Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1631 The future of the Eighth Regiment

Although many people are not afraid of Li Yongzai's shouting, no one is not afraid of Wang Jinshan's shouting. How could anyone in the Eighth Regiment not know Wang Jinshan?

I have been working hard all my life, enduring hardship first and enjoying last. Who dares to compare with him?

To put it too much, if anyone dares to say something wrong about him, the elders in the family will dare to slap him with the sole of his shoe.

Because they are all veterans who have been with Wang Jinshan for half their lives, who doesn't know him? Even though I'm retired now, when someone's family has difficulties or something, the first thing that comes to mind is the old group leader!

Ordinarily, for a single old man who retires at the deputy division level, his retirement salary is enough for him to live comfortably. But the old regiment leader is still reluctant to eat breakfast. All his money is used to help the soldiers.

If someone still slanders such a person, it is a loss of conscience.

A group of people either looked ashamed or angry, but they all went to the fields obediently. It seems that if you don’t finish planting the grapes, you won’t be able to return to the office. If you want to be comfortable, the only way is to finish planting the land quickly.

Wu Wei in the office made several calls in succession, first to the Tuan Public Security Bureau, but no one paid any attention to him. Mainly because once he heard it was Wang Jinshan, there was no call.

Then I called the Division Public Security Bureau, but there was also no movement. Wu Wei's face became increasingly ugly, but his life had gone smoothly. He fell in love when he was in his twenties, and his career was smooth from there. The background of his father-in-law's family is enough for him to have a smooth life.

Originally, he wanted to complete this term so that he could return to the headquarters to reunite with his family. To be honest, he didn't ask for any achievements. He only needed to work in the most difficult regiment in the entire Corps for a few years. This resume would be enough for him. .

However, he was a very expressive person, and when he saw Li Yong acting domineeringly, he began to feel psychologically uncomfortable. Then he used some small tricks to win over people's hearts.

It is very easy for a person who is not doing anything to cause trouble to someone who is dedicated to doing something. After all, he doesn't have that much time to guard against you.

However, Li Yongzai was very prestigious in the group, and with the support of the old group leader, Wu Wei never had a chance.

As a result, someone gave me a pillow when I was sleepy. When Wang Shuqin came here to plant grapes, I was as tired as my grandson.

Everyone is lazy. How can anyone be willing to suffer and suffer when they have nothing to do? So with a little encouragement from Wu Wei, everyone went on strike. They are not the older generation and do not have that kind of selfless dedication.

Wu Wei was very proud because today's events gave him a great sense of accomplishment. He was thinking about how to deal with the few people who were disobedient and went to work in the fields, but he was ruthlessly suppressed by the old group leader.

After several calls to no avail, Wu Wei had no choice but to call his father-in-law. In fact, some things were encouraged by his father-in-law.

He didn't know why his father-in-law had any grudge against the new Wang Shuqin? But you don’t need to know, just obey.

But things got to such a point that he had to ask for help. Although he knew that Wang Jinshan was not easy to deal with, he did not take the retired old man seriously at all.

As a result, this person he didn't care about gave him a hard slap, no, two slaps!

But the key point is that no one makes the decision for him at this time. This kind of thing is supposed to be a very serious incident, but no one cares about it, which makes him unbearable.

After the call was connected, Wu Wei narrated what happened. There was silence for a long time, and finally he ordered: "You should go to work too, work hard, and do something good!"

"Dad, I can't do it? Besides, where can I put my face if I go?" Wu Wei almost shouted.

"Be obedient and work hard. Otherwise you will regret it!" The tone on the other side was very firm, without any room for change.

"Okay." Wu Wei agreed dully. I went out to find a tool and went to the fields.

The place where the direct company is located is right next to the regiment headquarters, so it only takes ten minutes to walk. Originally, some people in the regiment were still worried, wondering what to say when they saw Wu Wei? As a result, the matter was resolved like this.

Wu Wei lowered his head like a thief, not daring to look at everyone's gazes. Because this move meant that he was admitting defeat, which was tantamount to a great shame and humiliation for the couple.

But so what? His father-in-law asked him to do this, how dare he not listen?

Dig a hole with a hoe, plant the grape seedlings in it, and then water it. The reason why we plant quickly is because the snow accumulated all winter has just melted and the land is still wet. Covering with a film is enough for the seedlings to reach the filling stage.

If there are a few more rains in the later period, then the harvest for the year will basically be obtained. Although this is a grape seedling, the principle is the same.

Wu Wei had never worked before. After graduating from university and being assigned to the headquarters, he worked in the propaganda department. Then I was promoted all the way, but got stuck at a certain threshold. That is, he has no experience in governing.

The promotion and appointment of officials are often clearly stipulated, that is, political performance. A person who has no experience in governing will definitely have no bright spots on his resume.

After a few years of stagnation, Wu Wei was let go. And it was directly placed on the most difficult regiment field in the entire corps.

Wu Wei was digging the hole one after another, and the lesbians behind him were planting seedlings. However, after working for a while, they were left far behind by others.

The girl is young, and this is the time when she needs to be strong. She complained with some dissatisfaction: "Political Commissar Wu, can you hurry up? You have to eat hot food even if you follow others to eat ashes!"

Wu Wei's face was red, but he couldn't get angry, so he could only bury his head and dig into the hole. After a while, my hand was bruised and it hurt terribly.

But at this time, I can only endure it, what else can I do?

By this time, Cuicui had already told Wang Shuqin about the content of the cooperation, which was that Junkencheng would provide all the funds and help the Eighth Regiment dig a few deep mines.

It is true that there is a shortage of water here, but that is only on the surface. With such thick snow every year, how is it possible that there is no water underground?

It's just that the terrain here is complicated and the groundwater is relatively deep, so it's more difficult to drill a well.

Wang Shuqin was very moved. After discussing with Li Yong and Wang Jinshan, the two naturally gave their strong support and agreed that Cuicui and the others would buy all the grapes in the future.

However, the winery had to be built solely by Junkencheng, because the Eighth Regiment couldn't afford the money.

Cuicui readily agreed and found a place that Li Yongzai approved with a stroke of his pen.

I was so happy that he had accomplished what the old regiment leader had not been able to do for half his life. The Eighth Regiment finally had a factory. Although the factory was reclaimed by the army, it was built on the land of the Eighth Regiment!

All future workers will definitely be recruited from the Eighth Regiment. In addition, the raw material of the winery is grapes, and Li Yongzai cannot even imagine the future prospects.

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