Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1596 Tacit Cooperation

The only one who didn't want to leave was Xima. Yang Geyong couldn't do anything about this girl and wanted to take Ye Qianqian home to rest. As a result, Ye Qianqian refused to leave.

Yang Geyong shook his head and had no choice but to go home. His son was fine. There is no point in staying here, and I don’t know what these women are going to do?

It's not like a little chicken. When you come out of the eggshell, the first person you see is your mother. How can Yang Wei be so childish at such an old age?

He couldn't understand a woman's thinking. Didn't he know that Zhao Linger was furious when he went home to sleep, and she cursed him countless times in her heart.

But he definitely doesn't know this, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. There are so many people who curse him, but he still lives well?

On the way, he called Ye Yuze and told Yang Wei's situation. Ye Yuze had already called several times, and he felt it was necessary to say something.

After hearing what happened, Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh: "Brother, when the children grow up, it will be up to them in the future. The path we choose may not be suitable for them. If we followed the path our parents chose for us, you I’m still farming, so I should be a doctor, right?”

Yang Geyong laughed: "It's true, we were unwilling to listen to our parents at first, but now we force our children to listen to us. No wonder they are not convinced."

The two chatted for a long time, and they didn't hang up the phone until Ye Feng went home to find Ye Yuze.

"Dad, I want ASML to establish a new company in Junken City as soon as possible and transfer the core technology to it as soon as possible."

Ye Feng's expression was a little solemn. As the United States and the European Union became more and more strict on the export of high-tech products, Ye Feng also felt pressure in his heart.

Although they have now successfully invested in ASML. But once people know that they have close ties with China, pressure from all aspects will probably force them to withdraw their shares. Ye Feng wanted to take advantage of the situation before all parties could react. I took the opportunity to get the core technology here in one go.

Ye Yuze shook his head. Although his son was very capable, he was still young. He did not understand that any advanced device did not exist in a separate form.

ASML's lithography machines are powerful, but many of the original parts are from Europe and the United States. Without these original parts, they would not be able to assemble the most advanced lithography machines in the world.

Besides, ASML is now conquering immersion lithography machines. If this technology is broken through, ASML will become the complete overlord in lithography machines. Moreover, the gambling agreement between Cha Hongying and Smit has not yet expired.

Once there is any drastic action, the new generation of Smit will definitely be dissatisfied, which will definitely affect the research and development progress, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

And now that Kevin and Qiu Xixi are both there, the father and son naturally have a tacit understanding of what they are doing. At least with them here, ASML will soon have no more secrets.

Ye Yuze currently needs to find out how much the photolithography machine relies on component manufacturers and which manufacturers are irreplaceable. Otherwise, how could he put Luke and Zha Hongying there?

In terms of technology, there are Kevin and Qiu Hope, and in terms of operations, there are Zha Hongying and Luke, although they will not participate in R\u0026D and operations. But purchase channels and sales channels must be clarified. And they also have a certain say when necessary.

Smit is obsessed with research and development and doesn't worry much about business matters. So he didn't care at all about what Zha Hongying and the others did, and wished he had to let him take charge.

Cha Hongying is good at finance, and Luke is proficient in various equipment. The two people complement each other well when working together.

As for other people in charge of the company, I'm sorry, Europeans have a strong sense of family, so you don't have to answer your boss's calls after get off work. Coupled with various holidays, Ba has to come.

Now that there are two more hard-working people, they are naturally eager to leave it all to them. Anyway, the salary is indispensable.

Luke also has the laziness of Europeans, but after getting used to Ye Yuze's style, he became a lot more diligent. After all, this boss really paid!

Now that I can be with Zha Hongying again, it's the time for me to adjust my oil. It doesn't make any difference whether I'm at work or at home.

And Kevin and Qiu Xixi are two scientific madmen who often go around in circles. Especially after being exposed to this new industry, apart from eating and sleeping, I basically spend the rest of my time in the company.

Although Smit is a European, he who does research and development wants to split his time in half, so he naturally appreciates such employees. Delegate more and more things to two people.

Originally, Qiu Xiang and Kevin worked with lithography machines every day and had a deep understanding of this aspect. With Smit's reuse, this piece of equipment soon lost its secrets to the two of them, and they were soon able to participate in the core components. of research and development.

The gambling period between Zha Hongying and Smit lasted for one year, so Smit was basically in a continuous cycle. He is not willing to give away his shares for nothing. Qiu Hope and Kevin became the only people who could cooperate with him unconditionally.

It’s just that the development of a new product is too difficult. In 2002, the development of the global chip industry entered a bottleneck period, and Moore's Law began to stall. Moore's Law was proposed by Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel. It states: When the price remains constant, the number of components that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will increase by one every 18 to 24 months. times, the performance will also be doubled.

Moore's Law has been working for more than half a century, but when the light source wavelength of the lithography machine is stuck at 193nm and the chip manufacturing process shrinks to 65nm, Moore's Law begins to fail.

Japanese lithography giants Nikon and Canon carry forward their traditional skills and choose to be conservative and stable, placing their hope in the breakthrough of 157nm wavelength lithography and "dry" lithography technology using air as the medium.

At this time, in 2002, Lin Wuben, who was then head of photolithography technology research and development at Taiwan Optoelectronics, proposed an idea, namely immersion lithography using water as the medium.

The principle is to take advantage of the bending properties of light when passing through a liquid medium, and the microscope image will be further magnified through the soaked lens.

Conversely, when light passes through a microfilm lens immersed in liquid, the image is further shrunk by the refractive index. Lin Wuben believes that the existing 193nm lithography on the market will have a much better effect through water refraction than the 157nm that is being conquered.

With the support of Taiwan Optoelectronics, Lin Wuben personally traveled to the United States, Germany, Japan and other places with the plan, but no one paid attention to it because the idea of ​​adding water to such a precise instrument sounded unreliable, and the lithography technology at that time Machine manufacturers have already invested a lot of R\u0026D investment in 157nm dry lithography machines. At this time, it is too risky for them to open another technical route.

Nikon even relied on its monopoly position to ask TSMC to hide its forestry capital. Finally, Lin Wuben, who was desperate, met the ambitious AS Schmidt, and the two hit it off. Schmidt knows that only technology can make a big difference. If we want to defeat Nikon and Canon technically, new technical routes are opportunities.

It’s the end of the month, brothers, go ahead

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