Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1547 A chip company in a dilemma

Smit sat in the office, frowning. After graduating from Harvard Business School, he originally wanted to flex his muscles and make a career, but who knew that God would not follow his wishes.

Philips, a big company with a big business, actually wants to reduce their investment in ASML. This is mainly because ASML is too expensive, and the lithography machines it develops always stay at the traditional 193nm.

When the deep ultraviolet lithography machine advanced to the 65nm level of the chip, it encountered an unprecedented bottleneck.

The technical route chosen by Japan's lithography duo Nikon and Canon is to continue to reduce the exposure wavelength and develop a 157 nm deep ultraviolet lithography machine with a shorter wavelength.

Originally, according to Philips' wishes, ASML could also choose the path of Nikon and Canon. Although the breakthrough would be slower, it would burn less money and be safer.

But Smit, who was the president of ASML at this time, decided to take a shortcut and take a different path. But Philips was under too much pressure.

In the end, Smit gritted his teeth, raised funds, sold iron, and redeemed ASML's shares from Philips, thus turning the company into an independent company and no longer subject to external control.

But in this way, the company's funds will be exhausted, and such a high-tech company is dedicated to burning money. Once you run out of money, you will be a sole proprietor and useless?

Smit was very worried about this matter at the moment, and his mind was filled with colorful money.

Because they burn so much money, ordinary investment companies dare not get involved in their kind of industry. Just kidding, if you invest billions of euros, you won’t even see a splash.

Capital pursues profits, but it also needs visible profits? Taking money and throwing it into the water is a fool.

Moreover, there is now a legend about ASML, that is, Smit decided to adopt TSMC engineer Lin Benjian's idea of ​​using water as a medium to manufacture an immersion lithography machine.

At that time, ASML's main competitors, Nikon and Canon, were not optimistic about the prospects of immersion lithography machines and had been focusing on shorter wavelength deep ultraviolet light sources. It is also called dry engraving.

At that time, Lin Benjian had already searched for companies that could manufacture photolithography machines at that time. It’s not that no one has no ideas for his idea, but they don’t have enough courage.

Lin Benjian’s idea is to fill the gap between the lens and the exposure area of ​​the wafer with high-refractive index water. The refractive index of water for 193 nm ultraviolet light is 1.44, so that the equivalent wavelength in water is 134 nm, thus achieving a wavelength below 45 nm in one fell swoop. Process.

You must know that the chips at that time were stuck at 63nm. His 45nm idea was undoubtedly disruptive.

But since it is subversive, you can imagine how difficult it is to operate. How much does it cost? How many years does it last? This is a big topic that no one dares to touch.

When Smit was at a loss what to do, there was a knock on the door, and the secretary walked into the room with a gentle-looking oriental woman.

Before the secretary could introduce her, Zha Hongying stretched out her hand to introduce herself: "I am Zha Hongying, CEO of Angel Investment under Pan American Insurance. After learning about your company, our chairman specially asked me to find out about the situation. .”

Smit, who had just raised his butt before standing up, suddenly sat down again. What a surprise. Why is this such a good thing? Could it be that he didn't wake up?

Seeing Smit's performance, Zha Hongying was a little surprised. Is this guy reliable?

Before coming, Zha Hongying conducted a detailed investigation on ASML and Smit. Her answer was that this project cannot be invested.

It's not that Zha Hongying has no vision. As a professional manager, her most important task is to ensure the safety of every investment in the company, and then profits.

If the money is gone, you still invested nothing. Go home and take care of your children.

Especially after Junken City's capital-guaranteed and refundable disease insurance project, her inspection became more careful and prudent.

However, when Ye Feng called him over, he used a commanding tone that was unquestionable, so she could only obey unconditionally.

Smit finally stood up and moved Zha Hongying to the sofa. The secretary poured the coffee and left, and the two of them had a detailed communication on the project.

Although Ye Feng ordered her to come, as CEO, Zha Hongying must also fulfill her responsibilities. She must understand the risks of this investment in detail, and then use more flexible methods based on the actual situation to reduce losses if the investment fails. to the lowest.

After talking about work, Smit asked Zha Hongying if he knew his current situation when he was far away in the United States. Cha Hongying smiled:

"He is an alumnus of You. Strictly speaking, he is about to become an alumnus. He has always paid attention to your company. In fact, he is not only paying attention to you, but also to basically famous people among Harvard alumni."

Smit sighed with emotion, and then asked how much money Cha Hongying Angel Investment could invest this time? What percentage of shares do you want to hold?

Zha Hongying raised a finger, 10 billion US dollars, accounting for 51% of the shares.

Smit's face suddenly changed, and he asked angrily: "Madam, are you here to entertain me? We are a listed company with a market value of 50 billion U.S. dollars, and you want to control me now with 10 billion U.S. dollars. Isn’t your company a little whimsical?”

Zha Hongying looked calm: "Mr. Smit, what's the use of you with a market value of 100 billion US dollars? Your company must be at a standstill at this moment, right? If the capital chain is really broken, your current Even the photolithography machines can’t produce it. Once this news gets out, what do you think will happen?”

Smit suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Zha Hongying was not threatening him. Once the news was leaked, the stock price would plummet, and the consequence would be that the company would go bankrupt because no one would give him another penny.

After thinking for a long time, Smit still shook his head firmly: "51% of the shares is impossible. Ten billion US dollars account for 25% of the shares. This is the maximum amount I can decide. If you can't accept it, , then I can only regret to inform you that we cannot cooperate."

Cha Hongying also shook her head firmly: "No, this is absolutely impossible, then I have no choice but to say goodbye with regret."

Smit politely sent Zha Hongying out of the room, and then sat slumped in his boss's chair, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.

He couldn't accept Zha Hongying's conditions even if he died. After working hard to get to this point, Smit had exhausted his efforts for this company. The company can go bankrupt, but it must not be sold at a low price!

Zha Hongying returned to the hotel and reported the situation to Ye Feng in detail. Ye Feng pondered for a moment, and finally said: "You continue to find ways to talk to him, but you can't be too proactive. The conditions must be lowered little by little to test his bottom line."

Zha Hongying nodded and agreed, and tried to persuade Ye Feng to give up the investment, but Ye Feng firmly refused.

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