Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1540 A world of difference

Old birds have become accustomed to it, that is, they can fall asleep after lying down for five minutes, because sleep is the best way for all animals to restore their physical strength. It is much more effective than using a spa to kill chickens.

But where could Yang Wei sleep? Before I could fall asleep, lying there tossing and turning, the assembly whistle blew again.

So it was another half-day cycle of squeezing physical energy. This time Yang Wei was not able to persist to the end.

It doesn't matter. I can't run, right? Then climb, you can't stop anyway...

While Yang Wei was crawling there with difficulty, Zhang Jianjiang pulled Chi Naer to the port.

Today's ports have completely changed, and many trading companies and hotels have opened.

Originally, Chi Naer wanted to go find her best friend, but because she had never seen the port, she went to Horgos for a walk first.

They all have the border defense permit, so there is no need to apply for it separately. After walking around the market, I came out a little disappointed. Because I didn't find anything new.

But I heard from people here that every morning some people from neighboring countries come over with things, and occasionally they find good things.

After hearing this, the mother and son decided to stay here for one night. Anyway, it's here. Chi Na'er has never been out, so she just treats it as a trip.

After asking around, they found that it was very close to where Chi Naer wanted to go, so they decided to drive there after shopping in the morning.

Chi Na'er chose a hotel that seemed to be the most luxurious to stay in. In fact, it was not just because of the luxury, but because the hotel was called Brothers Hotel. She always felt that it had something to do with Ye Yuze and the others, so she chose this hotel.

The two of them checked in and went to the room to wash up. They were going to have something to eat after washing up. However, as soon as the mother and son finished washing up, there was a knock on the door.

Chi Na'er opened the door and saw two familiar people, but for a moment she didn't remember who they were?

"Chi Na'er, I am Jiang Buer, and she is Rose!" Chi Na'er shouted as she looked at the dazed girl.

Chi Na'er instantly realized that this was a person from Yang Geyong's company. Later, because most of the brother's company's business was transferred to Alashan Port, only a shell was left here in Horgos, and some scattered goods were transported. The goods are gone.

Originally, Yang Geyong was planning to transfer Jiangbul to Alashan as a manager. It's just that Yueji had already become the township chief here at that time, and it was impossible to pass.

Later, Yang Geyong simply built hotels and restaurants here. The original trading company was still retained, and he gave Jiangbul shares so that the couple could continue to manage it. He only kept two accounting personnel and ignored everything else.

Today, Jiangbul can be said to be the richest man in the surrounding villages. His wife Yueji has been transferred to the county to become the deputy county magistrate. He has two children and is living a very happy life today.

Just now, Jiangbul came to the hotel. The front desk clerk said that two people from the Army Reclamation City were here, so Jiangbul checked the information.

Because this hotel gives preferential treatment to people from Junken City. Jiang BuEr and Yue Ji had both met Chi Na'er, so Jiang Bu Er called Chi Na'er over and decided to entertain them well.

Kazakhs are hospitable, and with Yang Geyong's relationship, Yue Ji knows the relationship experience between Chi Naer and Yang Geyong. Without that experience, this brotherly company probably wouldn't exist.

So without saying anything, he took two people and went to Jiangbul's home.

Kazakhs rarely go to restaurants to treat guests, especially distinguished guests. Going to a restaurant is disrespectful to the guests.

When she arrived at Jiangbul's house, Chi Na'er found out that she had given birth to three children. The two older ones were daughters, and the younger son was also ten years old this year.

In fact, family planning was implemented in mainland China at that time, but this policy was not implemented in ethnic minority areas, so Yueji gave birth to three children in a row.

The eldest daughter is called Gulidana and she is very beautiful. She is seventeen years old this year, and she is the one on duty at the front desk of the hotel tonight.

The second daughter, Aida, is still in school. She is fifteen years old this year and has been admitted to the Military Reclamation Technical School. I am going to Junken City when school starts, and my youngest son Ullman is still in elementary school.

Yue Ji asked Chi Na'er why she came here, and Chi Na'er told Yue Ji with her ears close to her ears. She did not dare to tell Zhang Jianjiang about this, for fear that he would not be happy to hear it.

The rose branches trembled with laughter. He secretly told Ayi Jiang again.

Ayi Jiang's eyes turned around Zhang Jianjiang and Guli Dana, secretly whispering a few words to his wife, and Yue Ji's eyes lit up in an instant.

Yes, Guli Dana is one year older than Zhang Jianjiang, but both children are so beautiful, don't they just make a couple?

So the whispers of two people became the whispers of three people, and a conspiracy was reached among the three adults.

At this time, Zhang Jianjiang was chatting happily with Guledana and Aida. The three of them were of the same age, and the two girls were full of yearning for Junken City, so Zhang Jianjiang naturally introduced them to them without any secret.

Because Chi Na'er is a female guest, and generally female guests don't drink, so in one meal, you eat more than you drink.

At the end, Zhang Jianjiang obtained Chi Na'er's consent and drank with Uncle Jiang Buer. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jianjiang drank a lot, and the two of them drank together and fell on the floor.

Chi Naer and Yue Ji have long been accustomed to this matter. After tidying up, the two of them went to sleep in another room.

This hotel seems to be open for nothing, but naturally it won't charge them money. Just kidding, this is my family, right?

Gulidana and Ayidana helped their father and Zhang Jianjiang cover themselves with quilts and slept in this room, while Ullman had already gone there with their mother.

Sleeping until midnight, Zhang Jianjiang turned over and hugged Guli Dana beside him, and even rode up with one leg. Gulidana was woken up by him, but seeing Zhang Jianjiang sleeping soundly, she did not disturb him. However, her chest felt uncomfortable being pressed, so she simply turned over and lay face to face with him.

When Zhang Jianjiang woke up in the morning, he saw Guli Dana and him sleeping soundly together, but he didn't dare to move, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

When Chi Naer and Yue Ji saw the two children sleeping, they couldn't help laughing.

Chi Naer's original plan was to go to her best friend's place, but now that the situation is like this, why should she go there? I got the children up and went to the market together.

Guledana and Zhang Jianjiang walked together along the way, and Guledana's eyes never left Zhang Jianjiang. On the contrary, Zhang Jianjiang kept evading his eyes, not daring to look at Gulidana.

Mainly because he felt like he had done a lot of things with his hands that he shouldn't have done last night. After all, he was a child who grew up in the Corps and was shy.

But Gulidana didn't know how to be shy at all when facing this boy she had begun to like.

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