Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1619 The end of the road

The helicopter continued to lower its altitude, and several soldiers continued to throw grenades at the enemy group. Although this was only a drop in the bucket, it could also play a certain role in curbing the enemy's attack and slow down the pace of the enemy's attack.

However, the enemy has portable missiles, and some people have already started shooting at the helicopter. But Yang Wei did not choose to escape. He could see clearly what was happening below, so he could only raise the altitude, but he still had to throw the grenade.

After going around like this for more than two hours, Jackal and Mushroom finally arrived. The helicopter's fuel was almost exhausted, so Yang Wei chose to land on the spot.

With the addition of these two hundred fresh troops, the situation on the battlefield has changed a bit, but the effect is not great because there are too many enemies.

The role of special forces is to carry out sneak attacks and complete tasks that are difficult for ordinary troops to complete. If placed on such a frontal hard steel position, the effect will not be so obvious.

Seeing that the casualties on the Volunteer Army's side were getting heavier and heavier, Yang Wei gritted his teeth and asked the mercenary soldiers around him: "Do you dare to follow me to break through the enemy's team and directly capture their commander alive?"

"Dare!" the soldiers said in unison, joking. How can a bayonet mercenary soldier be a coward? Done!

So when the battle situation was close to one-sided, two hundred soldiers suddenly rushed out of the Volunteer Army position. They were well-equipped, rushed into the local position like tigers, and launched a massacre-like counterattack against the oncoming enemy. .

You know, they are wearing the latest bulletproof vests, and ordinary bullets hitting them will not cause any damage at all.

And the enemy's heavy weapons have no power at all during the attack. You can't attack your own people as well, right?

Therefore, with their sophisticated weapons and defensive equipment, the bayonet mercenary warriors were like tigers descending from the mountain, invincible. All of a sudden, the Mo army was in chaos. Some unidentified guys even thought that their side was defeated and turned around and ran away.

How could Yang Wei let this opportunity pass? Immediately expand the results of the battle, no longer simply creating a gap, but rushing left and right, harvesting the enemy's lives wantonly.

The bayonet warriors had been training hard for several years and had never fought a decent battle. Now they suddenly discovered that they were so brave, and they were naturally very excited. The offensive naturally became more fierce.

When the volunteer soldiers saw how brave the soldiers with bayonets were, their morale suddenly soared. They rushed out of the trenches and began to pounce on the enemy.

The so-called hero is the extraordinary courage that can be unleashed at critical moments.

Nowadays, the bayonet warriors are so fearless that they are not afraid of death, which arouses the desire to survive in the volunteer soldiers who were originally determined to die.

There are only two ways to survive on the battlefield. One is to live quietly and surrender directly. The second is to kill your enemy. At this moment, all the warriors undoubtedly chose this one.

Then a strange phenomenon occurred. On the battlefield, the Mozambican army of 20,000 people was chased by the Maasai army of 2,000 people, and people continued to lose their lives along the way.

Many of them were not killed by the Maasai army, but died from the crowding and trampling of their companions. This is what the so-called leap of thousands of miles is like.

This rout was out of control, and they retreated more than 300 kilometers, stopping only when they were almost entering the hinterland of Mo Country.

Gabon asked Lewis with a confused look on his face: "Isn't this a sneak attack? Why were we ambushed? How many troops did they send to attack us?"

Lewis's face was filled with bitterness, but he did not dare to tell the truth, let alone the defeated commanders. Because they knew Gabon's temper. If they knew they were beaten like this by two regiments, Gabon would have killed them.

The defeat along the way went directly to Lapu, the second largest city in the country of Mozambique. Mozambique is a small country with the entire southern side being the coastline. It was supposed to rely on the sea to engage in international trade, but as a result, Gabon's economy collapsed due to its militarism. Although the people were unable to make a living, they were still struggling on the poverty line.

All the way here is the border area between Marseille and Mozambique. The people here know the situation in Marseille relatively well, because many people work there to make a living.

There are also some people who are vendors who resell goods directly from Marseille. These people are completely indifferent to this war and even hope that the Marseille army can win. Because they know that Marseille is the place where people can truly be treated as human beings.

Therefore, when the Maasai Army came over, not only did they not share the same enemy, but they helped the Maasai Army. Otherwise, how could the Maasai Army chase so far in one go?

This incident became a bit big. It was originally a Patriotic War against invaders, but it turned out to be an invasion of other countries.

But so far, neither side has spoken. The Mo country side feels guilty, and the Marseille side doesn't know how to speak out for a while?

Things were at a stalemate for about a week, and both Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze flew over. Mainly this incident needs to be resolved and put to rest. Marseille did not want to start a war, but was forced to defend itself.

The order Yang Wei received was to retreat, because Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong agreed that the Maasai people would never invade others.

Yang Wei was a little unconvinced. He didn't want to withdraw. Why should he return the territory he had won to them in vain? Nearly 500 people died on the Volunteer Army side. Is it so easy for the Marseille District Government to bear such losses?

As the so-called general was not accepted by the foreign emperor, Yang Wei did not withdraw immediately. Instead, after discussing with his subordinates and two officers, he decided that he could not withdraw so easily, and he must do something more before leaving.

So Yang Wei asked the two regiment commanders to send all the wounded back home for treatment. The remaining people continued to be stationed here, while his soldiers with bayonets continued to go deeper. He wanted to capture the general leading the enemy army. Called Operation Beheading.

Now Lewis and Gabon have not fled back to the capital. That is because Gabon knows that the result will not be better if he goes back. Now, nearly one of the ace troops he relied on had been wiped out, and the other division's organization was basically in name only.

The main reason is that the war has reached this point and the morale of the army has been weakened, and there is no way to continue the fight. All the troops around them added up to only one regiment.

This group was pieced together along the way. The key is that there are no supplies yet, the capital has long lost contact with him, and no one he calls answers his calls.

The so-called end of the road, betrayal and separation, is what it is like. Gabon feels sad in his heart. Every time he sees Lewis, he wants to take out his gun and kill him. Without this person, how could love have reached this point?

"Report to the President, the enemy is coming!" A soldier hurried over and reported in a panic.

"How many are there?" Gabon looked gloomy.

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