Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1505 Variables

Hu Jian glanced at Little Apple. He had been in Hong Kong Island for so long, so he naturally knew Little Apple's strength. However, this kind of competition relies not on Little Apple, but on Yuanfang and the others.

However, in order to comfort Yuanfang, he still nodded: "You are actually great, don't give up until the last moment! Champions are always reserved for those who are prepared!"

When Yuanfang heard this, she immediately got a shot of blood and cheered up. It's like taking a shot of chicken blood. After all, he is still a child, and his emotions are easily controlled by others.

Little Apple said a few words of comfort and then left. It was commercial time now, and several judges had also left the studio and were taking a rest. The entire preliminaries are over, and only the competition for the top three is left.

Several judges were discussing. In fact, their opinions were not unanimous. Some liked A Mei and some liked Ye Peiwen. There was even a dispute.

At this time, Little Apple opened the door and walked in. Naturally, several people knew Little Apple, and they quickly said hello and chatted.

Artists in Hong Kong Island have to rely on big bosses, especially those with deep financial resources. Offending one could be the end of your career.

Although several judges are sitting on the stage showing off their power at the moment, they are just famous artists at best. Artists only have some reputation at best, but they are nothing in the face of real capital.

When the competition started again, Little Apple and several judges came out together, smiling brightly.

Because the preliminaries have just ended, there is only one round of today's finals, which is to determine the third place. And tomorrow is the competition for the championship and runner-up.

The reason why a whole night is set aside for the championship and runner-up battle is for them to give full play to their talents and gain enough attention in front of the audience. Paving the way for their future.

Because the champion and runner-up of every session, as long as nothing unexpected happens, will become celebrities in the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island.

In other words, this kind of competition is more about star-making than competition. And every company spends so much money to train new people just to cultivate a cash cow for itself. Otherwise, who would spend such money after their brains were kicked by a donkey?

Hu Jian was not doing well in Hong Kong Island, otherwise he would not be a mentor under an entertainment company.

He likes rock music and is a singer-songwriter, so he has a lot of deviant things. Rock music likes to be new and different. Otherwise, how could it be so easily liked by young people?

However, this kind of deviance is not promoted by the mainstream media, so he came to Hong Kong Island to develop. It's just that the entertainment industry in Hong Kong Island is relatively developed. How can it be so easy for him to work hard alone? That’s why I joined Emperor Entertainment.

To be honest, a place like the entertainment industry needs people to praise you. No matter how talented you are, if no one praises you, you will be nothing in the end.

The first one to take the stage was Amei, because after a series of games, her score was the highest. That's why he was the first to appear.

Her first song was "Can I Love You Baby?"

As the music sounded, the audience was stunned because the music was so soothing. You must know that Ami has given people the impression of a wild girl along the way. Exciting to the point of explosion, what the hell is this?

It's raining outside,

It's like my blood is dripping.

I've loved you for so long,

In fact, it is not easy to calculate.

We need to divide things.

Tomorrow no longer matters.

Clothes left at home,

Come back and take it back when you have time.

If you don’t think about love, it will bear fruit.

I can't bear to find excuses.

Don’t force you to do it for me again,

It hurts whether my heart is gone or not.

Can I hold you, love?

Let me cry on your shoulder.

If we were to separate today,

Made me cry out in pleasure.

Can I hold you, baby?

Allow me to call you this for the last time.

You have no choice but to

I will leave with a smile.

As the lyrics were sung, the audience's hearts were suddenly tightened. These lyrics were heart-wrenching!

In addition, Amei's unique hoarse voice was so sobbing that she sounded like a lovelorn daughter saying goodbye to her true love.

The audience was very quiet, everyone was immersed in the story, until Ami sang the last line, and many people burst into tears.

Ami's voice on the stage was also choked with sobs, but she still tried her best to finish singing.

"Great song!" A male judge took off his glasses and wiped them, tears blurring his vision. Several other judges were the first to applaud.

This applause finally woke up the audience who were still intoxicated, and they also applauded. While applauding, they also shouted Ami's name.

No one thought that Ami had such an affectionate and fragile side. This matched her small body, which made people feel distressed and pitiful.

The judge who was wiping his tears was the first to speak: "Ami, you moved me so much today. I give you 9.5 points."

The audience immediately applauded. This was a rare high score, but Ami’s song was worth it!

The following judges gave scores one after another, all of which were very high, and none fell below nine points, which put a lot of pressure on Ye Peiwen backstage.

The styles of the two are somewhat similar, but Ye Peiwen admitted that she does not have the explosive power of A Mei! But who knew that people could sing such delicate songs!

In the end, Ami's total score was 46 points, which was the highest score in the entire competition so far. The whole audience burst into fierce applause again, and it was well deserved!

Next up was naturally Ye Peiwen. Ye Peiwen was tall and prettier than A Mei. Now wearing a long skirt, she looks even more graceful.

Water drops, happiness should only pass through the Congo.

Flowers are irrigated along the road, and beauty is spreading.

The noise is full of flames in Pakistan.

Forget Christmas has poetry and every step has a blast.

Whose seed is this?

Who will broadcast it and what will be the result?

This is a Cantonese song, and Ye Peiwen sings it very heartily. Her voice is already clearer than Amei's, so she sang this song very sweetly. The key words are also very contemporary, which made the young people in the audience cheer up.

Don't be hungry, consider me lucky to have something.

What else do you want to care about, or happiness.

Already the first ten in the world,

The scavenging world owes me nothing.

The cake was also delicious...

The name of the song is Scavenger Cake, and Scavenger means picking things up. Cake refers to beautiful things, and scavenging cakes means cherishing beautiful things.

However, young people always like some magical things. This lyrics is actually a bit non-mainstream and subverts the logic of Chinese language.

At this time, the judges looked at each other a little bit. To be honest, the melody of this song and Ye Peiwen's singing are both very good, but what is this song about? Do they really not understand?

After the song ended, several judges were a little hesitant, wondering how to score this? They are generally older, and they really can't understand this kind of stream-of-consciousness lyrics. But I can’t say I don’t understand.

Li Bai and I are classmates

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