Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1646 Another internationally renowned trademark

Originally, those dealers were consignment products that Wang Lina and others agreed to sell only after they had good words to say. Now they are crying and asking for money to purchase goods.

I have never seen a computer before, what does it look like? But now I see it, Nima, is this a computer? There isn't even a host. How can the key be so smooth?

Is this a Chinese product? When did Chinese products become so sophisticated? Aren’t we selling the assembly lines to them only after we have eliminated them, allowing them to make their own money in China?

In fact, it was not just the dealers who were surprised, but also the young people. They often play games and know the quality of computers best.

Most of the computers used by these people are assembled by themselves, because the general brand computer configuration cannot meet the needs of large-scale online games.

Stuttering, freezing, and chassis heating. These problems seriously affect the fun of the game. Therefore, they would rather assemble it themselves and spend high prices to buy some good accessories so that they can have fun playing with it.

When they first saw the Warrior Computer, these guys were full of curses because they didn't believe that such a large online game could be played on a device that didn't even have a host.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded after trying it, it turned out to be so smooth. Apart from the fact that the operating system is different from Windows that you are familiar with and you need to get familiar with it, I love everything else about it.

So other young people also started to buy it, but it was out of stock! What to do?

Ye Yuze had no choice but to cut off all computers in the domestic market. Those shipped to the distribution departments of various provinces and cities are also recovered. First supply the European and American markets.

There is no way, the price difference is several times, we have to make money first, and then talk about feelings.

Because Ye Yuze's move was so big, media from various countries noticed it. There are various comments, but most of the mainstream public opinion is that the boss of Warrior Computer must have been kicked in the head by a donkey, otherwise he would not have come up with such a stupid idea.

As a result, three months later, before the competition even started, Warrior computers were selling like hotcakes. The key is that I can't buy the goods yet.

Once a batch arrives in any city, young people will line up to buy. In the end, the police had to be sent to maintain order and persuade those who couldn't buy them back based on the number of computers.

The Junken Computer Factory was producing around the clock, and it was time for the five-month competition to officially start. Actually sold 1 million computers.

Now Ye Yuze can't be punished. The profit has already exceeded the one billion US dollars required for the competition. What should we pay?

At this critical moment, the warrior computer became completely popular. Dealers are still desperately asking for goods. As a result, Ye Yuze had to look for OEM factories everywhere.

After finding several large-scale processing plants in succession, the situation stabilized. This shocked the media.

As the leader of this incident, Ye Yuze was pushed to the forefront again.

The journalists who had been preaching about the crisis of Warrior Computer a while ago, but could no longer hold on any longer, immediately changed their tone and turned into liars.

This caused the common people's brains to freeze and they quickly flipped through the old news. Have these reporters lost their memory?

Never mind what happens, right? Warrior Computer suddenly went abroad and became a hot-selling brand in Europe and the United States. It gave them a severe impact on those originally popular brands.

Reporters began to organize groups to interview Junken Machinery and Electrical. Naturally, Ye Yuze would not show up and directly pushed Mr. Ni out.

The old man had been wronged a while ago, so naturally he would no longer give face to those journalists who set the pace. He directly scolded the person with a brain circuit that didn't know how to bend.

But at least it still saves face for some people. Ye Yuze is right in what he said. With all the effort in involution, how can you save some dollars steadily?

In fact, Ye Yuze originally did this just to vent his anger on the old man. Damn it, you dare to plot against me. Don’t you know that labor and management don’t want to fight?

When you export a product, you don’t know how big your portion is? Don’t you know that I am the ancestor who made the export?

Although Mr. Ni was a little confused, he finally understood the purpose of Ye Yuze's big move this time.

It's just that he is not good at expressing himself, so he can only keep this feeling silently in his heart and work hard.

The same goes for other R\u0026D personnel. They all say that businessmen seek profits, but this boss is really different! If you don't work hard when you encounter such a boss, you will even feel sorry for yourself.

Huawei's layout is almost completed at this time. Currently, their main product is program-controlled switching equipment, which has been sold all over the world.

On this day, as soon as he came back from England, he called Ye Yuze and invited Ye Yuze to visit Shenzhen.

At this time, Junken City was covered in ice and snow, which was not interesting. However, the temperature in Shenzhen City was just right, so Ye Yuze flew over.

As soon as they met, Mr. Ren just held Ye Yuze's hand: "Brother! You are a great person, but it's a pity that you did what I wanted to do."

Ye Yuze knew what he was referring to and replied with a smile: "You should concentrate on making mobile phones. Mobile phones in Europe and the United States can already install instant messaging software. When are you going to start?"

Because he is busy with other things these days, Ye Yuze pays little attention to mobile phone matters.

But when I was in Boston, I saw that Ye Feng already had Twitter, Facebook and other software on his phone, and he sighed in his heart. Sure enough, I still overlooked something.

Mr. Ren smiled, took out two boxes, and motioned for Ye Yuze to open them.

Ye Yuze didn't know what he was trying to do? Opening the box, it turned out to be two golden mobile phones.

Picking it up out of curiosity, he also smiled. It turned out that there was a penguin icon on the page. Click on it, log in your number, and suddenly find several avatars flashing.

Those who had wives, Ye Yuji, and Yang Geyong suddenly felt happy. The phone is very beautiful, the screen is larger than other models, and it looks very classy.

"Not bad, not bad. In this way, the mobile phone can not only make and receive calls, but can also connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere. Many things do not require a computer. But isn't the color a bit earthy?"

Mr. Ren laughed and said, "Why does a big boss like you have to give you something fancy? This is a prototype for you. There are only two of them. Even I don't have one!"

Ye Yuze also smiled when he heard this, took out his mobile phone and was about to replace the card. Mr. Ren stopped him.

"There is a card inside. I have a good relationship with China Mobile. I asked you for a number ending in 5 and 8. Please use this number from now on."

Ye Yuze didn't refuse. He had never been a deliberately low-key person. Why wouldn't he want such an awesome number? I am also a super rich man, right?

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