Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1561 I am not a scumbag

Jerry shook his body, as if trying to shake Andi Na away, but in the end he didn't use any force. He let out a long sigh, and then stood there slumped, seemingly at a loss.

Seeing such a big melon, how could the fourth child let it go? I quickly took out a few more bottles of wine. If I don’t figure out what’s going on today, I won’t be able to sleep when I go back!

Jerry was not a big drinker to begin with. He drank one bottle just now, and now after two drinks, his consciousness was already out of control. Basically, he said whatever he asked, and with Andy Na's additions, after the whole story was told, everyone was dumbfounded.

It turns out that Jenny is Andi Na's sister. Jerry first met Andy Na, and then he met Jenny through her.

If Jenny hadn't appeared, the two would have naturally fallen in love and got married. But when Jerry saw Jenny, he fell madly in love with her.

He and Andi Na never developed into a relationship, it was just that Andi Na liked him. This time, Andi Na became a completely familiar stranger.

It's just that he was too young and imagined love too beautifully. Jenny’s family is a conglomerate family, how could they agree to this marriage?

So the family finally gave Jenny a death order: "If you want love, cut off ties with this family. If you want a family, then leave this poor boy."

Jenny resolutely published a newspaper to sever ties with her family and Jerry ran away from home and came to Washington from New York. The two worked in a restaurant and lived happily together for two years.

something unexpected may happen any time. Once two people came home from the night shift, and a drunk driver took Jenny away from this world forever.

After hearing the news, Andy Na also came here to help Jerry bury Jenny, and then decided to accompany Jerry.

But how could Jerry accept her? After struggling for a while, he ran away from home.

It’s just that he couldn’t bear to leave this city because it contained all of his and Jenny’s past. Andy Na had been looking for him for more than a year, and by chance she found him in a broken shed.

Then the two people started living like this. Jerry never talked to Andi Na, and Andi Na didn't bother him. They lived like this for a full nine years, until the fourth child and the others met.

Not to mention the two women who were crying, the fourth child's eyes were red. Patting Jerry on the shoulder, he said:

"Brother, Andi Na is right. If you continue like this, Jenny will not feel at ease. Cheer up, Andi Na has given up everything for you. Not to mention whether you love her or not? Even if she is Jenny's Sister, you have to let her have a stable life!"

It was just that Jerry was completely drunk by this time. He hummed a few times and lay down and fell asleep. At this time, Andy Na also calmed down, lay down next to Jerry and fell asleep sweetly.

The fourth child looked at the two people blankly for a while, then left with Jenny and the two of them. In front of these two people, he was a scumbag. Not worthy of love.

The three of them returned to Laosi's apartment. Laosi confessed to them about He Jingjing and told them that he loved the Chinese girl and that he only liked and needed them.

Emily shrugged: "So what? I'm not Jenny and Andy. Although I long for love, I won't be as brave as them."

At this point, Emily hugged Jenny's shoulders: "I believe Jenny is the same as me, right? So don't bear any burden. We are partners and comrades together. When you have the right to speak, when you have the ability, Just speak to our family within the scope."

Jenny glanced at Lao Si with a complicated expression, but in the end she couldn't say what she wanted to say. He nodded heavily, agreeing with Emily's statement.

The fourth child breathed a long sigh of relief. It seemed that he no longer had to feel guilty. As long as I don't get discovered by Jingjing, I didn't mean to be a scumbag, they forced me.

Once you are sure that you are not a scumbag, then just do whatever you need to do. My eldest brother recently helped me to take care of my body, and it seems to be quite effective. But I just felt sore and numb when the needle was inserted.

But what can be done? You have to bring glory to your country, right? The fourth child suddenly felt very noble. Thinking about Andy Na, she can't let Jenny and Emily become like her, right?

The weakling Fourth suddenly turned into a warrior that night, shouldering the dual responsibility of bringing glory to the country and being a scumbag.

Unexpectedly, some pressure makes me feel like a different person. The more they fought, the more courageous they became, until the fourth child decided to let Jenny and Emily surrender.

When it was almost dawn, Lao Si dialed Jingjing's phone. Jingjing had just finished washing and was about to go to bed when you saw the fourth child's phone call and was startled.

"Dear, what's wrong with you? Why are you calling at this time? Isn't it still dark in the United States?"

The fourth child said in a sincere tone: "Jingjing, I only love you in this life."

Jingjing was so moved that she choked up: "Fourth, I know that the United States doesn't care much about some things. I can't be around you, so don't be too hard on yourself. As long as your heart belongs to me."

The fourth child nodded heavily: "Yes, I don't have a big heart to begin with, and you have gained weight, how can you still pretend to be someone else?"

Jingjing chuckled, and then asked strangely: "Why did you suddenly call and say this? Did you do something bad?"

The fourth child pulled Jenny's legs off his body and shook his head: "That's not possible, how is it possible? You are the only woman in my life."

She quietly said "Yeah" and then said softly: "Fourth, I can't guarantee what you are like, but I can guarantee myself that as long as you want me, I will never come into contact with another man in my life, no matter what. Is it my heart or my body, otherwise I will die badly!"

The fourth child trembled in his heart, and he was suddenly afraid. I wanted to make a vow, but I really didn’t dare.

Besides, as Jingjing said just now, the United States is different from Junken City, so she can't make herself suffer too much. It would be fine if my heart were loyal to love.

The fourth child comforted himself, hung up the phone and went to sleep. In his dream, he was chased and struck by lightning, but nothing happened.

Early the next morning, the fourth child drove to find Jerry. He felt that he had the responsibility and obligation to help this kid accept Andy Na.

How difficult is it for women? A man with a sense of responsibility shouldn't make others suffer like that.

When he came to Jerry's shabby shed, he smiled with some relief. Andy Na was seen sleeping soundly with Jerry in her arms, with a smile on her always cold face in her sleep.

The fourth child called the company and asked a nearby fast food restaurant to deliver some breakfast. Today he would treat everyone here to breakfast.

Jerry was woken up by the smell of roasted lamb legs. He rubbed his eyes and found Andy Na in his arms. He sighed and did not push her away...

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