Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1575 Meeting Wang Chunsheng again

When you come here, you can't help but see old friends. He took the two beauties directly to Wang Chunsheng's office.

Wang Chunsheng is now the deputy mayor in charge of industry. He is in his sixties and has a head full of white hair.

Although he is now in a high position, he is still very happy to see Ye Yuze. When the two people talk about the past, the old man can't help but dance, as happy as a child.

In fact, his destiny really changed completely when he met Ye Yuze. It's not that Ye Yuze changed his destiny. But it cannot be denied that this opportunity was brought to him by Ye Yuze.

The two of them talked about things in the past. Although they didn't have much contact, they were true friends throughout the year. Ye Yuze also asked him to do many things, and he didn't even come over. It was just a phone call, and Wang Chunsheng would arrange everything. Proper.

When he was happy after drinking, Wang Chunsheng called his daughter over. Yuanyuan is five years younger than Ye Yuze, and is now in her early thirties.

When she was a child, she looked like a doll, but when she grew up, she became a standard domestic beauty. Now she works in a foreign trade company, she has already married and started a business, and her daughter is as old as when she met Ye Yuze.

She was very happy to see Ye Yuze Yuanyuan and toasted him with several glasses of wine. Later, my daughter was sleepy and made a fuss when she went home, so she had to take her daughter and leave first.

Ye Yuze and Wang Chunsheng drank until midnight. Wang Chunsheng still refused to give up and insisted on making an appointment the next day. When Ye Yuze agreed, he asked the driver to take him home.

Back at the hotel, Ye Yuze was also drunk. But with Lili, there is no need to worry. She is used to taking care of him these days, and Lili understands all his habits.

First, he made a cup of strong tea, which Ye Yuze wanted to drink when he woke up in the middle of the night. Every time I get drunk, I wake up in the middle of the night with thirst.

Ye Yuze doesn't like to vomit alcohol, so the alcohol will make him feel uncomfortable in his stomach. At this time, if you put a wet towel on his head, he will sleep much more peacefully.

Lili asked Wang Jianying to go back to sleep, and she served Ye Yuze all night. It wasn't until dawn that he lay down beside Ye Yuze's bed and fell asleep.

Ye Yuze woke up and shouted "Lili" out of habit. When he noticed there was no movement, he saw the girl lying next to him, sleeping soundly.

Ye Yuze quietly got up and covered her with a quilt, then went to the bathroom to wash up. His movements were tiptoeing, lest he wake the girl up.

As soon as Ye Yuze finished washing, there was a knock on the door, and Wang Jianying rushed in and shouted: "Oh no, no, no, no, I agreed to change to Lili's in the middle of the night, but I fell asleep until now."

Ye Yuze pulled her out of the room, and then whispered: "Stop shouting, let her sleep for a while, she will probably fall asleep at dawn. You two can rest in the hotel today, I made an appointment with Mayor Wang I'm going to the office to talk about things. I don't need you to follow me."

Wang Jianying shook his head: "No, boss. We have to follow you wherever you go, because we want to learn from you."

Ye Yuze was not in the mood to be verbose with her, so he lowered his face and said, "Just do whatever I ask you to do. How can you be so verbose?"

Wang Jianying was so frightened that she finally dared not speak anymore. She followed Ye Yuze to have breakfast, and then went back to the room to sleep with Lili.

Ye Yuze actually went to Wang Chunsheng's office today. The main reason is that Wang Chunsheng has been confused recently.

Jin City is an old industrial city, and many products are from famous domestic brands, such as Feige bicycles and sewing machines.

However, with the deepening of reform and opening up and the tilt of national policies towards southern provinces and cities, the old city of Tianjin, like many cities in the three eastern provinces, has shown signs of fatigue.

If you fail to keep up with the first step, you will naturally be unable to keep up with each step. Moreover, there are many large enterprises in Tianjin and they cannot easily close down.

But nowadays, no one wants the products produced, so there are many companies that rely on government subsidies and bank loans to barely pay wages all year round.

It's okay to keep going like this for a few years, but if it goes on like this for a long time, no one will be able to stop it. As a deputy mayor in charge of industry, Wang Chunsheng is under extraordinary pressure.

Now that all banks have been restructured, no bank will have to carry such a burden anymore. They are also responsible for their own profits and losses, and they have vertical leadership. Speaking in the city is not that easy for people.

If the bank stops blood transfusion, Wang Chunsheng really doesn't know what to do? There are so many mouths waiting for food and drink, and the money from the city's finances is not enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

Now that Ye Yuze is a famous entrepreneur in the country, Wang Chunsheng has actually wanted to contact Ye Yuze for a long time to see if there is any way?

However, the two of them haven't interacted with each other for a long time. Wang Chun was afraid that Ye Yuze had changed too much. If someone didn't give him face as an old friend, he was a person of status and couldn't afford to lose this person.

Now that Ye Yuze had bumped into him, how could he let go of this opportunity? So last night I made an appointment with Ye Yuze to come to the office to talk today.

As soon as Ye Yuze arrived at the door, Wang Chunsheng's secretary was already waiting here. After entering the office, Wang Chunsheng ordered his secretary. Except for a few calls from direct leaders, no one was seen.

The two of them talked for a long time, and when it was time to eat, they went directly to the cafeteria. I met several leaders in the cafeteria, and Wang Chunsheng introduced them to them solemnly.

Several leaders naturally knew the name Ye Yuze. Putting aside those who value it or not, the economy is in charge now. If a famous entrepreneur like Ye Yuze can invest in Tianjin City, it will be a solid political achievement!

As a result, the two people who originally planned to simply have something to eat and continue chatting were disrupted. Instead, Ye Yuze chatted with a group of people alone.

Ye Yuze is not a god, and he is powerless against a giant city like Jin City.

Now the leaders' only request for him is that he can come to Tianjin to invest and set up factories, or directly acquire several companies to solve today's urgent needs.

At the beginning of this year, China officially joined the WTO and became a member of the WTO.

The advantage of this move is that China can directly face the international market from now on. Of course, there are also many hidden dangers, that is, our industrial system is relatively weak. If the protection period ends and the company cannot develop rapidly, it may be impacted by foreign products.

Therefore, both the central and local governments are emphasizing the development of high-tech enterprises. The once prosperous township and village enterprises have been somewhat curbed.

This is also the general trend. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, state-owned enterprises have no way to face the coming market economy due to the institutional constraints and rigidity.

In those township and village enterprises, a few people and a few simple equipment can form a factory.

It has been difficult to give birth these past few days, and I have been struggling to write. I have lost even one chapter in my manuscript. Encourage brothers

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