Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1535 Yuanfang’s fighting spirit

"Auntie, I have other things to do and I really don't have time to eat. Let's wait until next time." After saying that, he stood up and opened the door and walked out.

He really didn't mean not to have dinner at Yuanfang's house, but he had already made an appointment with Yifei to meet some of her classmates later. It's been more than a year since I arrived in the United States. I was in such a hurry when I arrived that my classmates didn't even have time to say hello.

Looking at the closed door, Xuelian shook her head helplessly, her heart full of bitterness. At the beginning, I was too willful and could not hope to be lenient at all, so I did not care about myself.

But this Ye Feng seems to be just like his father, but he is a person who does not rub sand in his eyes. My husband is right, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, no matter how much they are.

My daughter now has both fame and fortune. There are so many rich people in Hong Kong, so I can't believe that I can't find anyone to trust her with.

Xuelian was always able to pick it up and put it down, and soon forgot about it. I picked up the phone and asked my husband to go home for dinner.

Those gathering today are Zhang Jianjiang, Liu Junken, Ye Qianqian, and Zhang Qianjin. I don’t know why Yang Wei also followed.

Yang Wei is one year younger than them and one grade below them, so they usually don't play together. I don’t know why I came here today.

When he arrived at the hotel, Liu Yifei was waiting for him at the door. Ye Feng smiled and said, "Where are they? Why are they standing here? Isn't it hot?"

Liu Yifei smiled "hehe": "Are they all here? I'm afraid you can't find the private room, so I'll wait for you here for a while."

Ye Feng rubbed her hair. He liked this girl more and more. If you were still struggling with Yuanfang before, you have completely let go of it now.

Seeing Yang Wei, Ye Feng was also stunned for a moment: "Xiao Wei is here too? Why didn't you go to Marseille City with Uncle Yang?"

Yang Wei shook his head: "Those younger brothers are too troublesome to go. When they are older, I will take them back myself. I heard that there are special forces there? Is that really Brother Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng nodded: "Yes, but Yifei and I stayed there for one night and never went to see it. Let's wait until we go during the winter vacation."

Yang Wei pounded the table excitedly and said loudly: "Okay, I'll go there then. I heard they have everything."

In Ye Feng's eyes, they are actually still children, but after all, they are considered the same age, and they are the third generation of military reclamation. Ye Feng is naturally close to them.

Many times, friends are more than just playing well. There will be many factors involved, such as these people at this moment.

Naturally, children can't drink too much. Everyone just chats. Among them, Zhang Jianjiang and Yang Wei are not good at studying, and the others have no problem getting into college.

The main reason is that they all have bonus points, so they are naturally different from outsiders. As for Liu Yifei, she has saved herself this trouble.

Then Zhang Jianjiang said melancholy: "It's a pity that Batu and Yuanfang can't come back, otherwise everyone will be dead."

Soon his foot was stepped on by Ye Qianqian. Although he sometimes had a simple mind, he was not stupid, so he immediately shut up.

When Yang Wei arrived, he waved his hand: "Why are you mentioning her? It's a spoiler. A girl went to Hong Kong Island's entertainment circle to hang out. How can there be a clean circle in that circle? Brother Ye Feng will not want her. She is worse than my sister Yifei." Far."

Liu Yifei's face was red and tears were about to come out. This is what girls think. Although Yang Wei made it clear that he was towards her, his words were too blunt.

In this way, no one would regard her as someone who got in between Ye Feng and Yuan Fang. Naturally, I can’t lose face.

At this time, Ye Feng put his arm around her shoulders, smiled and nodded in agreement: "Yang Wei still has vision. As a man, he can pamper his woman and do anything for her, but there is a bottom line in everything. Once it is exceeded, If you don’t, you can’t go back.”

Everyone was silent for a while, and Ye Qianqian picked up the wine glass and shouted: "Don't mention these unhappy things, isn't it just fate between people? Do you think Ye Feng and Liu Yifei look like a couple?"

Everyone was making noises. Liu Yifei's face was so red that she wanted to bleed, but her heart was filled with sweetness. The embarrassment just now was gone.

She originally liked Ye Feng, but Yuanfang has always been in the middle, which made her have a mental obstacle. Today, Ye Feng confessed his love in public, which also gave her an identity, and she can naturally accompany Ye Feng in the future.

After finishing the drink, Ye Feng returned home. There was no one at home at the moment. Helena and Cuicui were both at work, while others went to Africa. He was the only one left in the huge room.

Although he had expressed his attitude just now, his mood was not that relaxed. Scenes of scenes with Yuanfang flashed through his mind from time to time. The relationship that had lasted for several years could never be said to be put down easily.

Just as he drifted off to sleep, the phone rang suddenly. Ye Feng picked it up and heard Yuanfang's crying voice.

"Brother Ye Feng, don't you want me anymore?"

Ye Feng's heart ached suddenly, but he quickly recovered: "It's not that I don't want you, it's that you don't want me."

"But I told you? Did you agree that I came here?" Yuanfang felt even more aggrieved and began to cry.

Ye Feng sighed: "Emotions are all selfish. From the moment you agreed to be hugged for Hua'er, it felt like a thorn in my heart."

"I'm not doing it for money. Isn't it to surpass others and become the first?" Yuanfang sobbed in defense.

"Then where did you put me? Just to satisfy your vanity, you don't care about my feelings? Later I forgave you. Knowing that you like singing, I bought the disco bar as a gift to you. But what about you? And I’m going to Hong Kong Island. Don’t you know how chaotic the Hong Kong Island scene is? Then what do I mean to you?”

Ye Feng shouted as he spoke. These words had been hidden in his heart for a long time. He had been unwilling to say it and had no chance to say it. Now when he was questioned by Yuanfang, he couldn't help but vent it out.

Yuanfang fell silent on the phone, and her sobs disappeared. After a long period of time, Yuanfang said firmly: "You are mine, no one can take you away from me. When I become famous, I will marry you gloriously."

After saying that, without waiting for Ye Feng to answer, the call was hung up.

Ye Feng shook his head, this girl was still so willful. It's just that when I'm spoiled by you, you can do whatever you want. If I don't spoil you, who will you show your willfulness to?

Yuanfang wiped away her tears and put on her makeup. It was Liu Junken who called her just now and she found out about Ye Feng and Liu Yifei. She felt as if her heart had been drained.

The first thought was to call Liu Yifei and scold her. She was a vixen. She started seducing men just after being cured by Ye Feng. Such a person would be sorry for herself if she didn't scold her.

But then she thought about it and called Ye Feng. That foxy girl was not worthy of answering her phone. I have no right to argue with her.

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