Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1375 The feelings of the children of the Corps

In the past, the power of Stirling engines was relatively small. The power of dedicated Stirling engines on AIP submarines was usually only 50 to 75 kilowatts, and the largest was only 125 kilowatts.

But this time, Laosan and the others have successfully developed a high-power Stirling engine. The power of the prototype can reach 280 kilowatts, and it is expected that the power will be increased to the megawatt level in the future.

One megawatt is 1,000 kilowatts. If there is a Stirling engine of this level, only 2 to 3 units need to be connected in parallel to provide thousands of kilowatts of power. Then the submarine can completely abandon the diesel engine and directly use the Stirling engine. +battery combination.

This means that the submarine can save hundreds of tons of weight and free up a dozen-meter-long cabin to install larger liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks.

In this way, even if a Stirling engine is used, a conventional submarine can achieve a maximum underwater speed of 15 to 20 knots. When sailing in a snorkel, the Stirling engine can directly absorb oxygen from the air and can also provide The battery is charged for greater underwater endurance.

It is also worth noting that the Stirling engine is an external combustion engine, so it only needs to heat one end of the cylinder, but the heating method does not necessarily have to be achieved by burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

This provides more options for Stirling engines. For example, a small nuclear reactor is installed on a submarine, and the heat released by the small nuclear reactor is used to drive the Stirling engine. Compared with the traditional nuclear reactor + steam turbine system, the combination of nuclear reactor + Stirling engine has the advantages of fast startup, high thermal efficiency, and low noise. It has the advantages of being small and free from corrosion, water leakage and other faults, and the whole system is simple and reliable.

Moreover, this kind of submarine only requires a small nuclear reactor with very low power to continue operating, and its tactical performance is higher than that of ordinary AIP submarines. It is a promising development direction in the future.

In fact, in addition to submarines, Stirling engines also have an important use - space exploration.

Because space is close to a vacuum, all kinds of fuel and oxygen-powered machinery on earth could not be used normally in the past. Modern nuclear power devices also need to use steam turbines to transfer energy, that is, "nuclear energy → steam → steam turbine → power generation Machine → Electric Energy”.

In the process, it has experienced three conversions: steam thermal energy, mechanical kinetic energy and electrical energy, so the efficiency is relatively low.

Moreover, if a nuclear reactor is connected to a steam turbine, it will not only be inefficient, but also require a large amount of water - because the nuclear reactor has two circuits, the first circuit requires heavy water, and the second circuit uses ordinary distilled water, so it is large in size and weight, and Not very reliable.

If a Stirling engine is used, the nuclear reactor can be used to directly heat the Stirling engine and then provide kinetic energy. Therefore, it is more efficient and smaller, making it very suitable for the energy system of future space stations.

Of course, all the latter are still assumptions and possibilities. To actually realize it, I don’t know how many setbacks I have to go through.

But I have to admit that Laosan and his team's breakthrough in Stirling engine power this time has a cross-epochal significance.

But the third child will undoubtedly have to be an unsung hero this time, because Ye Yuze is destined not to give such skills to others.

At any rate, Laosan had already taken confidentiality measures before the research and development, and hired different personnel at each stage. When it came time to finally assemble the prototype, he was the only one left.

Ye Yuze called Lao Liu and briefly explained the situation. His words were so cryptic that others would not understand him even if they heard him.

Lao Liu naturally understood and was very excited. He asked Ye Yuze to wait for a while, he needed to report to his superiors.

An hour later, Lao Liu called and told him to fly directly to Dalian, where someone would be waiting for him.

Ye Yuze didn't hesitate and took off with his third son and the prototype. Upon arriving at the airport, three military jeeps were already waiting there. The two of them were picked up together with the same plane.

Three days later, Lao Sanfa's account had an extra ten billion U.S. dollars, but the patent had nothing to do with him.

When Lao Liu sent him to the plane, he held his hand very hard: "Ye Yuze, thank you for everything you have done. I am also sorry about your father. It was out of their consideration and at the same time to protect you."

Ye Yuze smiled: "There is no need to explain this. I am a second-generation person who can do this. How can their generation care about their own honor and disgrace? As long as our country becomes more and more prosperous and powerful!"

Lao Liu held Lao San's hand again: "What a good young man, this time I was almost detained by them and refused to let you go. Talents like you are so rare. But considering many factors, maybe you will be better there. If you can play to your strengths, that’s all.”

The third child also smiled and didn't say much. Then several people said goodbye. How can it be possible to sell such technology to other companies for just this amount of money? But as a descendant of military reclamation, I have to do something for the country.

On the plane, Ye Yuze asked Lao San what he was going to do next.

The third child pondered for a while, and then said decisively: "Aircraft engine. Ivan has many ideas, and after this research, I also gained some insights, and I am going to develop a different aircraft engine."

Ye Yuze thought for a while: "Go to Germany. I have a factory that is producing turbines and engine parts for Airbus. It may be of some help to you."

The third child nodded and agreed. He has already graduated from graduate school this year, so there is no need to waste time studying for a degree. It is better to put all your energy into your career.

Airbus is currently the only company in the world that can compete with Boeing. Working in such a factory for a period of time will be of great benefit to his own research.

After talking to Old William and Luke on the phone, Ye Yuze did not explain the identity of the third child. The main reason is that after years of development, the current factories in Germany are no longer the same as before.

It has become a very famous manufacturing company in Germany and even Europe. However, the more such a company is, the higher the government's attention will be, so Ye Yuze basically doesn't go there.

After all, the company registered by Ye Yuze is in the British Islands, and his name is British. It is almost impossible for anyone to find out that he is Chinese.

Ye Yuze is currently considering whether he should obtain American citizenship? After all, it would be much more convenient to do things that way.

After thinking again and again, Ye Yuze decided to wait. Although naturalization is very simple for him, the hurdle in his heart is still difficult to overcome.

Once your nationality is changed, it proves that you are no longer Chinese, no matter what skin color you have or what kind of blood you bleed.

Ye Yuze didn't go to see off his third child anymore. He took a plane to Hamburg by himself. Luke picked him up at the airport. Now Luke is also married and has found a Hamburg girl.

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