Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1621 State University or National University

"Okay, if you can do this, I guarantee that you can be the vice president. All the benefits you have enjoyed before will be available to you in the future."

Yang Wei looked excited. He originally joined the army to expand his territory, but when he fell asleep, someone gave him a pillow. Naturally, Yang Wei couldn't treat such a person badly, otherwise he would break people's hearts.

When Gabon heard what Yang Wei said, he was already convinced. In fact, he just wanted to save his life and get some money. The result was such a big receipt, which was already an unexpected surprise.

That night, the spies sent by Yang Geyong came to Yang Wei's military camp and conveyed Yang Geyong's order to take people back quickly.

Yang Wei originally wanted to tell him about Gabon, but then he thought about it and decided not to tell him. Just give them a surprise.

So Yang Wei sent the spy away and told him that he would definitely go back within a week at most, so that his father and Uncle Ye could rest assured.

The spy was helpless. He was just a messenger and had no right to order Yang Wei to do anything. He had no choice but to go back overnight to get his orders back. As for what Yang Geyong would do, he couldn't guess.

Early the next morning, twenty or thirty reporters came to Gabon's station one after another. When everyone arrived, Gabon and Yang Wei came to the venue together.

Then Gabon announced its decision: "In the name of the President of Mozambique, I declare that from today on, the United States will officially become part of the Marseille State, and where I go will follow the arrangements of Governor Lighter."

A reporter asked: "Your Excellency, do you mean that Mozambique will merge with Tanzania?"

Gabon shook his head: "We are merging with the Marseille Autonomous Prefecture, not joining Tanzania."

The reporters looked confused, and one asked in confusion: "Your Excellency, President, Mozambique is a sovereign country, and Marseille is just an autonomous prefecture of Tanzania. Are you saying that Mozambique will become a state under Tanzania in the future?" Part of it?”

Gabon then shook his head: "We are only merging with Marseille State, but we will not obey the instructions of the Tanzanian government, and Mozambique is still a sovereign country."

The reporters were completely confused by Gabon. It would merge with a state below it, but it would not become part of Tanzania, and it would still be a sovereign country. This will mess up everyone.

The key point is that this approach is unprecedented and against the rules, but since he is the president, he has the final say, and reporters can only report truthfully.

However, the reporters debated for a long time on the issue of state university or national university, and even interrupted the meeting several times.

Next, Yang Wei introduced the situation in Marseille and talked about the current living standards of the people and the JDP.

Many people know about this situation, but only those reporters from Tanzania don’t know. There is nothing they can do, is it a hostile country?

Finally, Yang Wei concluded: "The President of Gabon is a far-sighted person. He saw that his people were suffering, but was unable to change the status quo, so he decided to hand over his power in exchange for the improvement of people's lives. This kind of president is not only our , people all over the world will praise him!"

The reporters applauded sparsely, and of course there were questions. Faced with all this, Yang Wei remained calm and sincerely answered reporters' worried questions.

For example, when Tanzania joins a state and how to exercise its sovereign rights, Yang Wei also answered truthfully: "I don't know about this. That is what Governor Lighter needs to worry about. You need to ask them about this."

Most of these reporters are from TV stations from various countries. They control the mouthpiece of a country. Some of these interviews are recorded and need to be edited before being broadcast.

And some are live broadcasts. For example, reporters from Mozambique and Tanzania TV stations are among the key invitees this time.

Originally, Gabon wanted to express its determination to seek support from the United Nations through them. Everything changed overnight and became a propaganda channel for him to declare himself affiliated with Marseille.

Because Marseille is an autonomous prefecture, reporters were also invited. Upon hearing the news, the reporters were more confused than anyone else. Isn't this still a war? What kind of operation is it for a sovereign country to merge into Marseille State? I really don’t understand!

But it doesn’t matter whether you understand it or not. Since you don’t understand it, just broadcast it live. There are leaders to worry about. I am just a reporter, so there is no need to worry about this matter.

Not to mention that the reporters who were confused started reporting this incident in a confused state, and the viewers in front of the TV were even more at a loss.

In a cafe in the capital of Mozambique, a group of people were discussing while watching TV.

"Then what should we write on our ID cards in the future? Is this a resident of Marseille State in Mozambique?"

Another person shook his head: "What you said is wrong. It should be a certain resident of Mo Country, Marseille State."

"That's wrong. How can a state be placed in front of a country's name? Isn't this unscientific?" The guy behind shook his head.

At this time, the boss interjected: "How many scientific things has our president done? But I like it. If we can live like the Maasai people, we will be blessed."

In a bar in Marseille, the owner became excited while watching the TV: "All the purchases made today are mine. No bills. Damn, our bayonet mercenaries are so powerful. They conquered a country on their first expedition."

A customer was unhappy and shouted: "Why? You are the only one allowed to celebrate such a big happy event? I have to pay double the price of the drink today!"

"I'll pay three times as much to celebrate Yang Wei's success!" A big fat man shouted loudly, not wanting to be outdone.

The political leaders of the three places were not so relaxed. The Mozambican parliament is holding an emergency session, and members are watching this press conference while discussing what to do.

The speaker slapped his hand on the table: "Shame, this kind of president is a shame to all our people. His decision is invalid, we must remove him!"

A congressman looked at him disdainfully: "Why is it invalid? As long as he is president for one day, his order will be valid. You can convene a parliament to remove him and then overturn his decision. But at this moment, you already belong to Marseille State." The status of citizen is already real.”

"No, we will not allow him to do this. He is not the president, he is a traitor!" a congressman shouted excitedly.

Another congressman looked at him coldly: "What is a traitor? He wants the people to live a good life. I support this kind of traitorous behavior! If you can be such a traitor, I will support you as president."

Because the tone of the argument became more and more explosive, a grumpy guy finally couldn't hold himself back and punched the guy who was arguing with him in the face...

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