Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1581 Ivanovich’s request

This barbecue was a very enjoyable meal. Even the two little bears who could only drink milk were fed some minced meat cooked on the bones. The two little guys were mothers if they had milk, so they directly fed them with Kesai. Lin and Yang Xue both considered themselves mothers.

In comparison, life here is the most leisurely. The leisurely life can make Ye Yuze forget that there are so many things to do.

When he came back this time, he didn't contact Ma Guoping and the others, because once he told them, he would have to eat and drink with a group of people every day. He might as well accompany his family to get some food, hunt, and fish.

Well, Ye Yuze admitted that no fish had ever taken his bait in his life.

After more than a month of leisurely life, Ye Yuze unexpectedly received a call from Ivanovich. Asked him if he was in Moscow and wanted to discuss something with him.

As Ivanovic's position rose, Ye Yuze had less and less contact with him. Generally speaking, I would communicate through Ivana when it comes to matters. After all, many things have reached the point where they need to be taboo.

Besides, the government's monitoring methods for senior officials have reached such an extent that no one can figure out this kind of thing.

Ye Yuze couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time. What could Ivanovich do if he came to him directly? But there is no doubt that you must go there.

When he arrived at the jeep, Ivana was waiting for him at the exit. The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly praise that she was such a beauty. All the advantages of the Europa people were concentrated in her.

She was now in her thirties, but unlike other European women, her figure did not expand with age, but became slimmer.

The traces left on the face by the years not only do not show aging, but add some intellectual temperament, making people more meaningful.

Flowers are beautiful in form, and people are beautiful in heart. A woman's beauty is really not only in her youth, but also potential in all ages. This woman is really becoming more and more attractive.

The two hugged, and Ivana's lips touched again. Ye Yuze had to respond, this woman is a fairy, she always has a way to break through Ye Yuze's hard-fought reserve.

Anyway, this is a Jeep, so you don’t have to worry so much. If you dare to see such a scene at the Junken City Airport, worry about it being reported in the Junken Daily the next day.

Ye Yuze, who almost suffocated, pushed Ivana away and asked breathlessly: "Do you know why your brother-in-law called me here?"

Ivana nodded, then shook her head: "I won't tell you if I know, just ask him yourself."

Ye Yuze suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. He would never win in a fight with this goblin. Even if he won, she would still have a way to make you admit defeat. Facing a woman who is charming to the core, which man can win?

The car drove directly to the company. At this time, Ivanovich had not yet gotten off work. He can't just leave his post casually, he has a lot to deal with now.

The company has now changed from a shotgun to a new one. The original two-story building has now been turned into a seventeen-story building. However, the lower floors are all rented out, and only the top three floors are where the brother company is located.

Ye Yuze didn't understand why foreigners liked high places, so he would have kept the bottom three floors. It's so convenient to enter. Even if there is a power outage and the elevator cannot be used, it won't have much impact.

Ukraine has experienced economic recovery in the past two years. Due to its land and climate, it is known as the granary of Europe and is also the world's third largest grain exporter. In fact, all of this has something to do with the United States.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States offered to provide economic assistance to Ukraine. As we all know, long before the collapse of the Soviet Union, its domestic economy was on the verge of collapse, and its fiscal deficit was expanding year by year.

Like Russia, Ukraine also inherited the Soviet Union's bad economic problems after inheriting a large amount of weapons and equipment. In addition, although Ukraine's heavy industry was developed at the time, there were few buyers. In a short period of time, Ukraine fell into Dilemma.

At this time, the United States proposed to provide economic assistance to Ukraine, but the condition was that Ukraine must destroy all nuclear weapons and related strategic equipment inherited from the Soviet Union. Seeing this and combining it with history, many people will say that Ukraine finally chose Accepting U.S. aid began the path of "prodigality".

Ukraine finally unified a number of agreements proposed by the United States, including the destruction of more than 3,000 nuclear bombs and more than a dozen Tu-160 long-range strategic transport aircraft capable of launching nuclear bombs. The United States provided Ukraine with billions of dollars in economic assistance. .

Although this decision finally allowed Ukraine to get out of its economic predicament, it undoubtedly also completely lost its national defense strength and never became a military power again.

However, the economy has regained some strength, and people's lives have gradually gotten better. At the very least, a large agricultural country will not let its people go hungry.

Therefore, at this time, Jeep and Ye Yuze have changed significantly since last time. At least everyone on the street was smiling, and they no longer looked like refugees with disheveled faces.

He returned to the company to wash up and catch up on his sleep again. Of course, this catch-up sleep was in bed, with Ivana accompanying him. However, Ye Yuze had a sore back after finishing this sleep. I don’t know if the design of Simmons in Ukraine is not very scientific.

Ivanovich and Ye Yuze had dinner together at Ivanovich's house, but it was just the two of them. Ivana and her sister hid in the kitchen to eat.

The two people first discussed the current situation, but Ye Yuze was not too interested. The internal affairs of other countries have nothing to do with you. But he really hopes that Ivanovich will become a bigger official.

It's just that Ivanovic is still relatively young and needs to spend some time. Officialdom is like a pyramid, the higher you go up, the smaller the number of people. There are only so many positions, and I don’t know how many people are watching, so the ownership of each position is the result of competition between multiple forces.

After talking about these things, Ivanovich suddenly changed the subject and asked Ye Yuze a very personal question.

"Ye, we have always been friends. Now that Ivana is so old, her father and sister are very worried. A woman can't stay married in her life, right?"

These words left Ye Yuze speechless, but he had to face it, right? After all, Ivana's father has a higher position than Ivanovich. Now that he has spoken, Ye Yuze must show an attitude.

"Ivanovich, you know that I have a family. I have no way to marry Ivana. If she has a man she likes, let her get married. As for the business, there will be no changes. Including support for you.”

Ye Yuze said it sincerely, and this was also what he meant. For Ivana, he really just regarded her as a woman, not a lover.

Weak, wake up, it’s time to read a book, and get some tickets, otherwise Ivana will deal with you.

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