

After touching the little girl's head, Ye Yuze asked the woman: "Do you have any difficulties in your life?"

The woman shook her head: "It's not difficult. The people in Junken City helped us optimize the pasture. Nowadays, sheep no longer need to migrate frequently, so the sheep herds are getting bigger and bigger, and they can no longer be grazed."

"That's good." Yang Geyong took out a business card and handed it to the woman. "We are friends of Dao Dehan. If anything happens, just call us and we will definitely help you solve it."

The woman nodded, took it and put it aside, and then thanked them. She would definitely not make this call.

After saying goodbye, both of them felt a little heavy. They had gained a lot in this life, but they had also neglected a lot. Ye Yuze still remembers Dao Dehan and his sister Gu Li. The first time Ye Yuze rode a horse, it was Dao Dehan who sent him. Where's the horse?

Now that Dao Dehan's parents are gone, he has also left. Gu Li married far away, and they have never asked where they were married. Ye Yuze suddenly had an impulse: "Brother, let's go see Sister Gu Li."

Yang Geyong nodded: "Then go and have a look."

Speaking of which, Gu Li is six or seven years older than Ye Yuze, and she is also 50 years old. I just know that I married into a village in Emin, but I have never visited her.

They were almost a hundred kilometers apart, so it was a bit impractical to go there on horseback, so the two of them simply changed cars and went straight to Emin.

In fact, Emin used to be the headquarters of the Ninth Division, but neither of them had been there. The two of them drove to EM County in one go.

Nowadays, there are almost no people in the division. There is still a branch of an agricultural and animal husbandry company with only more than 100 people. Because of the high degree of mechanization, there are very few people employed.

Many of these more than 100 people are retired veterans of the corps. They do not want to stay in the city and stay here as border guards.

The two people did not bother them, but continued to move forward and came to the village of Guli.

After asking, I got a surprise. Gu Li was not going to herd sheep, but was at home. It turns out that she is the barefoot doctor here.

The two people came to the rural health clinic. The place was not big, just two rooms. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a beautiful girl in a white coat sorting medicines, and an old-looking woman taking a man's blood pressure.

"Eat less fat and drink less from now on. If you continue like this, your blood vessels will be blocked!" The old woman scolded the man after measuring his blood pressure.

The man smiled "Hehe": "Guli, we Kazakhs can't eat meat or drink wine, so why are we still alive? If we die, go to the ball!"

Gu Li shook her head and ordered the girl: "Get him some more antihypertensive medicine."

Li Bai and I are classmates

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