Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1568 Life or death

Wei Shoucheng's approach is naturally to stabilize the hearts of shareholders first. No member of a company's board of directors can be monolithic unless the company's interests are infringed upon and their own pockets are at stake.

Naturally, he will also convene a board meeting to tell everyone to hold on to their equity. This kind of stock cannot be bought and sold outside. As long as the equity in the hands of shareholders can be guaranteed not to be lost, Wei Shoucheng can guarantee that no matter what the brother company does, it will be in vain.

Unexpectedly, the board of directors, which has a total of eleven people, only has eight members today. It's been fifteen minutes, and there's still no news from those three people.

Wei Shoucheng's face was ashen. He was a strong person. How many people who have created such a big business with their bare hands are not strong?

I usually tell the truth in the board of directors, but there has never been such a situation where everyone has not arrived even after being notified that a meeting has expired.

"Call them and tell them to arrive within ten minutes!" Although Wei Shoucheng spoke calmly, people who knew him knew that he was on the verge of an explosion at this moment.

Naturally, the secretary did not hesitate at all and started calling directly from the phone in the office.

However, the mobile phones of the three people whose notifications were still flowing before the meeting were collectively turned off as if they had agreed upon it.

At this point, even a fool knows that something must be wrong. Wei Shoucheng naturally knew the shares of the three people very well, and these three people were all major shareholders of the company. The total shares in their hands amount to 30% of the board of directors' shares.

Although the total combined shares here are still 70%. That 0 cannot affect the overall situation.

But there is another very scary possibility, that is, if this 0 falls into the hands of one person, then he will be the second largest shareholder of Brilliant Entertainment, second only to Wei Shoucheng, and he will definitely have a say in the board of directors. .

At this time, Wei Shoucheng calmed down. He had seen many storms and waves in his life. He glanced at Tian Yanqing next to him. This was currently the company's second largest shareholder, holding 20% ​​of the shares.

Moreover, the two people have always been at odds, mainly because Wei Shoucheng always felt that Tian Yanqing was ambitious, and often deliberately suppressed him. Don't let him have any say in the company.

A company is a ship, and the board of directors is the people who decide the ship's course. But if there is disagreement within the board of directors, the ship's course will take many more detours along the way.

The first is to waste gas, and the second is to be surpassed by others. This is extremely cost-wasting. Wei Shoucheng, who knew this well, would naturally not allow this to happen.

Therefore, Tian Yanqing is the one who is most severely suppressed in the company. But at this moment he felt deeply worried. If this guy sells his shares again, Wei Shoucheng may completely lose his right to speak in the company.

Someone walked in from outside and reported nervously to Wei Shoucheng: "Mr. Wei, the stock price of Brilliant Entertainment has dropped from 5.2 Hong Kong dollars to 4.9 Hong Kong dollars."

Wei Shoucheng was actually prepared for this matter and had mobilized all the funds of several companies to deal with possible changes.

I just didn't expect that the brother company would be so fierce, and its methods were simple and crude.

His company has to choose the right time to repurchase its shares. At the very least, the company must maintain profitability, and at the worst, it must repurchase at a stage where it does not lose money.

But Li Yanan didn't care about this at all. From the beginning, he bought frantically regardless of the price, causing the opening price to rise straight up.

Once you have accumulated a certain amount in your hand, you start to spend it. Before Wei Shoucheng could react, he absorbed all the shares he had sold out.

To put it bluntly, it means burning money, buying high and selling low. This is something only a fool would do, but it happened to be done by a brother company.

It would be strange if the stock price did not fall after this crazy operation. And the decline has been increasing.

You must know that most of the market is still retail investors, and they cannot obtain some inside information like institutions. These people hold stocks just waiting for their value to rise. Once it starts to fall below the psychological price, what's the point? Sell ​​it directly!

What all listed companies fear most is this kind of panic selling, which can be fatal. Now Emperor Entertainment's shares have already seen such a trend.

"Acquisition, regardless of cost. Don't let the stock fall any further!" Wei Shouguang gave the order decisively. There should be no hesitation at this moment.

Everyone was silent. Anyway, most of the funds were money that Wei Shoucheng had dropped from elsewhere, and they didn't care much. Preserving the stock price is in everyone's interest anyway.

The visitor hurried out. This time Wei Shoucheng transferred a total of 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and the entire equity issued by Brilliant Entertainment was only 1.2 billion, and many of them were long-term investors who would not buy or sell easily. Wei Shoucheng felt that the money was enough to cope with this crisis.

To be honest, even though Wei Shoucheng has six listed companies, he doesn't have much cash flow. You must know that people who do business are always short of money.

Because with 100 million, they will do business worth 1 billion, and most of the money comes from banks. Therefore, most of the daily business relies on lending to cope with operations.

Of course, with Wei Shoucheng's strength, if he is given time, it will not be a big problem for him to borrow billions. It's just that they had a falling out yesterday, and today the brother company is going to take action. How can he be prepared?

Seeing that Huihuang Entertainment's stock had just begun to rise, Li Yanan decisively shouted: "Sell!"

More than a dozen traders immediately placed their orders and sold. Soon, the first wave of stocks were traded immediately.

"Mr. Li, it seems that Huihuang is starting to protect the market." A subordinate reported.

Li Yanan curled his lips disdainfully: "Zhaoyu, your movements are too slow. Just when you react, keep hitting me!"

Li Yanan enjoys this kind of moment the most. Ye Yuze is always so thoughtful in doing things. Every time she is asked to do something, she will do a good job of preparation.

For example, this time, 500 million US dollars were transferred all at once, which was enough to acquire Huihuang Entertainment.

But they won’t sell it! So what Ye Yuze asked her to do was to force them to sell, and they had to sell!

What Wei Shoucheng didn't know was that those people he considered long-term investments were the first targets of Little Apple. This part of the stock is almost 500 million. Little Apple was acquired at a premium, except for the richest man Li, who had more than 100 million, which was exchanged for his own company's stock.

What was released just now was only the more than 300 million yuan purchased in the stock market. Li Yanan has not yet made a big move, and none of the more than 500 million yuan has been touched.

Following Li Yanan's order, there was a massive sell-off in Brilliant Entertainment's stock. Brilliant Entertainment's protective funds soon bottomed out, and it could only watch its stock plummet.

"Mr. Wei, the stock price has dropped to HK$4.2." The finance manager stumbled in again.

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