Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1528 Insurance for acclimatization

Back to the infrastructure company, nothing has changed except the mountains and the river. Everything else has been completely different for a long time. In fact, the river has changed. Both sides of the river bank are lined with green trees, flowers are in bloom, and railings have been built. If it weren’t for the rushing water and the pebbles all over the river bed, Yang Yulin and his wife would have passed away long ago. Unrecognizable.

Back home, there is an exquisite two-bedroom and one-living room, and all the supplies are new. The couple had been living in the countryside for many years. They had never seen such a clean house, and they were a little at a loss for a while.

Finally, Yang Geyong told them in a dumbfounded voice that this is home and you two should just relax. They are better now.

Yang Geyong originally wanted to prepare dinner, but it was obvious that he was not needed for this meal. Because the old comrades are already shouting downstairs at this moment, they want to have a dinner together.

Naturally, we had to go to the canteen of the steel rolling mill for the dinner. The sorghum wine produced by the family winery was enough. Yang Yulin originally had a good drinker, but tonight he got drunk without drinking much...

When they woke up the next day, Yang Geyong and Dasha were cooking, while little Yang Xue ran to her grandparents' house and curiously looked at these two people she had never seen before. She even went to the bedside and touched them. He touched Grandpa’s hard but already gray stubble, then rubbed it with his chubby face, and started laughing.

The old couple woke up and smiled when they saw their doll-like granddaughter. They put her on the bed and started talking.

Mengmeng was snoozing and hadn't woken up yet. Dasha did things very lightly for fear of disturbing her.

After Yang Yulin had teased his granddaughter enough, he said, "I came back late. I didn't catch up with anything. We are here to receive the results of the battle."

Yang's mother glared at him: "It's not your fault. I'd have told you earlier. If you insist on returning to your roots, you've been here for the first half of your life. Where else can your roots go?"

Yang Yulin smiled bitterly, got dressed and got up. After the family had breakfast, the old couple took their two granddaughters out for a walk, while Yang Geyong and Dasha went to the Junken City Housing Management Bureau.

This house is too small to accommodate their family. Don't forget that Yang Geyong also has a dozen sons and Yang Wei.

But when asked, they were a little disappointed. The largest one was only 160 square meters, which was still not rich.

But Ye Yuze has already thought about this problem for them. This was also the first time for him to go through the back door. In view of Yang Geyong's contribution to the military reclamation city, he was specially allowed to buy a villa.

In Junken City, except for scientific and technical personnel, no one has any privileges, and Yang Geyong has broken a precedent.

But you must abide by the rules you set. However, when they went home and discussed it, Yang Yulin and his wife were unwilling to live in a villa and wanted to stay in the infrastructure company.

Yang Geyong didn't care about them. His parents were old, so he could just do as he pleased. The villa is still bought, and when the sons return, their parents will come over.

Yang Geyong's dozen sons are now in kindergarten. Because these children have no homes here, they all live in school.

Although his sons have families, he has been absent for a long time, and it feels like he has no home. Comrade Mei Hua and Lao Zhao took turns picking them up every weekend so that they could enjoy the warmth of family.

These children are very happy and smart. They quickly integrated into the environment after arriving, but they are about to have a holiday. During this holiday, Yang Geyong wants to take them back to Marseille City.

After finishing the formalities, we started to buy things. The houses are all finely decorated. Just buy furniture and daily necessities.

Angela and Dasha took care of it. They are Russian and have their own favorite style. In fact, this villa also prefers Russian-style architecture. Because there are many Russian experts here.

On the day of moving, Yang Geyong hosted a dinner, and Yang Yulin saw his grandchildren for the first time. Although she looks dark, is she cute?

Now that I came back from my hometown, the feeling of loss was gone. At this age, the only living thing is the child. The old man is long gone, and that root has long become a mound of soil in the cemetery. Is there anything left that can’t be returned?

Once this concept changed, the old couple's mentality immediately improved. In addition, the eldest grandson Yang Wei acts like a big brother, commanding these little black people, which is very interesting.

Zhao Linger also came to visit them. This was the second time she met the old couple after their marriage. The first time they met was when they returned to their hometown during their honeymoon.

Because the two families are not far apart, Yang's mother often stays with Meihua, and the old sisters often come to visit.

Now the busiest person in the Ye family is Ye Feng, relying on his father and eldest brother's face. His insurance company is doing very well now.

But Xin'er is very capable. After getting familiar with the business, she quickly got into the groove. And Zha Hongying has never left. Although Junken City is not big, it has a concentrated population. They are all large enterprises, and many insurances are purchased collectively by the units. This saves a lot of trouble.

In fact, other insurance types are implemented better, but this pension insurance has encountered some troubles. Because there are state-owned enterprises in Junken City, the enterprises are relatively concentrated.

Therefore, the social security payment is relatively timely. Many people think that since they have already paid it at the government social security unit, there is no need to buy another one.

Because in people's perception, the government is always more reliable than the so-called company, even if the company is the grandson of the old Ye family. However, some people still bought it because of their reputation.

In fact, Ye Feng's main focus was not on pension insurance. He was mainly impressed by the situation of Wulan and Yifei, and wanted to develop disease insurance, so as to avoid any accidents when the family was extremely poor and looked down upon. sick.

Nowadays, the country is still in the exploratory stage regarding medical insurance. Large cities are still conducting pilot projects, but remote cities like Junken City have not yet been able to popularize it. In addition to family members, the elderly and children, they cannot enjoy this even if they have medical insurance.

So Ye Feng's company focuses on this area. He doesn't seek to make money, he really just wants to do something for the people in his hometown. Therefore, the premiums are not high, but the compensation amount is very high.

However, this insurance unit will not buy it, and it is also a personal behavior. What the unit can afford is accident insurance.

Therefore, the current business seems to be very lively, but in fact it is just a small matter. Because no one is willing to spend a sum of money every month to protect their future.

Moreover, medical insurance is non-refundable and will become invalid upon expiration. It's like paying this money in vain.

Ye Feng is also helpless about this problem. You can't refund it to you if you haven't spent it at the expiration date, right? But unexpectedly, Ke Xin'er put forward a different opinion.

"Mr. Ye, perhaps the foreign insurance industry does not have this rule. However, China's national conditions are different. I think we should make corresponding changes and sell return-type insurance completely deliberately."

Ye Feng looked at her doubtfully, not knowing what he was doing.

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