Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1367 Marriage on the fingertips

Looking at this little man quietly, he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The reason was like this. It was obviously a trivial matter that could move her, but it made her filled with righteous indignation for a year.

"Is he stupid? He is not stupid at all. It can only be said that it is caused by cultural differences and different ways of thinking." Jingjing held the fourth man's head in her arms and held it tenderly for a long time.

It was already late at night, and I quietly urged the fourth child to go back to sleep. The fourth child refused to leave, saying that his mother would not let him go back.

Helplessly, Jingjing had no choice but to lead him to the office. You can't let him stay by the river overnight, right? Strangely cold.

Entering the office, where can two people sleep? Quietly just turn on the computer. When she connected to QQ, she asked how the fourth child knew her QQ number.

The fourth child told the truth, he really didn’t know, he just applied for a number to find someone to chat with. As a result, she was added by accident.

The fourth child told Jingjing his password. When the penguin who logged in to the fourth child quietly saw it, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

This guy actually only has one good friend: himself. After all, I still have a group of classmates. Although I don't talk to them very much, the number of friends is there, dozens of them.

Jingjing really doesn’t know what to say to this man? He simply said nothing, almost losing himself.

After the two were intimate for a while, Jingjing suddenly remembered the American girl named Jenny again and began to interrogate the fourth child.

Regarding this matter, the fourth child would not say anything even to death. A man must know how to use discretion, he can say what he should say, and he should not say anything he shouldn't. Don't believe a woman's promise that she doesn't care. If she wakes up at night to go to the bathroom, she could pinch you just thinking about it.

The great joy after great tragedy is the most exciting. The two hugged and talked all night long. It was not until dawn that the two young people cuddled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Wan Laiji came earlier the next day, and there was something he needed to deal with. When I walked to Jingjing's door, I found that the door was ajar. I pushed it open and saw two little guys sleeping on the sofa. The hug was so tight.

Wan Laiji looked at them for a while, couldn't help laughing, found the key and locked the door, not wanting them to be disturbed.

It was already noon when the two of them woke up. They looked at their watches quietly and jumped up with a "Oh my God" sound. He quickly reminded the fourth child who was still sleeping, and the two of them packed up their clothes and went out.

But just in time, Wan Laiji opened the door and walked in with two lunch boxes. He greeted with a smile: "Come, two sleepless warriors are eating!"

Jingjing's face was flushed, she stamped her feet but didn't know what to say. She turned to the fourth child and complained: "It's all your fault!"

The fourth child didn't take it seriously and thanked Wan Laiji: "Thank you, Brother Wan. Thank you for your hard work. Let's continue tomorrow."

Wan Laiji laughed "haha" and pointed at the fourth child, speechless. Jingjing cursed "Shameless!" and ran away without a trace.

"She's a good girl, treat her well," Wan Laiji said looking at Jingjing's back.

The fourth child nodded: "Don't worry, Brother Wan, why are you messing around if you can't take care of your own woman? My eldest brother has made so many arrangements clearly, how can I still be the one to lose to her?"

Wan Laiji cursed the little bastard and left. When Jingjing came back, she brought a wet towel and scolded the fourth child who was about to eat: "Wipe your hands before eating. You don't care about hygiene at all!"

Lao Wan brought four steamed buns, a box of beef stew with potatoes, and a box of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The steamed buns from the Bingtuan people are really good. Each one weighs 200 grams, which is equivalent to four taels. Ye Yuze could eat two of these buns when he was in elementary school. Even if you have a small appetite, you can eat one and a half quietly.

The big pot dishes can't be said to be delicious or unpalatable, they can only be said to be edible, but the big pot steamed buns are really delicious. In later generations, the family size will become smaller and smaller, and they will never be able to eat the sweetness of that big pot of steamed buns.

The two of them were eating enthusiastically when there was a knock on the door outside. He said "Come in." It turned out that Ke Xin'er came in with this lunch box, and her eyes lit up when she saw the fourth child.

"Fourth brother, are you here? I was just trying to find Sister Jingjing to ask for your phone number. Hehe, that's great. Tell me your phone number and I'll save it."

The fourth child took out his mobile phone and handed it over: "You can type it yourself, I can't remember it."

But Xin'er understands this. When you come back from abroad, you have to change your card or mobile phone, which is not universal. I've only been back for two days, so it's normal to not remember the number.

He took Lao Si's cell phone and called himself. He first saved Lao Si's number and then his own number in Lao Si's cell phone. Then he took a look at the dishes for the two of them and opened his own lunch box.

"Fourth brother, please try this. It was delivered to me just now."

When Lao Si saw that her lunch box contained spicy chicken nuggets, it was like looking for chicken among the pile of chili peppers. I guess Sichuan girls are not used to steamed buns, which are half a box of rice.

"Brother Fourth, please eat this. I like steamed buns." The little girl saw the fourth boy staring at her lunch box, snatched the steamed buns from his hand and gave him the lunch box.

Last night's meal, the Sichuan food really made the fourth child hungry. So he was not polite, took chopsticks and started eating. It's so spicy. I can't help it. It's so spicy. The key is that if you don’t eat chili, the chicken will be really not enough, too little.

Ke Xin'er, on the other hand, looked at the fourth child eating sweetly with a happy face, while she took a big bite of the big steamed bun and even forgot to eat the food.

The interaction between the two people had already made Jingjing jealous. But I was too embarrassed to fall out with this innocent little girl. He had no choice but to step hard on Laosi's feet with his foot.

The fourth child screamed and was about to ask her why she stepped on him? But looking at her eyes, I realized that the kimchi jar had been overturned.

He quickly shouted: "Honey, go get me a glass of water!"

Jingjing was on the verge of an explosion, and the word "wife" from the fourth child was like a can of dry powder fire extinguisher, completely extinguishing the fire in her heart.

At this point, Ke Xin'er opened her eyes wide and looked at the two people in disbelief, saying nothing for a long time.

In fact, Jingjing has always liked this little girl. If it were anything else, she would definitely let her go. But a boyfriend is really not suitable for transfer, so I can only wake her up early.

"When did you get married? Why didn't I know at all?" After being stunned for a while, Xin'er finally asked.

"We are babies, and our mothers got married at the fingertips when they were pregnant." The fourth child said nonsense there in a serious manner.

This time it was Jingjing's turn to open her eyes wide. She didn't believe that these words were said by this fourth child who always looked a little dull. How did this lie slip so easily?

But Xin'er blinked her eyes and said suspiciously: "No, Sister Jingjing is two years older than you. You were born two years later. How can you marry her on the fingertips?"

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