Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1578 Get a big deal

Seeing Ye Yuze and Wang Lina deal with more than 10,000 cars while talking and laughing, Lili had a complicated expression on her face.

She liked Ye Yuze, but she always felt inferior when facing this man. That’s why I keep working hard to make myself stronger.

But when she faced Wang Lina just now, her self-confidence was shattered again. Although Wang Lina is already forty, she still has a child-like personality. And she is so capable, how hard must she work to catch up?

By the time Wang Jianying didn't have as many ideas as she did, she asked, "Boss, can I follow Sister Lina to load the ship tomorrow?"

Ye Yuze waved his hand: "Go ahead, go to bed now. We all have to go to the factory tomorrow. How can such a big thing be shipped tomorrow?"

The two girls walked out of the room, and Ye Yuze also washed up and got ready to rest. At this time, the phone rang. After looking at the number, it turned out that it was a call from home, so I quickly picked it up.

"Husband, let me ask you something. You can't hide it from me." Yu'e's voice came clearly from the microphone.

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment: "What did I hide from you? Why do you say that?"

"I think Kesselring is pregnant. Does this have anything to do with you?" They are an old couple, so Yu'e directly asked her doubts.

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment. He never thought that this would be the problem. Calculating the time, if Kesselin is really pregnant, maybe it really has something to do with her. But can we talk about this?

I have never lied to my wife, but whether I should confess this matter is really a question.

However, he is also relatively bachelor, and if he says he won't cheat, he just can't cheat. So I told him exactly what happened that night in Moscow.

Yu'e was silent for a long time, then sighed and asked: "If she really gives birth, what are you going to do with her?"

Ye Yuze also fell silent, who knows what to do! After these years of being confused, my love life was in a mess. At any rate, these women are sincere to him and are relatively independent. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to deal with it?

Yu'e hung up the phone without saying anything else. If we talk about guilt, the only woman in Ye Yuze's heart who feels guilty is Yu'e.

After all, she is his legal only spouse, and she is the one who is hurt the most by all his messy things.

Sometimes Ye Yuze admires his grandma and mother's vision very much. If it had been anyone else, they would have been in a state of panic. Perhaps what they fancy is Yu'e's virtuousness.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yuze finally called Kesselin. I called several times but she didn't answer.

In desperation, he called Lev again. But after hearing this, the guy burst out laughing: "Brother, that's great. If this is true, I will thank you very much for giving our family a successor!"

Ye Yuze was still confused until he hung up the phone. He didn't know whether he was crazy or Lev was crazy. After this phone call, the guy kept thanking him.

But is what you do something you should be grateful for? He didn't understand, but originally he understood. But now I don’t understand why I did something good that benefited the country and the people?

"You are still young, so you can't have this child. If you want to have a child, can you wait until you graduate from college?"

Facing Kesselin, Yu'e said softly. Naturally, she couldn't show her knowledge. Instead, she took on the identity of her sister-in-law and pointed out that a girl was still in school and it was not suitable to have a child now.

As a result, after talking for a long time, Kesselin lowered his head and said nothing. Then it disappeared in the afternoon. He waited until the next night to call Yu'e and told her that he had returned to Moscow and would not come back until after giving birth, and told her not to worry.

Yu'e hung up the phone silently. If Ye Yuze were here, she would probably strangle him to death. Man, you really can't marry someone you love too much. Otherwise, you will suffer too much.

Wang Lina is a resolute person. Early the next morning, she went to the factory alone and negotiated with the factory director. How much would a car cost if they bought it all?

Because yesterday several city leaders personally brought people to the factory, how could the factory director dare to make the decision? He immediately reported to Wang Chunsheng.

How dare Wang Chunsheng delay? He immediately rushed over with several city leaders.

Originally, Wang Lina's intention was not to mention Ye Yuze's name and just pay for the car to be taken away. As a result, it’s become so lively now that it’s hard not to mention it.

Because Ye Yuze agreed to help sell these cars, Wang Chunsheng would not have agreed to sell them to others without Ye Yuze.

When he heard that he was the sales director of Warrior Automobile Corporation, Wang Chunsheng realized that he was Ye Yuze's person. Quickly call Ye Yuze again.

When Ye Yuze arrived, he did not mention the price issue, but explained where these cars would be purchased.

In fact, based on the ex-factory price, the price of these cars is more than 30,000 yuan each. But as soon as they heard about the export, several leaders immediately decided to reduce the price of each vehicle by 10,000 yuan.

This is not to give Ye Yuze face, but in this era there is a saying of export tax rebate. Especially for the export of industrial products such as automobiles, the tax rebate amount is very high.

But Wang Lina cannot pay in RMB, only in US dollars.

What Warrior Automobile Company is most in need of is U.S. dollars, because most of their cars are exported abroad. Therefore, the deal was concluded quickly.

Jinshi is responsible for transporting the goods to the port for loading, and the payment for the goods is settled in one go only after the goods arrive at the port of Datanguo.

This was the condition proposed by Wang Lina, because shipping was not peaceful at that time and pirates often appeared.

After finishing the matter, Wang Chunsheng proposed to go to Junken City to visit and study. Ye Yuze called there and asked Ma Rong and the others to receive them. I didn't follow him.

However, Wang Chunsheng naturally would not let his work go in vain. He approved a piece of land in Jin City and let him watch the development before leaving.

Of course, the land price will naturally be based on the market price, and Ye Yuze will not follow the truth on such matters.

After the inspection, Ye Yuze decided to build a high-end community. Although the current economic environment in Tianjin is not very good, there are still circles of wealthy people. As long as the scale is not that big, it will be fine.

This time, they were familiar with the road. It happened that the construction team in the capital was about to evacuate, so they moved here directly.

Ye Yuze did not intervene in the sales issue this time and let Lili and Wang Jianying handle it. As a result, the two girls did a decent job. Although it is also modeled after the capital city, many things have been changed. It made Ye Yuze's eyes light up.

In fact, people's abilities are all developed through training. Once a burden is placed on you, you will be able to do anything, and you won't have a chance to be lazy.

The third update was delivered, but the manuscript was not saved.

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