Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1608 Chinese New Year

Zha Hongying told Qiu Jingping what Ye Yuze meant, but Qiu Jingping refused directly. It wasn't because she was afraid of trouble, she felt that Lin Wuben would be at a loss when faced with such a scene.

Cha Hongying couldn't help but sigh. A woman could even give up a once-in-a-lifetime wedding for her man. What else could she say?

So, she could only perform a simple ceremony in this small circle, but Qiu Jingping cooked the food herself. This can be regarded as the simplest wedding that Cha Hongying has ever attended.

The New Year has always been the most solemn festival for the Chinese people. On this day, people no matter where they are far away will go home to reunite. Because China has always been a country that attaches great importance to family values.

Ye Yuze's family naturally received a warm welcome from the villagers when they returned to their hometown. People from every household came to invite them to their homes.

It's not because they are rich and powerful to curry favor, it's mainly because the changes in the village are mainly due to the Ye family.

The feelings of the villagers at that time were still simple. If they invited Ye Wancheng home, even if they drank a bowl of water, their wishes would be fulfilled.

Ye Wancheng was a young man who left home and joined the army at the age of seventeen and left the village. Although he has occasionally come back over the years, those who have grown up with him don’t recognize him anymore.

It is also very sad to sit together and recall the days when we dug out bird's nests and caught fish and shrimps together in our childhood.

Master Ma is no longer here. I called Ye Yuze back then. He was still in Boston at that time. Even if he came back, he would not have time to attend the funeral. So I entrusted Lao Rou to give me a gift.

Today's village director is already held by the old man, who is also a deputy to the county people's congress. But now he also plans to give up his position to young people.

The main reason is that the business in Africa is getting bigger and bigger, and my uncle is ready to settle there. As for my hometown, just leave it to my uncle to take care of it.

The main reason is that the business here has long been stable and there is a mature management team. In fact, you don’t need to worry about anything?

Nowadays, he is mainly worried about his grandma. In his old life, he and his grandma were separated only during the three years when he was a soldier, and they were together for the rest of the time.

Although the uncle has never left my mother, the family is still not so confident about the aunt after learning from the past.

Ye Wancheng said all his good things and wanted to take his mother to Junken City for her retirement. But the old lady just refused to leave her homeland, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

In desperation, he could only leave her to the care of his uncle and his wife. Then Ye Yuze had an idea and called his aunt over. Now her aunt has retired and is looking after her grandson at home. My cousin failed to enter college and took over his father's fleet to run transportation.

Anyway, they are all from the pulled pork joint factory, so it is better to let them move to the village so that they can take care of grandma.

Everyone agreed with Ye Yuze's suggestion, so Ye Yuze called his aunt.

After my aunt arrived, she happily agreed. Ye Yuze asked his uncle to give some shares to his cousin, so that he would have a sense of belonging when he started working.

In fact, there is no need to divide it. Grandma already has the shares in her hands. In fact, grandma left it to Ye Feng for her own sake. Once the matter is resolved, everyone can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.

In fact, in comparison, the Chinese New Year today is very different from that in the past. In the past, people were very particular about staying up late on the New Year's Eve and basically didn't sleep at night. At three or four o'clock in the morning, every household began to pay New Year greetings again.

In fact, it was the snacks that the children coveted on display in every house, and the eight cent pocket money.

Who is still lacking that little thing nowadays? Snacks have lost their allure for children, and every household has them.

Not to mention pocket money. No matter how stingy the parents are, they still have to put hundreds of dollars in their children's pockets on New Year's Day.

Xuzhuang is now famous as a wealthy village in Zaozhou, but there is no land in the village because the land has been occupied by pig farms and supporting enterprises.

So, it's more of a small town than a village. Nowadays, various shops and restaurants are everywhere in the village, as well as a vegetable market.

Coupled with neat streets and luxurious residences, the environment is even better than Qiu City. It's just one size smaller.

For various reasons, no one gets up before dawn to pay New Year greetings. Some are lazy and don't get up until eight o'clock. This is because I am afraid that someone coming to pay New Year's greetings will come in, otherwise I will sleep until noon.

The so-called New Year flavor is a kind of popularity. People of all sizes visit every house before dawn, which makes the elderly feel that they are valued and brings people closer to each other.

But now it's not until dawn and no one gets up. The dumpling-eating firecrackers set off are full of perfunctory, and a few sparse blasts are considered to be done.

Ye Yuze could see that grandma was a little unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it. As people's living standards improve, what follows is alienation and defensiveness between people.

There is no way around this. In the past, everyone was equally poor and had nothing to take precautions against. The reason for not closing the door at night and not picking up things on the road was because there was nothing.

Why lock the door if you don't have anything at home? What can you pick up if your pocket is cleaner than your face?

Not to mention, there is really something to pick up, that is, old men in the past liked to carry a basket and a small shovel. When they saw vicuña excrement on the ground, they would scoop it up and put it into the basket, and then pour it into their own Private plot.

A few old men can even pick up excrement, so what else do you want to pick up?

Anyway, there is no shortage of people visiting the Ye family to pay New Year's greetings. After eating the dumplings, people started to come to pay New Year's greetings one after another. Even people from the city came to say hello.

Ye Yuze didn't know these people, they were all cadres who were promoted later. All the people he knew before had been promoted or retired. No one will walk around with him again.

By now the uncle was very familiar with these people, and they all stayed to have a meal. Before leaving, each of them gave them some gifts brought back from Africa.

Seeing the old uncle leading people and picking things up skillfully, Ye Yuze couldn't tell what he was feeling? China is a relationship-based society, and relationships are often more important than your abilities.

Grandma's fun was throwing money around. My uncle gave her dozens of new ten-dollar bills early, and she gave one to the unmarried people who came to pay New Year greetings.

I wouldn't have done this before if I had beaten her to death. Money is life!

When this society gains something, it will naturally lose something. Don't judge good or bad subjectively.

The world is constantly progressing in this kind of change. From the Stone Age to modernization, who can say how much has been lost?

Just enjoy what you get, there is no need to restrict others with your so-called traditions. Who would be willing to give up cars and planes and ride a donkey to Africa?

Ye Yuze's only regret was that he could not pick up his grandma and let her enjoy the outside world, but for grandma, the village was her world.

Take the free monthly pass at the beginning of the month, don’t give it to others, we are family

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