Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1393 Broad Mind

Lao San has been under a lot of pressure recently, mainly because although Junken City has hired some professionals, the real core technology and specific processes are still vague.

While the third child is learning techniques, he also has to collect some specific things to pass on to them. For this reason, he not only had to go to several factories on his own side, but also to Airbus.

Although there are currently domestic aircraft manufacturing plants, most of the parts are imported, so many core component production equipment are still not available.

Boeing's side can't plug in, and Russia's stuff is relatively lagging behind. Therefore, purchasing equipment is also something that Laosan needs to examine.

It's not just Ivan and the technical staff who are contacting him now. There is also Ma Rong, a person who represents the officialdom.

Of course, the third child was not sent by them, just to help. But where is Junken City? That's his home! And Ma Rong can be said to be his sister, how dare she not be dedicated?

They no longer plan to produce some of the more mature parts in China themselves. They can buy them. They just have to be stricter about the quality requirements when signing the contract.

But those important parts cannot be handed over to others. At any rate, the output of this thing will not be too high. It does not need to be produced like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of cars a month.

According to the design scale of Junken City, if it can produce 100 aircraft a year, it is already operating at full capacity, which is basically not reached.

However, this is not a profit-based product, so a dozen or so machines a year can prevent the factory from losing money. In fact, to put it bluntly, the symbolic meaning is greater than the product itself, and it is the kind of meaning that does not steam the steamed buns to compete for reputation.

Of course, if the quality of the aircraft is really up to standard, the huge domestic market will make the factory fatter.

Last night, the third child was busy until midnight again. He slept soundly in the morning. He felt his nose was itchy and couldn't help but sneeze and woke himself up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Helena teasing herself with her hair. To be honest, at the beginning, the third child was still a little uncomfortable living with her.

Men actually have a desire to conquer, and most of them like smaller women. That way, at least visually, you will appear powerful.

But every time he looked at Helena, he had to raise his head and couldn't even reach her with his toes. This made the third child very frustrated.

After a few days of trying to get along, he found that Helena had a very delicate personality, more like a woman than Luna, and she took good care of him every day, so he got used to it. Isn't it just bigger? It's wider that way. Don’t they all say a mind as broad as the sea?

The third child kissed Helena and got up. Breakfast was already ready. The third child finished washing and started eating.

Breakfast for foreigners is simple, just heat the bread, spread it with butter, add ham and cheese, and make a lettuce salad. Drink milk cold or hot unless it is coffee.

Lao San's Chinese stomach has not been able to change after so many years in the United States. That is, there must be hot soup or drinks with meals. Helena always remembers this.

"Where are you going today?" Helena asked when she saw the third child standing up.

"I want to go to Airbus's assembly shop. But they won't let me in." The third child was a little frustrated. He could go to any of his factories.

But Airbus has restrictions, even if he is from an accessories manufacturer. There are some confidentiality agreements involved.

"My dear, what do you want to do? Tell me, maybe I can help." Helena couldn't help but ask.

"I want to understand the entire process of aircraft manufacturing. You know that I study engines. Only by knowing the aircraft structure well can I adjust the engine performance in a more targeted manner."

Helena looked at him with an expression of disbelief, because she also studied mechanics and she knew something about these things.

Seeing her like this, Ye Yuze couldn't help but explain: "You know Warrior Cars, right? Their first-generation turbocharged engine was developed by me and sold to them."

"Oh, buy it." Helena covered her mouth in surprise. How could she not know about the Warrior Car? The boss is a German son-in-law, and he defeated the Thai boxing champion in the United States a while ago.

And Lighter supermarket is a brand that Germans are proud of, and Martha is like a princess in the hearts of German women.

"Then do you know Ye Yuze? And Martha?" Helena looked at the third child with wide eyes and full of hope.

The third child nodded: "We are very familiar. We meet often in the United States."

"Then can you introduce me to him?" Helena said, and also showed a Bajiquan starting hand, and then added: "Ye Yuze is so handsome, the Thai boxing champion he beat has no way to fight back."

The third child looked at Helena in confusion. How could this girl with such a feminine personality also like violence?

"Then do you know Chinese Kung Fu? Can you teach it to me?" Helena didn't know which muscle was wrong and wanted to learn Kung Fu again.

The third child nodded: "Okay, I will teach you when I come back in the evening. There are many kinds of Chinese Kung Fu. I know a little bit about Ye Yuze's sect."

Helena kissed him happily: "Come on, dear, I will take you to the assembly plant."

As expected, Helena did not lie to the third child. The two of them went in easily without the doorman even asking. The third child always wondered if the guard was blind?

Entering the workshop, Helena seemed to be very familiar with the place. Greeting people from time to time and introducing every process to the third child in detail. Ye Yuze always thought that this factory belonged to their family.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back anymore, and the third child finally asked: "Why do you know everything?"

Helena couldn't help laughing: "I have been interning here for several years in college? I come here often."

The third child didn't understand the teaching methods in German universities, but he was relieved when he heard that the teaching methods were mainly based on practice, and classes were often held in factories.

For a whole day, the third child eagerly checked every process and recorded some data in detail, which made Helena frown:

"My dear, there is information on these. Don't remember them. I will give you the information later."

The third child was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he was still a treasure girl and could do anything. This was a nonsense. Mainly because he didn't dare to ask too detailed questions and could only get a rough understanding. Even if I remember it for a long time, I still have only a half-knowledge.

The two of them went to Chinese fast food in the evening, and Helena also liked the food here. I was just a little confused when I saw the third child not paying the bill.

The third child had no choice but to explain to her that the boss was also an acquaintance, and his soldiers in Europe and the United States did not have to pay for fast food.

But this is a bit big, because if he doesn't give money elsewhere, he needs to call the fourth child. Otherwise, if he doesn't give money, his legs will be discounted, right?

The key is not only that he didn't give me any money, but he also gave me a pot of milk tea to take home. He really likes drinking this stuff, it's more refreshing than coffee.

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