Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1564 Fame and fortune

"I will provide the money, but you have to help me do the work. Because I am too weak on my own, I hope everyone will take action and give them a home!"

The fourth child spoke very emotionally, his voice was choked with sobs, and he wiped the corners of his eyes, with tears obviously flowing out.

The applause rang out warmly, and everyone was moved by this young man, including the audience in front of the TV.

On the street, homeless people who had been fast asleep at this time in the past began to gather in places with TV sets. In the history of American television broadcasting, this is the first time that a program related to them has appeared.

Some of them shed tears, some were moved, some were indifferent, and some were angry. After all, there are still people who don't want to be disturbed. They naturally like to live this way.

But no matter what their reaction is, with the popularity of the homecoming program, the society has taken active actions.

Americans are not indifferent, but the family relationships caused by the social system are indifferent. But who can forget their own flesh and blood ties?

Nowadays, if someone pays them to find and comfort their loved ones to return home, they will naturally do it. In addition, most of the homeless people still remembered their hometowns, so the event went smoothly.

Especially Boston, because the fourth child is also the president of the Harvard Student Union. With so many colleges at Harvard, how many students do they have in total?

Therefore, the effect is most obvious here. Henry will definitely not let these topics go. Whenever someone contacts the homeless family, they will immediately send reporters to follow and send the person back.

Old Henry has been very excited recently, mainly because this show, which was originally planned with little hope, became a hit after one season.

The ratings actually reached . This means that more than 60 million Americans watched this program, which is undoubtedly a miracle in the history of American television broadcasting.

The key is that such high ratings bring not only word-of-mouth, but also profits! Every program has advertisements, even if it is a public welfare program.

At present, the naming rights of the Homecoming column have been sold for US$450 million. Henry is very sophisticated in this regard and did not sell the naming rights, but only the one with the highest price before the broadcast got it.

The title of the first issue was taken over by Coca-Cola Company and sold for 50 million. Henry is still regretting this. The damn ratings only received 50 million. He has never done anything so loss-making in his life.

So as soon as the first season ended, some big businesses began to compete desperately. Currently, Coca-Cola has the highest bid, because they have already tasted the benefits and have doubled their shipments.

Henry made preliminary calculations. If calculated based on ten issues, then the total revenue from the naming fee plus advertising fees would be 700 million. This isn't doing charity, it's just making money!

But the fourth child was lucky, so there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he paid out 100 million in real money. How can ordinary people be so generous?

But thinking about 600 million yuan being taken away by the fourth child for 480 million yuan at once, Henry was so distressed that he bled. This should obviously be mine, okay?

Never mind the pain? Things have to be done as they are, and Henry can only think of every way to create more profits. Anyway, one more point would be his0.

But Henry knows one thing better than anyone else: the show is following this trend. Then his fame will skyrocket, and he may become the host of Colombian TV station. This kind of hidden value cannot be shared by others.

In fact, that's not all. Other TV stations will also buy the broadcast rights of this program, which will be a huge amount of income. If it works well, it could be even more than advertising revenue.

When the second episode began to air, the naming rights were finally settled. Unexpectedly, the naming rights were taken away by Coca-Cola's old rival BEST Coca-Cola, which only exceeded them by 50 million, which is 500 million US dollars.

Afterwards, the Coca-Cola board of directors directly dealt with an advertising manager who presided over the bidding. It was so embarrassing.

The fourth child couldn't care less about the infighting among advertisers. The main reason is that many charitable funds are currently contacting him and want to join this operation.

In fact, Jenny and Emily had already discussed this matter. If this matter was only carried out in Boston, then others would definitely not be involved, but the entire United States is too big to do it with their current strength.

In Boston alone, the entire Harvard University would have to be mobilized, and the number of homeless people in Boston would be in the thousands. How many people can a foundation have?

So after thinking about it, Laosi decided to accept requests from three foundations and accept them as collaborators for this event.

However, it must be led by the Homecoming Charity Fund, and the right to speak will be determined based on the proportion of investment.

To be honest, the newly joined companies have much stronger financial resources than the fourth brother. However, the fourth brother initiated the matter. No matter how awesome they are, they can only play supporting roles.

Under the initiative of Harvard University students, bringing homeless people home quickly became a national event. Many enthusiastic citizens formed volunteers to help college students participate in this event.

In just two weeks, the number of homeless people in Boston has dropped significantly. As the initiator, Lao Si was not only commended by the mayor, but also received an interview and commendation from the governor of Massachusetts.

With the popularity of the TV show, the name Fourth Master and his homecoming charity fund have become household names throughout the United States.

The fourth child didn't feel much, but Jenny and Emily were as excited as if they had been given chicken blood all day long. This incident undoubtedly paved the way for Lao Si's future career and put him at a very high starting point.

As a new student, Ye Feng, with the help of his uncle, also stole the show in this event. He has been a celebrity in Boston since elementary school. This time, the fourth child deliberately asked him to do everything that could be exposed in front of the camera.

Soon, Ye Feng became the propaganda minister of the School of Administration as a freshman. You know, being a cadre in this college is much more difficult than in other colleges!

However, Ye Feng is very busy these days. He has sent thirty or forty homeless people home from his hands. Every achievement cannot be obtained by just showing off.

On this day, Ye Feng returned to school exhausted. He and two volunteers had just returned from driving more than a thousand kilometers to send a homeless man home. He threw himself on the bed in the dormitory and stopped moving.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Feng was too lazy to move, so he just let the phone ring. At this time, his roommate knocked on the door and came in, asking him what was wrong? Ye Feng shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

My roommate is from Florida, and his name is David. Because he just entered school not long ago, the two of them are not familiar with each other yet. But this person is very enthusiastic and has been trying his best to participate in what Ye Feng is currently doing.

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