Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 165 Women’s Freestyle Skiing

The meat was cooked quickly, and Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze ate it as if no one else was watching. They are too lazy to deal with these mentally handicapped women.

After eating, Yang Geyong asked Ye Yuze.

"I heard that you brought the leader's car back?"

Ye Yuze pointed at Zhao Linger. "I kidnapped his daughter back too!"

Zhao Linger gave him a blank look and said nothing. Who told me that I had to come?

He didn't dare let Wang Honghua know about the car. Anyway, his sister and teacher are quite troublesome, sometimes even more difficult than my mother.

The red deer, which had eaten half the bag of carrots, began to arch.

Zhao Linger stepped forward and touched it. "Who's right here?"

Yang Geyong said: "It wants to poop!"

Zhao Ling'er jumped to the side with a cry. As if the shit was going to get to her.

Ye Yuze walked over and opened the door. The red deer circled twice at the door, then looked back at Ye Yuze, spread its hooves and ran towards the west.

Yinhua anxiously took Ye Yuze's hand.

"How did it escape?"

Ye Yuze was just thinking about how to answer this question. Yang Geyong spoke again.

"Why don't you leave when you're full? My whole family is outside the mountain!"

Ye Yuze's admiration couldn't help but flow like a river.

Brother Yong’s words are always short and to the point.

After some discussion, Zhao Ling'er came. As the host, Ye Yuze naturally wanted to entertain.

The so-called entertainment for children is naturally not food and drink. Is that just for fun?

This Ye Yuze is really not his strong point. Then it was decided that Yang Geyong would take the lead and borrow some pairs of skis tomorrow. Then several people went skiing together.

By the way, take the condom on and off. Since they started practicing, the two of them haven't hunted game for a long time.

Early the next morning, the cafeteria hadn't opened yet. Yang Geyong came over with Zhang Jianmin and several others.

Yang Geyong thought more carefully about this matter than Ye Yuze. I'm afraid that these two girls won't be able to climb the snow-capped mountain, but they have to be able to pull them up if there are many people pulling them, right?

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong went to set the traps on horseback first, and then came back quickly.

By this time, the food had been brought back, and there were many people, so Wang Honghua asked them to go home and eat.

No way, there's no bowl here. She and Zhao Ling'er couldn't get food for the four of them.

Later, Yinhua ran over and went home to get a basin before getting the rice back.

Breakfast in the cafeteria consists of pickles, steamed buns and glutinous rice balls.

There is no other food in the infrastructure company, so there is only one kind of porridge. That is white flour porridge.

Put the white flour into boiling water and stir it into a paste. So people call it muddy.

Ye Yuze remembered that Lianli planted a circle of corn next to the vegetable field in the summer.

In autumn, the family shared a few boiled corns, and the children were as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

This was for an era when housing was scarce. Is a place where you can only eat white noodles happiness or misfortune?

Yang Geyong's guess was indeed correct. Although the two girls were arguing fiercely, they became timid as soon as they started climbing the mountain.

The taste of hiking up a mountain with snow above your knees is not ordinary sour.

The two girls had not climbed fifty meters before they lay down in the snow nest and said nothing.

At least Yang Geyong was prepared. Zhang Jianmin and others were asked to walk in front, and they tied their bodies around the waists of the two girls and pulled them up hard.

The two girls only need to hold on to the rope, lift their feet, and walk forward by stepping on other people's footprints.

Even by lifting their feet, the two girls were exhausted when they reached the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, help them tie up the sled. The two of them looked at Shanxia's little face and turned pale. Even the crown of the tooth began to tremble.

Wang Honghua is better, she is an adult after all. You can't lose face in front of a bunch of students.

Not only must they not show fear, they must also act upright and awe-inspiring. But his evasive eyes revealed his inner weakness.

After getting all this done, Zhang Jianmin and his gang couldn't wait to slide down.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Linger is more courageous. Seeing the group of people sliding down, they looked a little eager to try.

Yang Geyong encouraged: "Let's go, I will slide down with you!"

Zhao Linger glanced at Ye Yuze. "Aren't you going to get off?"

Ye Yuze smiled bitterly, glanced at Yinhua who was sitting on the ground and couldn't get up, and said nothing.

Wang Honghua felt that as a teacher, it was time to take the lead for them. So he patted his trembling legs and stood up.

He did not forget to look back and encourage Zhao Ling'er and Yinhua.

"Don't be afraid, they can slide down, so can we!"

After saying that, he imitated Zhang Jianmin and the others, squatting slightly with his knees, and then the ski began to slide down slowly.

After skating for a while, Wang Honghua gradually gained confidence and became bolder.

Although I still don’t know how to make the skis turn, I still have some experience on how to keep my body steady.

It’s just that the speed of the skis has increased at this time. Then with a scream, our beloved Teacher Wang could not be found.

Yang Geyong became anxious when he saw it. He pulled Zhao Ling'er, who had been gesticulating for a while beside her. After running a few steps, he slipped towards the place where Wang Honghua fell.

Zhao Ling'er had actually been prepared for it a long time ago, and Yang Geyong just told her some essentials.

But if you want to get this thing, you will definitely not be able to remember it without falling down a few times.

As soon as Yang Geyong pulled her, the ski started to slide.

She shook a few times but didn't fall down. Then she couldn't stop no matter how hard she tried. He simply started screaming!

After closing her eyes and screaming for a while, she opened her eyes and found that the speed of the snowboard was getting faster and faster.

I don't know why she suddenly wasn't afraid anymore. But she still had to scream, because she found that the scream could relieve stress.

Sometimes things are just so weird. This humanoid noise maker rushed from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain without falling.

The girl didn't come back to her senses until she reached the foot of the mountain. Then look at the top of the mountain. screamed again.

Zhang Jianmin and the others were so frightened that they stayed away from her. There's nothing I can do about it, this girl's decibel sound is more lethal than a wolf's howl.

After shouting enough, Zhao Ling'er looked up and saw that Ye Yuze and the others hadn't come down yet. Then he shouted to Zhang Jianmin and the others:

"Quick! Pull me up again!"

She had completely forgotten how she had vowed never to climb a snow-capped mountain again when she went up the mountain.

When Yang Geyong skated in front of Wang Honghua, Ye Yuze had already rushed down.

But by this time Wang Honghua had already emerged from the snow nest. I saw two people looking worried.

She blushed and didn't dare to look at them.

"It's okay, it's okay! I'm not used to it yet. It'll be okay soon!"

She turned to look at the top of the mountain and found that Yinhua had not come down yet. Just ask Ye Yuze to go up and have a look.

But her skis had fallen off, and Yang Geyong had to help her tie them up again.

The miserable Ye Yuze had to take off his skis first. There's no way you can climb a mountain in this thing.

Wait until we reach the top of the mountain. Yinghua was sitting there sobbing sadly.

When he saw Ye Yuze coming up, he cried "Wow!"

"Ye Yuze, you don't want me anymore!"

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