Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1573 There is an additional E area

"Do you still have such a large piece of land?" Ye Yuze found it funny. He sold the land at the slightest disagreement. What a rich man!

Fu Chunlei smiled slightly: "Such a big piece must be gone, but it won't be a big problem if you create an E area next to the land to the east of D area, right?"

Ye Yuze was stunned. Before building a community, he had naturally observed the surrounding environment. The place he was talking about was obviously a national cotton factory, right? That's a famous big company. Does the rich man dare to sell it?

Seeing Ye Yuze's confusion, Fu Chunlei smiled slightly and replied: "The city has been promoting urban reconstruction. Enterprises like the National Cotton Factory are naturally not suitable to stay in the urban area. We have already arranged a place for them in the suburbs. When the time comes, the factory will I'll leave the construction to you, and then after the relocation here, how about you create a district for me?"

Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh secretly. No wonder everyone wants to be an official. It turns out that this official has so much power.

With a snap of the head, a factory area that had existed for so many years was turned into a residential building. If Ye Yuze were to do this, I don't know how much energy and effort it would take, but it might not be possible!

Ye Yuze did not agree happily this time. To be honest, the sales in Junken International City looked lively, but he understood that the purchases in the entire capital city had already shown the same.

Don't look at the lively speculation of housing numbers. It is for profit, and there are not many people left who can really afford it.

Don't forget that Ye Yuze still has 500 houses in his hands at the moment. Basically, once he spreads them out, they will be saturated.

In this era, a house with an area of ​​21,000 square meters would already have a ceiling, but in an ordinary city in the Mainland. In addition to being scolded in his neighborhood, Ye Yuze can guarantee that not even one set will be sold. After all, in this era, high-income people are still a very small group.

This means that in the capital, various intricate relationships and some special units belong to this group. Ordinary people can't get the money out of it even if they sell it.

"Director Fu, if you agree to my request, I promise to give you a more satisfactory price for this land."

After Ye Yuze hesitated, he also put forward a condition.

Fuchunlei was overjoyed. From Ye Yuze's tone, it seemed that he was interested in raising the land price. This was such a good time! He can agree to any conditions.

"Okay, as long as your brother asks, I will go out of my way to satisfy you." Fu Chunlei didn't even bother to ask anything, and directly agreed.

Ye Yuze's expression was stagnant. To what extent was he short of money? Force the rich man into this? He stopped talking about it and said:

For the rest of the houses, you just need to ensure that outsiders can register in Beijing. I guarantee that this area E will be more beautiful than the previous four areas!

Fu Chunlei was stunned, thinking that Ye Yuze would seek some administrative help. Unexpectedly, it is a household registration. This matter is really difficult to handle.

Although the household registration requirements in Beijing were not so strict at this time. But the population expansion has made the capital overcrowded.

How many outsiders are in the capital has little to do with the city leaders. Because these people don’t need to take responsibility, they can just take responsibility for themselves.

But once you become a registered permanent resident in the capital, you will need to take care of things like medical care and schooling. The key is that these resources are very tight right now!

Ye Yuze naturally understood what Fu Chunlei was worried about? He smiled and asked: "Leader, can't these supporting facilities of Junken International City satisfy the needs of a few thousand people in one more community?"

Fuchun was stunned for a while, then laughed "haha" and patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder: "It's really the waves behind that push the waves ahead. Your boy's future is bound to be limitless."

Ye Yuze's reminder made Fu Chunlei realize that the primary and secondary schools affiliated to several universities are currently building branch campuses here. The city doesn't have to worry about this at all.

According to the number of schools, children in two districts, let alone one more district, will not have much of a problem. I think this is unfounded.

As for hospitals, two community hospitals are enough, and more are useless. As soon as the condition becomes serious, people go to large hospitals for treatment. You can't even stop me!

"Okay, I can basically agree to this. But you have to go through some procedures. I will go back and report to the leader right away. I think the results will be available tomorrow."

Fu Chunlei left in a hurry after saying that. He was really in a hurry. There is no way, people are asking for money from him everywhere, and he is not a money printer.

As expected, things did not go as Fuchunlei expected, and the city passed this condition smoothly. As for the auction of this land. Just kidding, who can give a higher price than Ye Yuze? I also bought some yarn.

Because the new site of the No. 1 National Cotton Factory has already been selected, it is a piece of cultivated land. So there is no problem of demolition.

The factory was constructed very quickly, and in addition to the factory and warehouse, there was only a five-story office building. For the current construction units affiliated to the brother company, this project is nothing more than anti-aircraft cannons to swat mosquitoes.

When the demolition of the factory building begins, construction work in several other districts of International City also begins. And the first out-of-towners who called started to go crazy.

They were all the ones who signed up relatively early, but in the end they didn’t buy a set. What about the no-restriction on household registration that they had agreed to at the beginning? Isn't this blatant discrimination?

Although Lili is currently in the property management business, she is still responsible for the sales until the community is completely completed.

After receiving Ye Yuze's instruction, she asked her former friends to clearly respond to those out-of-town customers.

The house is still available, but it must be paid in full. And the price is 30,000 square meters. Of course, there are also welfare gifts, that is, buying a house will give you a registered permanent residence. In other words, as long as you buy a house, everyone on your household registration will become a Beijing resident!

This was no longer a surprise, but a shock. Beijing household registration! What does that portend? The best educational and medical resources in the country.

At this time, those who were interested in buying a house were completely crazy, but the full payment stumped quite a few people. After all, there were millions of people in those days who could make up for it!

But the Chinese have a saying that there are always more solutions than difficulties. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean that others can't afford it. After all, some people will become rich while crossing the river by feeling the stones.

So after these people heard the news, they went straight to the capital without hesitation. Without hesitation, he took the purchase money to the finance office of Junken International City.

They don't care that the demolition of their house and site has not yet been completed. They have laid the groundwork in the previous phases, so they can just keep it that way.

Ye Yuze used the 500 sets reserved to deal with all aspects of relationships. There was no way, he didn't have to give face to people he didn't know, but there were always people he knew, right?

Of course, there is no change in the price. Ye Yuze cannot give money to others nakedly.

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