Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 163 Red Deer

Wang Honghua is the only adult among the four. Although she is more afraid of this than anyone else.

But both students rushed to the front, how could she be cowardly?

So she followed Ye Yuze cautiously and shined a flashlight on them.

Yang Geyong walked in the front, and there was no moon. The starlight was also dimmed by the woods. Can't see clearly at all.

Yang Geyong vaguely saw a black figure rushing towards him. He kicked it without hesitation!

Ye Yuze, who was walking behind, could see more clearly under Wang Honghua's flashlight. This is something with a big horn.


He couldn't help shouting!

Yang Geyong moves too fast! There was no way to take back that kick.

The guy lowered his head. Yang Geyong kicked it hard on its horns. He tilted his body and sat on the ground.

And the guy swayed a few times. Then he stood firm, lowered his head and rushed towards Yang Geyong!

Ye Yuze had already seen clearly what this was. This is a red deer. The big horns on the head are divided into several branches. Also called eight-pointed deer.

But people in northern Xinjiang call it red deer because of its larger size.

But deer are generally timid by nature, let alone seeing people. Even a rabbit can scare them away.

But I don’t know if this guy is in heat or if he drank too much. How dare you attack humans!

This guy is huge, more than one meter tall. The huge body was like a tank, crushing towards Yang Geyong.

At this time, Yang Geyong had not yet stood up. If it is pushed firmly by it, it will not be pushed away. There will also be several holes in the body from the antlers.

Ye Yuze rushed over amid the screams of the two women. Stretch out your hand and punch hard!

The two women covered their eyes fiercely. There was nothing he could do about it. Ye Yuze's punch, which he thought was unparalleled in strength, was light in the eyes of others.

This punch hit the red deer right between the two antlers.

Ye Yuze only felt a huge force pressing against his fist, making him retreat when he hit him.

He gritted his teeth, concentrated his thoughts, concentrated all his strength on his Dantian, and then let out a shout. The strength was released again with the fist on the deer's head.

The red deer suddenly paused, and neither the deer nor the person was knocked back by the impact.

The red deer's body shook a few times, as if he had drunk too much.

At this time, Yang Geyong also turned over and landed on his back. He kicked the red deer in the chin with both feet.

The deer's head was raised repeatedly by his kicks. But I don’t know how to avoid it.

Yang Geyong took the opportunity to stand up and stepped forward to deliver a few more heavy blows.

Who knew that the guy suddenly hid next to Ye Yuze and shouted a few times. He also rubbed Ye Yuze's body with his horns a few times.

Both of them were stunned for a moment. What does this mean?

Aren't you fighting? Are you being coquettish or provocative?

Ye Yuze tentatively touched its head. As a result, this guy continued to rub against Ye Yuze docilely.

This picture stunned everyone. Wang Honghua and Zhao Linger also walked up. Looking at Ye Yuze curiously.

"Ye Yuze, did it make friends with you when you tickled it just now?"

Ye Yuze's head was covered with black lines. That was a full-strength punch from labor and management, right?

"Ye Yuze, is this how your master punches?"

Yang Geyong obviously knows more.

Ye Yuze shook his head. He really didn't know what it was like for his master and others to punch.

However, when the master is boxing, he is indeed different from his wife.

The master's wife was very energetic with her punches and kicks, giving off an aura of momentum. Just like Yang Geyong.

Master always practices boxing like an opera singer making gestures. There is no strength at all.

When Ye Yuze first started practicing boxing, he also had the demeanor of a master's wife. Even if there is no wind every time, you can still hear the shaking sound of sleeves or trouser legs.

But now every punch looks soft to others. Don’t blame people for saying that they tickle red deer.

The battle was over, and Zhao Ling'er immediately became bolder. She stepped forward and touched the red deer's body.

The guy trembled and hid behind Ye Yuze. As if that were its protective umbrella.

Zhao Ling'er was not willing to let her go. She chased her and insisted on touching her a few more times.

Ye Yuze was speechless. Why did this painting style change instantly?

Who was so brave just now? Who is this rat scurrying over?

Wang Honghua also curiously imitated Zhao Ling'er and touched the red deer's body.

The red deer trembled all over and kept moving towards Ye Yuze like a little lamb. Such a look of indescribable cowardice and pity.

"Take it back and kill it, right? This guy has a lot of meat, and it's delicious!"

Yang Geyong had obviously eaten venison and couldn't help but lick his lips.

"No! No!"

Two female voices sounded at the same time. The two people who were running away with their heads in their hands just now. She instantly transformed into the goddess of justice. Pretend to kill me first!

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong looked at each other. I don’t know what to do with this guy?

But, aren’t deer used for meat?

Ye Yuze is more aware of the form, although he also wants to eat it. But this scene is obviously no longer controllable.

He waved his hand. "Walk home!"

Yang Geyong never refutes his words. The two people turned around and walked towards the company.

The two women followed behind, turning back every step of the way.

Zhao Ling'er was a little unwilling. "Can Ye Yuze take it back and raise it?"

Ye Yuze ignored her. Is it surprising that this thing can be kept in the company? In the blink of an eye, you never know who will be caught eating meat.

Zhao Ling'er wanted to say something else, but Wang Honghua took her hand and dragged her forward.

He had no choice but to purse his lips helplessly and move forward angrily. It's just that you can tie a donkey to your mouth.

Several people walked to the side of the company. The silver came out of nowhere. Screaming behind them!

Several people turned around to take a look. But I found that the red deer had followed me at some point.

At this time it stood still and stared at the silver. There was no flinching in his expression. It seems like they are still competing.

That means if you dare to come up, I will stand up to you!

Ye Yuze touched Yinzi's head. "Stop barking, it's not a bad guy!"

After saying this, he felt that the wording was wrong. He quickly changed his words: "It's not a bad deer!"

Yinzi stopped screaming immediately after being touched by Ye Yuze. Then he rubbed against Ye Yuze.

This guy has become more and more popular in the company recently. The entire company became its territory.

Even the chickens, ducks and geese in the house obey its command. And those sheep.

If a sheep comes home late, call it. It knows where to find it.

Therefore, the status has also skyrocketed! Anyone who stews meat remembers to leave a piece of it. I also know that it doesn’t eat fat!

I also followed Zhao Dengxuan on patrol at night, although I ended up sleeping in front of Ye Yuze's house.

But that identity is already a patrol dog of the infrastructure company.

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