Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1559 Another World

After all, paying attention to current affairs and people’s livelihood doesn’t have to be done in the office. The fourth child doesn't have to worry. In fact, he has never worried because he has two assistants. He just needs to focus on his studies.

Well, in fact, you don’t have to concentrate on your studies. You are the president of the school student union, the president of the charity foundation, and the Boston city councilor.

No matter how smart the teacher is, he will not let such a student graduate. Who knows how far this guy will grow? American teachers are not unconventional, and no one will offend such students.

The fourth child can already happily foresee that the next few months will be very pleasant. Except for the occasional appearance at school and the office, he can just lie down.

Jenny and Emily were both pained and happy. As parliamentary assistants, their study tasks would not be reduced, and they could not enjoy the treatment of parliamentarians.

Graduation season is approaching. Not only do you have to do a lot of homework and take final exams, but you also have to prepare a graduation thesis. American universities are a model for being strict in getting in and out, and the college elimination rate remains at a very high level every year.

The school doesn't give them any special treatment. All in all, the benefits go to the fourth child, while the two girls have to shoulder all the difficulties.

But American girls are really strong, and they never regard themselves as women. Unlike Chinese girls, who always choose to be women.

Of course, they are also dissatisfied, that is, the fourth child is boring. As a young man, this is very bad. If this happens for a long time, the two girls may make some green grass grow on his head.

There is a strange phenomenon in American cities. Although the welfare of this country is good, there are still homeless people.

These people are generally indolent and only like to wander. Some of them are because their credit is bankrupt and they can't even rent a house, so they have to live on the street.

US law prohibits the deportation of these people, unlike some places that will mobilize urgently when there is an inspection and send people and vehicles to send these people to other cities overnight. Give homeless people the opportunity to travel for free.

Not only will these people not be evicted, but the civil affairs department will also send them food regularly. At the very least, these people will not go hungry. There are also people from the Red Cross who give them regular physical examinations, even though they all like to live in the flowery area of ​​the city center.

Jenny and Emily are busy with these people now. The measures taken by the government are pure rescue, but Laosi intends to save them.

In fact, homeless people all have stories. Otherwise, who would give up a normal life and make a living by begging?

People never exist alone in this world. There will be relatives, friends, and lovers. The reason why I choose to give up on myself is because of disappointment, disappointment and even despair about life.

Lao Si has always felt that if we want these people to return to normal, we must find the source of their disappointment. Only by solving the problem at the source can we completely solve the problem.

For this reason, Jenny and Emily have been spending time among the homeless people. Listening to them talk about their past, most people actually like to reminisce. However, as time went by, their memories were mixed with too many conjectures, making it very difficult for them to investigate.

There are also some people who have always been taciturn. For example, two people have been paying attention to a woman named Andi Na.

This woman rarely talks to anyone. Compared with other homeless people, she is always spotless. She usually walks thoughtfully on the streets with her backpack on her back. If she hadn't returned to the campsite in the evening, no one would have regarded her as a wanderer.

Jenny and Emily tried to contact her more than once, but Andy Na ignored them at all. Even the name they heard from other homeless people.

Although there was no contact, Jenny and Emily could tell that the identity of Andy Na was not simple. Because the style and fabric of the clothes are not cheap, but also her temperament.

Every time she looked into her eyes, Jenny, who had always been strong, couldn't bear it. Always look away first.

Like every bustling city in the United States, Boston also has its fair share of homeless people. They like to gather in downtown areas where begging is easy.

Begging is their profession and their way of survival. Naturally, it is most convenient to live and work in one location.

You can't live in the suburbs and take the subway to the city center when you work, right? That would greatly increase the difficulty of survival for homeless people. So it was decisively abandoned.

The reason for begging is because emergency food from the civil affairs department is not distributed every day. Besides, there are people who are smooth-talking but not smooth-talking. Tramps also have dignity and need to be self-reliant.

Jenny and Emily both grew up with golden keys in their mouths. Although the family education here will not allow children to be pampered, it is absolutely impossible for them to suffer.

These days of contact with wanderers have brought them into contact with another world that exists together, and this world they would never have discovered if it weren't for the fourth child.

It's not that homeless people couldn't be seen in the past, but in their minds, they were a group of lazy people, because here, as long as they are willing to work, they will not starve or freeze.

Only after getting in touch did they realize that the world was far from as simple as they saw. For example, Jerry, who has always had a good relationship with them, is a very handsome middle-aged man.

Although he was a homeless man, he never accepted relief food or begged. His livelihood is singing.

To be honest, his singing voice is not outstanding, but it is very heartfelt. Coupled with his vicissitudes of voice, it gives people a special flavor.

His only possession was a guitar, the paint of which had been rubbed off in many places. But it can be seen that he cherishes it very much and carefully puts it back into the piano case after each performance.

There was a photo of a girl inside the piano case. It was the only girl he had ever loved, also named Jenny.

When talking to him, what he talked about the most was his Jenny, saying that he remembered the process of their acquaintance, every detail of their relationship, and even her every smile.

But Jenny left him forever. It was a car accident. On the streets of Boston, in front of his eyes, a speeding truck took away his Jenny forever.

The two people were walking side by side, but at the moment the car hit them, he was pushed away by Jenny.

In fact, Jenny could choose to survive. After all, it was faster to run two steps than push him away, but in the end the girl left the chance of survival to him.

But that silly girl never knew that Jerry was willing to go with her. Because without her, what's the point of living alone?

It’s just that Jenny saved him, so he didn’t dare to die. He wanted to live for her and see the world for her.

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