Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1371 Fundraising in danger

Yes, according to Charlie's personality, these two girls are destined to be his, and he will never allow others to get involved.

However, the indifference and disdain of these two girls towards him also gave him a headache. It seemed that he had to create an opportunity, an opportunity that could actively let them throw themselves into their arms.

At this time, Montana Porridge was suddenly hit by hail. Every time something like this happens, students are the most active group in raising funds. Perhaps their power is limited, but their large numbers, coupled with their ability to cohere and organize group actions, have always been one of the main forces behind every charity action.

Charlie has been imitating the fourth child unknowingly, but although his family is rich, he does not have the influence of the fourth child in the family.

The main reason is that the family is too big and there are many outstanding young people. In the eyes of his elders, he is just a show-off, because apart from entering Harvard, he has never made any amazing achievements.

Therefore, in such activities, Charlie does not receive as much support from his family as some middle-class children. This was also something that made him very helpless.

Therefore, the fund-raising organized by the Ministry of Finance this time can only be the same as the old routine, street fundraising, impromptu performances, and auctioning some old things.

Ye Yuji was assigned to a relatively chaotic neighborhood to collect donations. There are eight girls in total. They were all performing on the streets wearing somewhat revealing clothes, and Ayi Jiang was the one guarding the donation box.

Because there are classes during the day, activities can only be held in the evening. The ministry had different opinions on a group of girls being sent to this neighborhood to raise donations, but Charlie rejected them because he was the minister.

It has to be said that Harvard is a golden sign. When they put their donation boxes there, they attracted a lot of people to watch. Harvard students raise funds for disaster areas. This is a hot spot in itself.

Seeing that there were many people, Ye Yuji gave a speech. Even though she usually doesn't like to talk, she was sincere and powerful at critical moments, and her speeches were truly emotional and moved many people.

However, this neighborhood is actually a poor area of ​​Boston, and most of the residents are black people. Not only are the streets dirty and messy, thieves and drug addicts abound.

Therefore, although Ye Yuji's speech was very successful, the amount of donations raised was limited. Because it takes time to collect an amount like a few cents or a few dollars to get to a hundred, and in other neighborhoods, hundred-dollar bills are very common in donation boxes.

Ye Yuji and the girls didn't pay attention. They could see the sacred expressions on the faces of the old people and children when they took the money and stuffed it into the donation box.

Although they are poor, they have tried their best to help those who are not as good as them. Even after donating this small amount of money, they may go hungry for this meal or this day.

There are some things that you can't understand the piety and kindness in the hearts of these people unless you are immersed in it. Compared with those rich people who spend a lot of money, this group is truly good people.

Ye Yuji and the girls were moved to tears. Sometimes they forgot what they were doing? They even can't help but advise them to take their money back and not starve themselves.

They saw a homeless man who lived on a street bench and a blanket. But he did have a violin.

When someone throws money to him, he will politely ask them to take it back and instead pick up the piano and play a piece of music. Only then will he accept the money.

He said he was making money, not begging. Making money and begging are two different concepts.

There weren't many people on the street who could hear him finish the tune, so he got very little money. But he'll put every penny he gets into Ye Yuji's donation box, saying fellow Montanans need the money more than he does right now.

Ye Yuji gave him her dinner and told him that she had heard the sound of his piano. This was the reward. Because she was also poor, she could only give this.

The tramp happily accepted it and took a big bite of the burger he got in front of her to express his gratitude.

Ayi Jiang gave half of his dinner to Ye Yuji, and they continued to raise donations.

It was getting late and the street lights were very dim and missing a lot. The girls packed up their things and started walking back. When we reached the innermost corner of the street, we suddenly heard the roar of a motorcycle. Then their eyes can see nothing.

It turned out that seven or eight motorcycles rushed over and surrounded them. Each motorcycle turned on its headlights and shined directly at them, making them unable to open their eyes.

"What are you going to do? Get away!" As the leader of this group of girls, Ye Yuji naturally walked to the front and glared at the group of people.

The leading guy whistled, got off the car and walked up to Ye Yuji. He stretched out his hand to touch Ye Yuji's chin, but Ye Yuji flew up and kicked him.

"Fuck, you're looking for death. Come on, it's her turn." A group of speedsters got out of the car and surrounded Ye Yuji. There were more than a dozen people, all strong young men. The girls were so frightened that they huddled together and did not dare to raise their heads.

Ayi Jiang stood with Ye Yuji holding the donation box. A guy saw the box and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, grab the box first, it's full of money!"

The guys immediately rushed toward Ayi Jiang like wolves. Ayijiang didn't even put down the box. Just like Ye Yuji, he kicked the two people in front of him one at a time.

The girls looked at the two Chinese girls in front of them in surprise. They began to calm down and took out their mobile phones to call the police.

The speedsters had also begun to speed up at this time, because there were often patrol cars here, and if they encountered one, they would have to go in and stay for a few days. The two sides were fighting together.

Although Ye Yuji and Ayijiang are good at kung fu, they are girls after all and have not experienced actual combat, so they cannot compare with Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. After knocking down some people, their physical strength was a little weak. Ye Yuji was protecting Ayijiang. Jiang, after being hit several times, his left eye was already blue.

When Ayi Jiang saw Ye Yuji being beaten, he put the box on the ground, then jumped up and kicked several guys in the head.

In fact, Ayijiang's system is much better than that of Ye Yuji. It has Kazakh genes and its diet is also biased toward high-calorie foods. Such people have better physical strength.

It's just that this girl is reserved and doesn't like to show off, and likes to be Ye Yuji's little follower. But Ye Yuji was injured at this moment, and she suddenly went crazy. Like an angry leopard, she opened her fangs and claws.

After all, she is also Yang Geyong's daughter. She still has some violent genes in her bones, but she doesn't like to be competitive because of her personality.

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